Mitigating Further Damage After a Hurricane

The destruction after a hurricane can be immense and overwhelming. And despite the aftermath of a hurricane, the last thing you want is for your property to suffer more damage. Your insurance policy will also mandate for you to mitigate further damages. We’ll discuss your duty as a policyholder to mitigate further damages, options for mitigation, and how mitigation factors into your insurance claim. 

Policyholder Responsibilities to Mitigate Further Damages

Your insurance policy mandates that you take reasonable steps to protect your property from additional damage post-hurricane. The language will vary in each policy, but the overall objective is the same— protect your property from further damage.

Duties After Loss or Damage

Check your insurance policy for detailed guidelines on what actions you should take after your property suffers hurricane damage. Complying with your policy terms will be crucial in your claims process.

Documenting All Expenses Incurred During Mitigation

Keep records of all costs you incur while taking steps to prevent further damage to your property. These records serve as proof of expenses when you file your insurance claim.

Hurricane Ian Damage

Options for Mitigating Against Further Damage

We recommend seeking the advice and assistance of a professional after a hurricane, as the damages can be quite extensive and overwhelming. A professional will inspect your damages, provide an estimate, and perform the mitigation for you. In severe damage cases, a specialty mitigation company may be required to tend to more complex mitigation requirements.

Common Mitigation Applications Often Include

      • Tarping roofs to avoid leaks or intrusion of other debris
      • Securing damaged areas where leaks could occur
      • Covering broken windows or compromised opening
      • Removing surrounding debris.

Mitigation costs can be a burden under your insurance policy. It’s crucial not to compromise on mitigation efforts because inadequate protection could result in mold, mildew, and additional structural damage that may not be covered by your insurance. We recommend reviewing your policy ahead of time to understand the required level of mitigation and ensure you’re prepared before a hurricane occurs. You can have a complimentary policy review by our legal team here!


How Mitigation Factors into Your Insurance Claim

According to your insurance policy, your insurance carrier expects you to take reasonable steps to protect your damaged property from further harm. In most cases, the costs of these actions can be reimbursed under your policy.

However, costly methods like shrink wrapping, which temporarily secures a tarp on your roof, may complicate cost recovery. During a hurricane, appropriate alternatives, supplies, and mitigation services could be scarce for a prolonged period. It’s crucial to communicate with your insurance carrier to avoid paying out of pocket for mitigation. During your preparation for the hurricane, we recommend having a list of mitigation companies that you can quickly deploy to your property to inspect following the storm

Failing to mitigate could reduce your final settlement or lead to a claim denial. Just as it’s essential to document your property before and immediately after a storm, documenting the mitigation process is equally vital.

Documentation Recommendations

      • Taking photos from different angles of each mitigation step
      • Using videos as needed
      • Keeping records of communications with vendors, receipts, and materials

Promptly mitigating further damages after a hurricane protects your property and can strengthen your insurance claim. Premier Claims is dedicated to guiding policyholders through every step of the recovery process.

Hurricane Insurance Coverage for Policyholders

Hurricanes pose significant risks to property owners in vulnerable areas. Proper insurance coverage is essential to protect your investment and ensure a smooth recovery process. Here’s what you need to know to secure the right hurricane insurance coverage:

Why Adequate Hurricane Coverage Is Important

Hurricane coverage encompasses various protections against windstorm damage, flood damage, and additional living expenses (ALE) during recovery. This insurance is crucial for safeguarding both your property and financial stability.

Key Elements of Comprehensive Hurricane Coverage

Windstorm and Hurricane Coverage

When considering your insurance policy, start with windstorm and hurricane Coverage. This coverage is your essential defense against the destructive impacts of hurricanes. Make sure your policy includes protection against wind-related damage, such as roof damage and shattered windows. This coverage not only shields your property but also provides you with peace of mind. 

Flood Insurance

In hurricane-prone zones, flooding is a major concern. While Windstorm and Hurricane Coverage are crucial, they may not cover flooding resulting from storm surges or heavy rainfall. To address this gap, think about adding a separate Flood Insurance Policy. This comprehensive coverage takes care of both structural damage and your belongings in the event of flooding.

Additional Living Expenses (ALE) Coverage

After a hurricane, your home might be uninhabitable due to extensive damage. This is where Additional Living Expenses (ALE) Coverage comes into play. ALE ensures you have support for temporary housing, meals, and other necessities while your property is being restored. This provision in your policy can greatly ease the challenge you face during the post-hurricane period. 

Named Storm Deductibles

Understanding your policy’s deductibles, including Named Storm Deductibles, is crucial. These deductibles apply specifically to damage caused by named hurricanes or tropical storms. Keep in mind that these deductibles are often higher than your standard deductible. Knowing these details can help you avoid unexpected financial setbacks.

Timing is Key: Act Before the Storm

Keep in mind— once a hurricane is named, you cannot modify your insurance policy. Taking a proactive approach and reviewing/ updating your coverage before a hurricane approaches is in your best interest.

We have partnered with the Merlin Law Group to provide extra insight into the importance of hurricane coverage. Merlin Law Group has created guides specifically to assist policyholders in preparing for hurricane season. For residential policyholders, they have a Hurricane Checklist with tips on how to protect their property. As well as a Condominium Hurricane Preparedness Guide for multi-family properties.

As industry leaders, we’re committed to supporting you not just as policyholders but as individuals seeking security and recovery after a devastating loss like a hurricane. Premier Claims is here to guide you every step of the way. For a complimentary policy review, fill out our policy review form:

When Should I Hire a Public Adjuster?

Understanding when to hire a public adjuster is the first strategic move in your claim process. Every decision plays a role in the pursuit of fair compensation for your property damage. We unravel the layers of timing – from the initial moments of property damage to the complexities of denied claims. 

Timely Claims Assistance

Understanding the Role of a Public Adjuster

Before going into the timing aspects, it’s crucial to comprehend the role of a public adjuster. These professionals act on behalf of policyholders, assessing and negotiating insurance claims aiming to earn a fair compensation for property damage. Their experience in the claims process can make a significant difference in the outcome. 

Immediate Action after Damage Occurs

Swift action is vital when property damage occurs. While policyholders might be tempted to start the claims process independently, involving a public adjuster from the start can streamline the process. A public adjuster’s early involvement aims to make a thorough assessment of the damage, setting the stage for a comprehensive and well-documented claim.

Before Filing a Claim

Policyholders often question when is the right time to bring in a public adjuster. Ideally, it’s before filing a claim. By consulting with a public adjuster beforehand, you benefit from their expertise in evaluating policy coverage, estimating potential damages, and strategizing the most effective approach. This proactive step can significantly impact the outcome of your claim. 

Denied or Underpaid Claims

If your insurance claim has been denied or you feel the compensation offered is inadequate, it’s not too late to hire a public adjuster. These professionals excel in reevaluating claims, identifying discrepancies, and negotiating on behalf of policyholders. Their involvement can lead to a fair resolution and the compensation you rightfully deserve. 

Complex Claims and Policy Understanding

Insurance policies can be intricate, and navigating complex claims requires a deep understanding of the language and nuances within. Hiring a public adjuster becomes crucial when faced with intricate claims, aiming for every detail is thoroughly examined, and your interests are protected. 

Premier Claims encourages policyholders to consider engaging a public adjuster early in the process or, if needed, at any point when challenges arise. Our team stands ready to provide the expertise and guidance necessary for the intricacies of the claims journey. Don’t wait; connect with Premier Claims today for a smoother, more informed claims experience.

Additional Living Expenses for Commercial Properties

Owning commercial property comes with its own set of challenges, especially when unforeseen events disrupt business operations. Additional Living Expenses (ALE) coverage, often overlooked by commercial property owners, can be a crucial aspect of recovery. Premier Claims is here to shed light on ALE coverage for commercial properties.

Understanding Additional Living Expenses (ALE) for Commercial Properties

Navigating Commercial ALE

Additional Living Expenses (ALE) for commercial properties serve a purpose similar to its residential counterpart. In the event of covered perils, such as fire, flood, or other disasters, ALE can provide financial support for temporary relocation and ongoing business operations.

Business Interruption and ALE

What your insurance carrier may not explicitly outline is the interplay between Business Interruption (BI) coverage and ALE. While ALE is designed for the physical relocation of the business, BI coverage addresses financial losses resulting from the interruption. It’s crucial to understand how these two components work together as they aim to provide comprehensive coverage for your commercial property.

Coverage Limitations

Commercial property insurance policies may not thoroughly detail the limitations of Additional Living Expenses coverage. Your insurance carrier may not expressly communicate what expenses are covered and the extent of reimbursement. It’s imperative to review your policy with a keen eye for those details or seek professional guidance to avoid potential gaps in coverage.

The Importance of Detailed Documentation

Temporary Relocation Costs

Your insurance may not stress enough the importance of documenting not only the costs associated with temporary relocation but also the impact on business operations. Detailed records of expenses such as equipment rentals, storage, and the logistical aspects of maintaining or relocating operations are crucial for a smooth claims process & recovery.

Communication Protocols

Keep your insurance carrier informed about any changes in your business’s status or unexpected expenses. Open and transparent communication can expedite the claims process and prevent potential disputes.

Seeking Professional Guidance

At Premier Claims, we understand the intricate needs of commercial property owners. Our specialized expertise goes beyond conventional insurance knowledge to address the unique challenges faced by businesses during property damage incidents. We commit to standing by your side, providing comprehensive guidance tailored to your properties and business needs, aiming to thoroughly assess and document every aspect of your commercial ALE claim. Our goal is not only to secure the coverage you deserve but to make the claims process as seamless as possible.

For commercial property owners, Additional Living Expenses (ALE) coverage is an often overlooked but critical component of insurance. Understanding the intricacies of ALE for commercial properties empowers you to safeguard your business during challenging times. Premier Claims is your dedicated partner, offering not only guidance but also  proactive advocacy to navigate the complexities of commercial ALE claims.

Untold Advantages of a Damage-Free Inspection

Property inspections are a crucial part of the insurance claims process, providing an accurate assessment of a property’s condition. For property owners, the fear of discovering damage can be daunting. Inspections that lead to no damage can leave a property owner relieved, yet frustrated by the time spent in getting the inspection done. However, receiving a damage-free inspection report is valuable and can lead to more benefits for the policyholder.

Understanding the Inspection Process

Property inspections serve to assess the condition of a property and complete documentation. When conducted by experienced professionals, these inspections help in identifying potential issues that might not be visible to the untrained eye. Insurance companies use these findings to determine coverage and policyholder benefits.

No Damage, No Worries

Discovering no damage during an inspection can provide policyholders with peace of mind. It means that their property is in good condition and doesn’t require immediate repairs. This situation also prevents the hassle of filing claims, which can be time-consuming and emotionally draining.

Proactive Maintenance and Preventing Future Issues

A damage-free inspection is an opportunity to continue proactive maintenance. Policyholders can use this information to reinforce their property’s resilience against future risks. Regular maintenance and addressing minor concerns, guided by the inspection results, becomes a strategic investment in potentially minimizing the likelihood of extensive damages.

Creating Baseline Evidence

A damage-free inspection provides baseline documented evidence of the state of the property. Should the property experience future damage, the prior damage free findings serve as evidence to support future insurance claims filed on the property. Brent Roberts, Inspections Manager at Premier Claims, recommends, “In the event of future damage to a property, it’s ideal to have a prior thorough inspection that resulted in no- or minimal damage to the property. This provides a good baseline of documentation, and photo evidence, can be compared with new evidence to identify all damage.”

Lower Insurance Premiums

Regular inspections with no reported damage can reflect positively on a policyholder’s insurance profile. Proactive property maintenance could lead you to lower premium options. By demonstrating the property’s well kept condition over time, policyholders can potentially secure more affordable insurance rates. In addition, a history of minimal claims reflects responsible property ownership, potentially enhancing the policyholders standing with the insurance company.

Empowerment through Knowledge

Being informed about the property’s condition empowers policyholders to make strategic decisions. Armed with this knowledge, they can better understand their property’s vulnerabilities, improve its resilience, and make informed choices regarding insurance coverage and risk management. Policyholders should view inspections as an opportunity to understand the true condition of their properties.

While discovering damage can be concerning, a damage-free inspection can be equally as valuable. It signifies a well-maintained property, potential cost savings on insurance premiums, and a positive impact on the policyholder’s overall insurance history. If you have any questions or concerns regarding property inspections, claims management, or insurance policies, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We are here to educate, guide, and provide peace of mind to policyholders across the nation.

Unlock Savings: Property Owners Reduce BIG Premiums

In the complex landscape of insurance, property owners are discovering a powerful way to reduce premiums without sacrificing coverage: by reviewing their insurance policies. Discover the essential strategies empowering property owners to understand their policy coverage as we explore the intricacies of insurance policies.

Understanding Your Policy

Insurance policies consist of various components, including deductibles, coverage limits, and endorsements. Understanding these elements allows property owners to assess their policies effectively.


High deductibles often result in lower premiums. However, property owners should evaluate their financial capacity to cover the deductible in the event of a claim.

Coverage Limits

Reviewing coverage limits ensures adequate protection without overpaying for excessive coverage. Assess the property’s value and adjust coverage limits accordingly.


Additional coverages can be added through endorsements. Evaluate the necessity of endorsements based on the property’s specific needs to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Regular Policy Reviews

Insurance needs can evolve over time due to changes in property value, renovations, or lifestyle. Regular policy reviews, ideally conducted annually, allow property owners to align their coverage with their current requirements. By staying proactive, policyholders can identify potential areas for savings to reduce premiums and optimize their coverage.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Implementing risk mitigation measures can lead to lower premiums. Property owners can consider:

Security Systems

Installing security systems, such as alarms and surveillance cameras, can reduce the property’s risk, leading to potential premium discounts.


Proper maintenance, including roof repairs, electrical updates, and plumbing improvements, demonstrates responsible property ownership and can result in reduced premiums.

Bundling Policies

Combining multiple insurance policies (e.g., property and auto) with the same insurer often results in substantial discounts, making it a cost-effective choice for property owners.

Policy Shopping and Comparison

Periodically shopping for insurance quotes and comparing policies from different providers is a proactive approach to securing competitive premiums. Additionally, it’s essential to obtain quotes from reputable insurers, ensuring a balance between cost and coverage quality.

Consulting with a Public Adjuster

Engaging a public adjuster, like those at Premier Claims, can significantly impact premium savings. Public adjusters have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and can guide the policyholder on to best protect themselves and their property. Their expertise aids policyholders attempting to receive fair treatment and optimal coverage for their premiums.

Property owners who invest time in understanding their policies, conducting regular reviews, implementing risk mitigation strategies, and exploring their options can achieve significant savings on premiums. By staying informed and proactive, property owners can make educated decisions that lead to substantial financial benefits.

Our team of seasoned public adjusters are on standby to assist you through the complexities of insurance coverage. To provide you with a comprehensive and accurate review of your policy, we invite you to complete our policy review. Subsequently, our team members will review your policy in-depth and reach back out to go over their findings at your convenience, allowing you to get the help you deserve!



Involving Legal Professionals in Your Claim

Is Involving Legal Professionals Necessary for Your Insurance Claim?

While the optimism of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses may suggest otherwise, the complexities of insurance claims can make legal assistance invaluable. Discover why having someone advocate for your best interests is crucial in the modern insurance landscape, where carriers aim to protect every cent.

Public adjusters typically handle claim advocacy effectively, rendering attorney involvement unnecessary. However, there are scenarios where legal assistance becomes vital:

Coverage Denial and Refusal to Negotiate

In instances where insurance coverage is denied or negotiations are refused, consider involving legal professionals. Legal professionals work to challenge denials, advocating for policyholders’ right to secure the coverage they’re entitled to. Legal professionals can also engage in negotiations with insurance carriers, striving for a settlement that is fair and reasonable.

Policy Interpretation Issues

Insurance policies often involve intricate language open to interpretation. Legal assistance becomes essential when disputes arise over policy terms. Attorneys can provide clarity on policy language, aiming to safeguard the rights of policyholders and that carriers adhere to the agreed-upon terms.

Bad Faith Practices by Insurance Carriers

Bad faith practices occur when an insurance carrier acts dishonestly or unfairly toward a policyholder. This includes unreasonably delaying claims processing, undervaluing claims, or wrongfully denying valid claims. Legal professionals can identify and challenge such practices, holding carriers accountable for acting in good faith and aiming to maintain fair treatment throughout the claims process.

Beyond the situations highlighted above, there are less apparent, yet valid reasons to consider legal counsel. Chip Merlin of Merlin Law Group, discusses one of these less apparent reasons in his blog “Insurance Company Claims Adjuster Bonus Programs and Criteria.” Some carriers may incentivize adjusters to underpay claims, making it crucial to involve legal representation. Legal professionals can file discovery motions to uncover any undisclosed bonuses that may compromise the fairness of claim payouts.

Uncovering these bonus programs may be challenging, as carriers often attempt to disguise them. An attorney, equipped with the expertise to refine discovery requests, can reveal less savory bonus programs. While not every claim requires legal intervention, having an attorney available ensures that, if needed, assistance is just a phone call away.

Explore the nuances of public adjusting claims and understand when legal involvement can make a significant difference in securing a fair and favorable settlement.

By: Ashley Balsbaugh | Associate Attorney

Public Adjuster Near Me: Things to Look for and Consider

Recovering from the devastation of storm damage is a complex process, and having a reliable public adjuster by your side can make all the difference. The aftermath of a natural disaster is overwhelming, especially when it comes to dealing with insurance claims. Partnering with a Public Adjuster who understands the challenges you face and tailors to you and your property’s needs helps to streamline the claims process. Moreover, a public adjuster is your advocate, equipped with the expertise and knowledge to navigate the intricate landscape of insurance policies. Their partnership allows you to better equip yourself to fight for a fair settlement, enabling you to rebuild and restore your life. Now you may be asking, how do I find a public adjuster near me?

Top 5 Things to Look For in a Public Adjuster

#1 Verify Licensing & Accreditation

Ensure the public adjuster you consider is licensed and accredited by the relevant regulatory bodies. This accreditation validates their expertise and adherence to industry standards, providing you with confidence in their professionalism.

#2 Evaluate Experience & Specialization

Look for an adjuster with a proven track record in handling various types of damages, such as water damage, hail damage, fire damage, and hurricane damage. Specialization in specific areas ensures they possess the expertise needed to handle your unique situation effectively.

#3 Transparency & Trustworthiness

Transparent communication about fees, the claims process, and expected timeline is essential. Furthermore, a trustworthy public adjuster maintains open and honest communication, ensuring you are well-informed at every step.

#4 Check Client Testimonials and Reviews

Reading testimonials and reviews from previous clients provides valuable insights into the adjuster’s reputation and the satisfaction of their clients. Premier Claims takes pride in its positive client feedback, reflecting our commitment to excellent service and successful outcomes.

#5 Investigate Communication & Availability

Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. Evaluate the adjuster’s responsiveness and availability. Premier Claims ensures that our team is readily available to address your concerns and provide updates, offering you peace of mind during the claims process.

Why Choose Premier Claims?

At Premier Claims, our expertise goes beyond mere professional qualifications. Our team, consisting of industry veterans with advanced certifications and ongoing education, ensures we stay ahead of industry trends and policy changes. A public adjuster with a fully equipped team of professionals can significantly impact the outcome of your claim for the better. Premier Claims is dedicated to surpassing industry standards by incorporating innovation, technology, and a meticulous claim management process. Our six-step process is committed to delivering unparalleled results, safeguarding your interests at every stage. Certain states may have regulations that determine the services a public adjuster may provide. Our process and services we are able to provide will be based on the state regulations. To learn more, visit our Public Adjuster Legal Disclaimer. When you choose Premier Claims, you benefit from:

Expert Knowledge & Continuous Education

Our professionals hold advanced degrees and certifications, constantly updating their skills to navigate the ever-evolving insurance landscape effectively.

Tailored Strategies for Maximum Results

We understand the uniqueness of each case. Consequently, our team creates customized strategies, attempting to maximize your settlement based on the intricacies of your specific situation.

Supporting You Beyond the Claim

Our team actively offers personalized policy guidance, addresses industry inquiries, and commits to providing you with tailored support. We’re here to ensure your peace of mind extends beyond the claims process, offering expertise and assistance whenever you need it.

Your journey to reclaiming your life after storm damage begins with choosing the right public adjuster. Moreover, Premier Claims, combines expertise, integrity, and a genuine commitment to your well-being. Contact Premier Claims today to discover how we can help you and your property!


Debunking Public Adjuster Myths: Delaying a Claim

At Premier Claims, we believe in empowering policyholders with knowledge. One way to do this is by debunking the public adjuster myths that surround the insurance industry. One common misconception we encounter is the belief that public adjusters delay claims, leading people to believe that hiring a public adjuster will negatively impact their claim.

The Truth Behind the Myth

Insurance claims inherently involve a series of steps, documentation, assessments, and negotiations. The complexities of the claim itself and the policies and procedures of the insurance carrier primarily dictate the duration of this process however, our team of public adjusters at Premier Claims possess a deep understanding of these procedures. Their expertise streamlines the entire process, ensuring they effectively navigate each step, avoiding delays.

Understanding the Public Adjuster’s Role

A public adjuster’s fundamental responsibility is to advocate for you, the policyholder. Their expertise lies in comprehending the intricate language of insurance policies, assessing the damage thoroughly, and negotiating with the insurance carrier on your behalf. However, contrary to the myth, their involvement expedites the process by:

Accurate Assessment

Public adjusters meticulously evaluate the damage, aiming to account for all aspects of the claim. Their precise documentation prevents back-and-forth with the insurance company, saving time. Additionally, this detailed approach strengthens the foundation for a smooth negotiation process.

Negotiation Expertise

Public adjusters are skilled negotiators. They engage with the insurance carrier, presenting a well-documented claim and advocating for a fair settlement promptly. Furthermore, their experience often leads to swifter resolutions.

Policy Knowledge

Understanding the intricacies of insurance policies is crucial. Therefore, public adjusters actively interpret policy language, aiming to maximize every entitlement and coverage benefit, thus preventing unnecessary delays in processing or delaying a claim due to misunderstandings.

It’s important to debunk the misconception that public adjusters delay claims, ensuring accurate information prevails in the industry. Gain valuable insights from Dana Langfeldt, a seasoned Public Adjuster at Premier Claims, as she dives deeper into the crucial support public adjusters provide to policyholders. Understanding that the public adjuster doesn’t negatively impact the claims processing timeline is crucial. Instead, they actively expedite the process, fighting on your behalf, to try to secure a rightful settlement.