Premier Claims: Your Trusted Public Adjuster

So, you’ve danced with the devil before, huh? We get it. But before you swear off public adjusters forever, let’s talk about why Premier Claims is the antidote to your past nightmares and the public adjuster you can trust.

Who Can You Trust?

Trust is a rare gem in the insurance world, but with Premier Claims, it’s our currency. We’re not your run-of-the-mill adjusters. Picture us as the Avengers of insurance claims, swooping in to save the day. Our squad of seasoned and licensed professionals knows the game better than most. With us, your claim isn’t just a file— it’s a mission. 

The Dark Side of DIY

Now, let’s talk about the alternative: going solo. It’s like wandering into the lion’s den armed with a toothpick. Insurance carriers have armies of their own adjusters trained to sniff out your policy’s weakness and exploit it. You’re playing a dangerous game of chance without a heavyweight like Premier Claims in your corner. It’s not just about money; it’s about your sanity. Don’t risk losing both to the insurance sharks. 

Your Captain America Shield

What makes Premier Claims the cream of the crop? Simple—our dedication to your cause. We don’t just push papers and play nice with insurers. We’re your warriors, fighting tooth and nail for every penny we think you’re owed. From the opening of your claim, we’re by your side, navigating the treacherous waters of insurance claims with you. Consider us your lifeline in the storm, your beacon of hope when all seems lost. 


So, before you wave the white flag on public adjusters, give Premier Claims a shot. We’re not here to sugarcoat or spin tales. We’re here to get you results, plain and simple. Contact Premier Claims today, and let’s turn your claim nightmare into a victory dance.

Remember, in the game of insurance claims, there’s no room for amateurs. Choose Premier Claims, the public adjuster you can trust, and let’s win this together. 

Hurricane Ian to hit Florida: Prepare for the Storm


Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana in 2021, and now in 2022, Hurricane Ian is impacting Florida, with a projected hit on Thursday. Hurricane Charley arrived at 150 mph in 2004, but wind speed isn’t the sole threat of a hurricane. Storm surge and storm tide, life-threatening risks for Florida residents during Hurricane Ian, have prompted a Storm Surge Warning in Tampa. Rising water along the coastline will swell and can invade several miles inland. While you can’t prevent a hurricane from coming, you can take a few actions to prepare for the storm.

Hurricane Tips:

If your local officials direct you to evacuate, don’t hesitate. Your life means more than any possession. 

Have you located your property’s policy? 

A hurricane brings immense stress, damage, and chaos. Don’t let the worry of finding your policy add to the burden. Secure your vital documents now; this will save time and headaches after the storm passes and the community begins cleaning up.

Download the Premier Claims Hurricane Checklist here. For hurricane tips and guidance on how to prepare for the storm, follow Premier Claims. We’re ready to assist after the storm. Contact us today to ensure that you’re ready to manage any property damage.