What Do You Do After Property Damage Occurs?

Steps to Take After Property Damage 

As you’re sitting at your dinner table, drinking your coffee, and eating your breakfast, you open up Facebook, and all you see are photos, videos, and news articles about the hail storm that swept through your neighborhood. You see that one of your friends posted a picture of a golf ball-sized hail near one of the office buildings you own. You realize there is a VERY good chance your building has damage. What do you do? Do you know how to navigate the claims process after property damage?

Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do after property damage:

1. Mitigate Further Damage

First and foremost, prioritize your own safety and that of others. If the damage poses any immediate danger, take necessary steps to mitigate further impact or loss to your property. This could involve actions like boarding up windows, covering exposed areas, or shutting off utilities if necessary. Safety should always be the top priority.

2. Document the Damage

Capture thorough photographic and video evidence of all damage. This documentation is crucial as it serves as tangible proof of the extent of the damage for your insurance claim. Take pictures and videos from multiple angles, including close-up shots and wider views, to capture the full scope of the damage.

3. Contact Our Team for Guidance

Reach out to our team as soon as possible for professional assistance. Premier Claims specializes in navigating the complexities of insurance claims and can provide invaluable guidance from the outset.

4. Initiate the Claims Process

After reviewing the evidence and records, if we determine there is sufficient damage covered under your policy, we will initiate the claims process on your behalf.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in navigating the insurance claims process and recovering from property damage effectively. Your peace of mind is our priority.

When Is the Right Time to File a Property Insurance Claim?

Filing an insurance claim is a critical aspect of recovering from property damage, but understanding the intricacies of the process is equally important. Premier Claims is here to guide you through the crucial aspects of filing a property insurance claim, focusing on the timeframe, process, and important steps to hopefully create a seamless experience.

How Long Do I Have to File an Insurance Claim? 

Filing a property insurance claim promptly is a vital step in the aftermath of property damage. The time limit for filing a claim can vary depending on your insurance policy, state and other factors. Familiarize yourself with the specific timeframes outlined in your insurance policy because different policies may have varying deadlines for reporting damages. Overall, failure to adhere to your policies’ given timeline can lead to complications and potential denial of your claim. Insurance carriers typically set a window ranging from 30 days to 3 years after the event. It’s imperative to carefully review your policy documents to ascertain the specific timeframe for filing claims and any additional deadlines for documentation submission. 

In cases of severe damage, immediate inspections may be required, and any delay in filing can hinder the assessment and subsequent repairs. However, it’s crucial to understand that filing a claim doesn’t guarantee automatic approval or full coverage. Insurance carriers meticulously review each claim, often with specific requirements or conditions that must be met. Filing promptly initiates the collaborative process of working with your insurance carrier to determine the best course of action.

Consequences of Missing the Deadline

Risk of Denial

Insurance carriers enforce strict deadlines for claim submissions. If you miss the specified timeframe, your claim may be denied, leaving you without the financial support you need for recovery. 

Additional Damages Not Covered

Insurance policies often stipulate that policyholders must file claims within a reasonable time from the date of loss. If you haven’t filed the initial claim and a new incident occurs, the insurance carrier may not cover subsequent damages.

Loss of Trust and Credibility

Timely claim filing is a demonstration of responsibility. Failing to do so may impact the perception of your reliability, potentially impacting your future coverage or premiums. 

Steps to Take

Understand Your Policy

Familiarize yourself with the specific timeframes outlined in your insurance policy. Different policies may have varying deadlines for reporting damages. 

Document and Report Promptly

As soon as damage occurs, document it thoroughly with photographs and written descriptions. Report the incident to your insurance carrier promptly, ensuring all necessary details are provided. 

The Value of a Public Adjuster

Consider working with a Public Adjuster, such as Premier Claims, to enhance your claims experience. Public Adjusters are professionals who advocate for policyholders, aiming for a fair and accurate settlement. They provide thorough assessments of the damage to your property, assist throughout the entire claims process, and negotiate on your behalf. 

In the realm of property insurance claims, time is of the essence. Filing your claim promptly is not only a contractual obligation, but also a strategic move to hopefully secure the financial support you need for recovery. At Premier Claims, we are committed to educating our clients on the intricacies of the claims process, offering guidance, and emphasizing the pivotal importance of a proper claim filing process. If you have questions or need assistance, our team is here to help. Connect with us today to navigate your insurance claims with confidence and expertise.