Why Pre-Hail Season Inspections Are Vital: Protect Your Property

As hail season approaches, property owners face a critical decision: should they proactively inspect their property for potential damage, or wait until after a hailstorm wreaks havoc? Learn why scheduling pre-hail season inspections is not just advisable, but imperative. From protecting your investment to getting timely repairs, the benefits of early detection are endless. 

Why Pre-Hail Season Inspections Matter

Proactive Protection Against Future Damage

By conducting a thorough inspection before hail season commences, property owners can identify and address pre-existing damage. This proactive approach not only mitigates the risk of existing issues but also fortifies the property against future damage. 

Gaining a comprehensive inspection report from a professional provides property owners with a clear understanding of their property’s condition, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding repairs and maintenance. This invaluable resource serves as a roadmap for safeguarding their investment and ensuring long-term resilience. 

Insurance Coverage and Claims Success

Insurance policies often stipulate that claims must be filed within a specified timeframe following a weather event. By documenting pre-existing damage through a professional inspection, property owners set themselves up for success in the event of future damage. To learn more about the importance of early detection, read our blog: When Should I File a Claim?

Understanding the Impact of Hail Damage

Hail damage isn’t always immediately apparent to the untrained eye. While large hailstones may cause obvious dents and fractures, smaller impacts can go unnoticed, gradually compromising the integrity of your property over time. Learn more in our blog: The Impact of Hail: Understanding Size, Formation, and Damage

The Ripple Effect on Property Value

Undetected hail damage can significantly diminish the value of your property. Left unaddressed, minor issues can escalate into major structural concerns, leading to costly repairs and depreciation. 

Leveraging the Knowledge of Professionals

Professional inspectors, like those at Premier Claims, possess the knowledge and tools necessary to detect even the most subtle signs of hail damage. From roofing to siding, their thorough examination can uncover hidden vulnerabilities that may otherwise go unnoticed. 

The Long-Term Impact of Neglecting Pre-Hail Season Inspections

Structural Compromise and Safety Hazards

Failure to address pre-existing damage can compromise the structural integrity of your property, posing safety hazards to you and your visitors. From weakened roofing materials to compromised support structures, the consequences of neglecting inspections can be severe. 

Escalating Repair Costs

Delaying property inspections can lead to minor issues snowballing into major repair projects. As damage accumulates over time, the cost of repairs can skyrocket, placing an unnecessary financial burden on property owners. Additionally, insurance premiums may increase if damage is left unaddressed, further exacerbating the financial strain. 

Opting for pre-hail season inspections isn’t merely a precautionary measure; it’s a proactive investment in preserving the longevity and value of your property. By detecting and addressing pre-existing damage early on, property owners can fortify their property against the destructive forces of nature and enjoy greater peace of mind knowing that they’re prepared for whatever the weather may bring. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late. For more information about property inspections and our claims management services, we invite you to connect with our team today to schedule your pre-hail season inspection. 

Commercial Property Coverage: Difference Between BI and ALE

Navigating the complexities of commercial property coverage can be prone to misunderstandings. It’s crucial to grasp every aspect of your coverage to best prepare your property and business for anything that comes your way. Two terms that often cause confusion are Business Interruption (BI) and Additional Living Expenses (ALE). Let’s dive deeper into these policy elements, providing clarity for commercial property owners. 

Business Interruption (BI): Safeguarding Revenue Streams

What is Business Interruption Coverage?

Business Interruption (BI) coverage steps in when unforeseen circumstances disrupt your business operations. Whether due to natural disasters, fire, or other covered perils, BI provides coverage so that your revenue streams receive protection during the downtime. 

Key Features of Business Interruption

Revenue Loss Compensation

BI commercial property coverage covers the actual loss of income your business sustains during the interruption. 

Operating Expenses

It extends to cover ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, and payroll, easing the financial strain. 

Temporary Location Costs

If relocation is necessary, BI can cover the additional costs associated with setting up operations in a temporary space. 

Understanding the Waiting Period

BI policies often have a waiting period before coverage kicks in. It’s important to discuss and determine the optimal waiting period tailored to your business needs. 


Additional Living Expenses (ALE): Sustaining Daily Life

What is Additional Living Expenses Coverage?

Additional Living Expenses in commercial property coverage is a vital facet that allows for the continuity of daily operations during unexpected disruptions. ALE steps in when your commercial property is rendered temporarily unusable for covered perils, providing support to maintain operational standards. 

Key Features of Additional Living Expenses

Temporary Operational Space

ALE covers the costs associated with relocating your business operations to a temporary workspace, such as a rented office or facility, allowing for minimal disruption. 

Equipment and Inventory Storage

In cases where your commercial property requires extensive restoration, ALE can cover the expenses related to storing equipment and inventory safely.

Technology and Connectivity

ALE extends to cover costs of setting up temporary communication systems allowing your business to remain connected and operational.


Synchronizing Business Interruption and Additional Living Expenses Coverage

ALE and BI can work in tandem within commercial property insurance coverage, offering a comprehensive safety net. While BI is intended to safeguard your revenue, ALE is intended to provide coverage so that your daily operations continue seamlessly during the restoration period. 

Claim Considerations

It’s imperative to maintain a detailed record of expenses incurred during the temporary relocation. Working closely with a skilled public adjuster, like those at Premier Claims, can help navigate the intricacies of your policy, aiming for you to receive everything that is owed to you and minimize operational disruptions.

Conduct a Thorough Risk Assessment

Identify potential risks specific to your commercial property; moreover, this will allow you to tailor your insurance coverage to address the unique challenges your business may encounter.

Collaborate with a Reputable Public Adjuster

Engage with a knowledgeable public adjuster, such as Premier Claims, that will aim to handle your commercial property insurance claim with expertise and precision. 

Regularly Review and Update Your Policy

Stay ahead of changes in your industry and business structure so that your commercial property insurance policy evolves with your needs, providing comprehensive Business Interruption and Additional Living Expenses coverage.

Understanding the role of Additional Living Expenses and Business Interruption coverage empowers commercial property owners to make informed decisions, allowing minimal financial strain and operational downtime during challenging times. Remember, knowledge is your greatest ally in the world of insurance claims for commercial properties.