Dangers & Tips for a Hurricane

Hurricanes are among the most destructive natural disasters, bringing devastatingly high winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges that can cause widespread damage and loss of life. These powerful storms can strike coastal areas and inland regions with little warning, and leaving residents with only a short amount of time to prepare. In this blog, we’ll explore the dangers & tips for a hurricane so that you can weather the storm.


Understanding some of the most severe dangers posed will better prepare you for anything the storm throws your way. 

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, Governor DeSantis of Florida surveys the destruction that spread across Fort Myers. In an interview with BBC, DeSantis comments, “To see a house just sitting in the middle of Estero Bay, literally must have gotten picked up, flown because of the massive wind speed and the storm surge and depositing in a body of water.”


It’s clear hurricanes are forces to be reckoned with, destructive, dangerous, and downright terrifying. For your safety, it is important to properly prepare and have plans in place. 

Be informed and prepared to endure the devastatingly high winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges hurricanes bring. Widespread damage will be imminent. However, employing these tips and knowledge about this destructive natural disaster gives you the best chance at safety and security. For more information on the dangers & tips for a hurricane, please visit Prepare before the storm.


History of Hurricane Preparedness Week

May 1st through the 7th is National Hurricane Preparedness Week. If you don’t live in an area prone to hurricanes, you probably haven’t given them much thought. However, if you live in Florida or the surrounding area, chances are hurricanes have impacted your life in one way or another.

How did Hurricane Preparedness Week start?

Prior to 2004, Hurricane Preparedness Week had been known as Hurricane Awareness Week. The first Hurricane Warning Service originated in Cuba and was adopted by the United States Weather Bureau during the 1870s. On June 1, 1956 the National Hurricane Center was founded in Miami, Florida.

The change from Awareness to Preparedness was an initiative to encourage communities to be prepared prior to a hurricane hitting land. Costing billions of dollars in damages every year just in the United States alone, hurricanes are considered one of Mother Nature’s most destructive events worldwide.

Outside of the United States, hurricanes are often referred to as typhoons or tropical cyclones. Other countries, such as China, experience the same destructive forces and are reported to have the most typhoons annually than any other country in the world.

With continual changes in weather patterns and rising sea levels, hurricanes will continue to be destructive storms hitting our coast. As a community, we hope we can use this week to educate our neighbors on preparing before the hurricane, how to stay safe during the storm and what to expect following a devastating hurricane.

Follow us this week as we continue to cover different topics and provide resources to prepare for this upcoming hurricane season. If you’re still battling your insurance claims from prior hurricanes, please reach out to our team members to help get you the support you need: click here.

Additional resources:

National Today Hurricane Preparedness Week,

National Weather Service Hurricane Preparedness Week

NOAA: National Hurricane Preparedness