Individual Condo Insurance Policy vs. Master Insurance Policy

January 14, 2023

Welcome to Premier Claims, your trusted source for comprehensive insurance insights. Today, we’re unraveling the complexities surrounding condominium insurance by shedding light on the distinctions between individual condo insurance policies and master insurance policies.

Individual Condo Insurance Policies

When residing in a condominium, it’s essential to have a clear grasp of individual condo insurance. Imagine your condo unit as a private oasis within a larger community. While the condominium association takes care of common areas and the building’s structure, individual condo insurance, also known as HO-6 insurance, safeguard your personal space.

This type of policy covers your personal belongings, interior fixtures, and liability within your unit. Should unfortunate events like theft, fire, or vandalism occur, your individual condo insurance steps in to provide assistance. Not only does it protect your cherished possessions, but it also offers financial security if accidents happen within your unit.

Master Insurance Policy

The dynamics between individual and master insurance policies add another layer to the condo insurance landscape. The condominium association, comprising all condo unit owners, holds the responsibility for maintaining shared spaces and the building’s structural elements. This is where the master insurance policy, often referred to as the master policy, comes into play.

The master insurance policy typically comes in three main variants:


An all-in policy offers broader coverage, extending to fixtures within your unit, such as plumbing and wiring. This comprehensive coverage typically includes common areas, shared facilities, external walls, and even elements within your walls such as plumbing, electrical systems, and cabinetry.

When the master policy is all-inclusive, it harmoniously covers the collective and individual elements that make up the condominium environment. In the event of unforeseen damage, whether originating in a shared space or within your unit, the all-inclusive master policy steps in, orchestrating the restoration process.

Bare Walls

Imagine it as the foundational structure that provides stability and protection to the entire building. However, this coverage differs in scope from the all-inclusive version. Bare Walls policy covers the core of the building – the walls, roof, and foundation – without extending to the interior elements.

In the realm of condominium insurance, the responsibility for protecting your unit’s interior fixtures and personal belongings shifts to your individual condo insurance when the master policy is bare walls. Think of it as the building’s outer shell, providing a strong foundation while leaving the interior customization to the unit owners.

Single Entity Coverage

Single Entity overage is often utilized in older condominium complexes or mixed-use buildings. This coverage type  extends to cover not just shared spaces and structural elements but also some interior components of individual units.

Visualize the Single Entity coverage as a bridge between All-Inclusive and Bare Walls policies. It offers a unique blend of protection, encompassing more than bare walls while stopping short of all-inclusive coverage. For example, “while it covers appliances and fixtures, it does not cover the owners’ improvements or renovations,” as stated by Voss Law Firm. This approach is designed to adapt to the specific needs and structures of certain condominium communities, fostering a cohesive and balanced insurance arrangement.

Harmonizing the Policies

Visualize the interaction between these policies as a well-choreographed dance. The master policy takes the lead by protecting the building’s core and exterior, while your individual condo insurance follows, safeguarding your private space. In the event of a covered incident affecting your unit, the coordination between these policies ensures a comprehensive approach – the master policy addressing structural repairs, and your individual policy assisting with interior repairs and personal property replacement.

As we uncover the differences between individual condo insurance and master insurance policies, keep in mind that these policies work in tandem to provide you with peace of mind. Premier Claims is committed to providing information, support, and guidance, ensuring that you’re well-prepared to handle any situation.

For more information, connect with Premier Claims. Our priority is to foster your understanding, empowering you to navigate your insurance policy with confidence.



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