Insurance Carrier Tactics Exposed

When you file an insurance claim, you expect your insurance carrier to have your back. Right? After all, that’s why you’ve been paying premiums all these years. Unfortunately, the reality is often quite different. Insurance companies, like any business, are driven by profits. This can lead to practices prioritizing their bottom line over your best interests. Here’s a closer look at some common insurance carrier tactics and how Premier Claims, a dedicated public adjusting firm, can help you combat them:

Common Insurance Carrier Tactics

1. Denial of Valid Claims

Insurance carriers may deny your claim for various reasons, often citing that the damage is not covered or is excluded due to policy limitations. One common tactic is to label damage as “old” or outside coverage limits, even if it occurred during the policy period. This is where regular property inspections become crucial. Premier Claims emphasizes that regular inspections document the condition of your property and ensure that you can clearly distinguish any new damage from pre-existing issues. To have your property inspected by our team, contact us today. 

2. Underpayment of Claims

Insurance carriers may significantly underpay claims even if your claim is not outright denied. They rely on policyholders’ lack of insurance knowledge and the frustration of navigating the claims process. At Premier Claims, we counter this by leveraging our expertise to analyze your policy meticulously. We break down complex industry terminology and ensure that you receive compensation according to the terms of your policy.

3. Confusing Policy Language

Insurance policies are notorious for their complex language and industry-specific terminology. Carriers may use this to their advantage, hoping to confuse policyholders into accepting less than they deserve. Premier Claims provides a critical service by interpreting and explaining your policy in plain language. Our team dives deep into the fine print, uncovering any hidden benefits and ensuring that every clause is interpreted to maximize your claim. To ensure your property is adequately protected, have your policy reviewed by our team: Complimentary Policy Review

How Premier Claims Can Help You

At Premier Claims, we understand the challenges you face when dealing with common insurance carrier tactics. Our mission is to level the playing field and to help protect your rights throughout the claims process. Here’s how we can assist you:


Our legal team dissects insurance policies to uncover every potential benefit available to you.


We fiercely advocate for you, negotiating with insurance carriers to secure the maximum compensation available.


From initial consultation to final settlement, we provide personalized support and guidance, intending to keep you informed and empowered.

Don’t let insurance carriers exploit your trust and lack of industry knowledge. At Premier Claims, we are committed to fighting for your rights and ensuring you receive the best compensation available. Whether your claim has been denied, underpaid, or needs professional guidance through the claims process, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn how we can help protect your interests and maximize your insurance claim.

Exposing Insurance Deception: Who is Your Carrier Loyal to?

The Mask of Trust

You’ve faithfully paid your insurance premiums for years, believing that when disaster strikes, your insurance carrier will swoop in to save the day. But what if I told you your blind trust could be costing you thousands? Take the time to learn their game, and overcome possible insurance deception. 

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 

Your insurance agent may smile warmly and shake your hand, but beneath that friendly facade lies a stark reality: their loyalty isn’t to you— it’s to their employer. And when push comes to shove, whose interests do you think they’ll prioritize?

Let’s be real: insurance carriers are in the business of making money, not handing it out. When you file a claim, your agent’s job isn’t to maximize your payout— it’s to protect the company’s profits. Suddenly, that friendly smile doesn’t seem so reassuring, does it? 

The Power of Choice

Unlike your insurance agent, we’re not beholden to the whims of the insurance company. Our allegiance lies solely with you, the policyholder, and we are committed to fighting to stop at nothing to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. 

Still Skeptical?

Imagine this: You’re facing the aftermath of a vicious storm and you filed a claim with your insurance carrier, seeking rightful compensation for hail damage to your property’s metal roof. But instead of a swift resolution, you’re met with a daunting denial— making you question the coverage you’ve faithfully paid for.

Enter Premier Claims.

With unwavering determination, we become your advocate. In the face of carrier delay tactics, we stand firm by your side, armed with collected evidence of the storm’s damage to your property. 

Through our expertise, we secured a $1.16 million dollar settlement for a complete roof replacement. Our impact didn’t stop there, as we commonly attempt to steer the insured towards a future of coverage security, by advising an upgrade to more robust policy, in an attempt to further safeguard you from future coverage denials.

This isn’t just a story we pulled out of thin air— it’s a true testament to our capabilities. Premier Claims secured this complete roof replacement for a religious center in Orlando, Florida. Imagine the possibilities for your own claim. 

Take Your Place in the Driver’s Seat

As storm clouds gather on the horizon, now is the time to take action. Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your interests. Contact Premier Claims today and let us be your guiding light in the darkness of insurance deception. Together, we can weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side. 

In the face of uncertainty, one thing remains clear: the importance of having a trusted ally by your side. With Premier Claims in your corner, you can rest easy knowing that your interests are protected. Don’t let the storm catch you off guard— let us lead you to victory. 

Being Blind to Your Insurance Coverage Can Lose You Money

When was the last time you read your policy? Do you remember ever seeing it? The claims process can be incredibly overwhelming and confusing, especially if you aren’t familiar with policy language. Premier Claims is here to help. 

Know Your Coverage Inside Out

Whether or not you understand your insurance policy can make or break your claim. The policy serves as a blueprint for your protection and outlines the scope of insurance coverage in place. If you’ve never seen your policy and are filing a claim, it’s like exploring the jungle without a map.

The first step is to reach out to your insurance broker or agent. They are your direct contact regarding your insurance coverage and can provide you with a copy of your policy upon request. 

Knowledge is Power

Armed with the policy in hand, you gain insight into what you’re protected against and, equally as important, what you’re not. This knowledge is invaluable when navigating the claims process. 

After obtaining your policy, simply forward it to a Premier Claims representative. Premier Claims will assign the policy to one of our licensed professionals to do a thorough ]review. By familiarizing ourselves with the specifics of your policy, we can assist in making informed decisions. The more information we have, the better advocate we can be. To have your policy reviewed by our team, please complete the following form: This should take less than a minute to complete. 

Recognizing Red Flags

If your broker or insurance carrier is hesitant to provide you with a copy of your insurance coverage, it’s a red flag. Transparency is key in the insurance industry, and any reluctance to share information should prompt further questions. Your policy is a binding contract, and you have EVERY right to review its contents. 

Your insurance policy is more than just a document—it’s your lifeline in times of crisis. Taking the time to understand the legal lingo is an investment in your peace of mind and financial security. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Premier Claims for guidance, and remember, knowledge is power. By arming yourself with information, you can navigate the claims process with confidence and clarity.

Take control of your insurance journey today. Reach out to your broker or agent to request a copy of your policy and then submit your policy for a complementary review by our licensed professionals to ensure your property is properly protected. Embark on the path to empowerment– peace of mind is worth it.

Tornado Recovery, Where Do You Start?

Emotions run high as communities assess the full extent of devastation caused over the weekend. About 40 tornadoes tore across the Midwest, including Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Kansas, as well as a few down in Texas. Some reports show around a hundred tornadoes touched down over the tumultuous weekend. It’s clear there is much work ahead to recover from this disaster. But where do you start?

If this whirlwind of devastation affected you, then you most likely asked yourself that very question: Where do I start?

When you experience such a level of devastation that rips your entire life from its foundation and scatters it about, it becomes almost impossible to think straight. The flattened view of homes and memories before you is captioned by children’s confused cries as they search for their Wubbie or bicycle – the equivalent of an emotional tornado. Where do you find time to pick up the pieces of littered remnants of your home and everything within it?

Recovery & Claim Tips

Next Steps

The next steps become increasingly complicated and time consuming. The claims process can take 6 months to a year or longer. Do you have an additional 20 hours available to spend on a claim for the next 6 months to a year on top of your normal life? I know I don’t and most other people don’t either.

Are you prepared to tackle all that is required in the claims process?

Unlike the carrier adjuster, a public adjuster solely has your interests in mind. They can manage the additional 20 hours a week to handle your claim, reducing your burden. Public adjusters are experts in their field. They will advise and assist you throughout the entire claims process, eliminating those nagging questions and uncertainties you have right now.

What should I do?

Where do I start?

How do we get through this?

Premier Claims is familiar with disaster response and aiding property owners with claims, and this time, it’s in our own backyard. Our experts are here to help our community rebuild and heal from this tragedy. For more support, reach out to our team today: 

By: Ashley Workman | Sr. Paralegal & Licensed Public Adjuster

Hassle-Free Inspections= Streamlined Insurance Claims

At Premier Claims, we strive to make the inspection process seamless and hassle-free. Discover how we manage the inspection process without requiring you or your contractor to be onsite, which, in turn, creates a streamlined insurance claims process.

Hassle-Free Inspections

One key advantage of working with Premier Claims is our convenient and hassle-free inspection process. Our inspectors can access the roof without needing you or your contractor present. This flexibility allows you to continue with your daily activities uninterrupted. 

Disclaimer: Inspection circumstances may vary depending on the location of the damage on your property, the state of damage, and the type of property. 

Professional and Thorough Assessments

Inspections are crucial in filing an insurance claim. Our experienced inspectors collaborate with insurance adjusters to conduct thorough damage assessments. They meticulously document all findings to ensure every damaged aspect is noted.

Transparent Communication

We maintain transparency throughout the claims process. Any damage identified during the inspection will be promptly communicated to you through your designated client specialist. We are committed to maintaining a consistent line of communication with you throughout the claims process.

Coordination with Your Contractor

While your contractor’s presence isn’t necessary during the inspection, we understand you might prefer their involvement. We are happy to coordinate with your contractor to ensure a smooth process, aiming to cover your claim comprehensively.

Expert Documentation

Our inspectors provide detailed documentation of any damage found during the inspection to our adjusting team and your client specialist representative. This is crucial for substantiating your claim and ensuring all necessary repairs are accounted for.

Dedicated Client Support

After the inspection, your client specialist will review the findings with you, offering a comprehensive overview of the damage and guiding you through the next steps. Our team is dedicated to making sure you understand every aspect of your claim.

Focus on Your Peace of Mind

At Premier Claims, we simplify the inspection and claims process, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your peace of mind. We provide flexibility and convenience by not requiring you or your contractor to be onsite. Trust our experienced team to handle the details, communicate transparently, and work diligently to get your claim covered.

Disclaimer: Inspection circumstances may vary depending on the location of the damage on your property, the state of damage, and the type of property. 

Contact us today to learn more about our streamlined inspections and how we can assist you with your insurance claim.

Premier Claims: Your Trusted Public Adjuster

So, you’ve danced with the devil before, huh? We get it. But before you swear off public adjusters forever, let’s talk about why Premier Claims is the antidote to your past nightmares and the public adjuster you can trust.

Who Can You Trust?

Trust is a rare gem in the insurance world, but with Premier Claims, it’s our currency. We’re not your run-of-the-mill adjusters. Picture us as the Avengers of insurance claims, swooping in to save the day. Our squad of seasoned and licensed professionals knows the game better than most. With us, your claim isn’t just a file— it’s a mission. 

The Dark Side of DIY

Now, let’s talk about the alternative: going solo. It’s like wandering into the lion’s den armed with a toothpick. Insurance carriers have armies of their own adjusters trained to sniff out your policy’s weakness and exploit it. You’re playing a dangerous game of chance without a heavyweight like Premier Claims in your corner. It’s not just about money; it’s about your sanity. Don’t risk losing both to the insurance sharks. 

Your Captain America Shield

What makes Premier Claims the cream of the crop? Simple—our dedication to your cause. We don’t just push papers and play nice with insurers. We’re your warriors, fighting tooth and nail for every penny we think you’re owed. From the opening of your claim, we’re by your side, navigating the treacherous waters of insurance claims with you. Consider us your lifeline in the storm, your beacon of hope when all seems lost. 


So, before you wave the white flag on public adjusters, give Premier Claims a shot. We’re not here to sugarcoat or spin tales. We’re here to get you results, plain and simple. Contact Premier Claims today, and let’s turn your claim nightmare into a victory dance.

Remember, in the game of insurance claims, there’s no room for amateurs. Choose Premier Claims, the public adjuster you can trust, and let’s win this together. 

What Do You Do After Property Damage Occurs?

Steps to Take After Property Damage 

As you’re sitting at your dinner table, drinking your coffee, and eating your breakfast, you open up Facebook, and all you see are photos, videos, and news articles about the hail storm that swept through your neighborhood. You see that one of your friends posted a picture of a golf ball-sized hail near one of the office buildings you own. You realize there is a VERY good chance your building has damage. What do you do? Do you know how to navigate the claims process after property damage?

Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do after property damage:

1. Mitigate Further Damage

First and foremost, prioritize your own safety and that of others. If the damage poses any immediate danger, take necessary steps to mitigate further impact or loss to your property. This could involve actions like boarding up windows, covering exposed areas, or shutting off utilities if necessary. Safety should always be the top priority.

2. Document the Damage

Capture thorough photographic and video evidence of all damage. This documentation is crucial as it serves as tangible proof of the extent of the damage for your insurance claim. Take pictures and videos from multiple angles, including close-up shots and wider views, to capture the full scope of the damage.

3. Contact Our Team for Guidance

Reach out to our team as soon as possible for professional assistance. Premier Claims specializes in navigating the complexities of insurance claims and can provide invaluable guidance from the outset.

4. Initiate the Claims Process

After reviewing the evidence and records, if we determine there is sufficient damage covered under your policy, we will initiate the claims process on your behalf.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in navigating the insurance claims process and recovering from property damage effectively. Your peace of mind is our priority.

Would You Work for Free? Why We Take a Fee

Imagine yourself walking into a courtroom. Let’s say you’ve been sued by a disgruntled employee alleging you unlawfully fired them. Unfortunately, their lawyer is very good at making the judge believe that they were the victim of workplace abuse. Despite documentation that clearly demonstrates their poor performance as an employee—including unexcused absences, frequently missed deadlines, and complaints from other employees regarding their conduct—you opted to represent yourself to forgo additional legal fees. Without legal representation, you fail to introduce evidence of poor workmanship in your defense, and you overlook any viable objections.

Now ask yourself: Was saving the initial expense of a lawyer lucrative, even with the knowledge that if you lose, it will cost you more money? This hypothetical scenario paints a picture of a level of risk comparable to the risk of filing a large loss insurance claim without a public adjuster

With the involvement of a public adjuster, a claim settles for more, which means more money for you to restore your property to its former glory. Without our assistance, your settlement could be lower, resulting in a lower payout of the claim as a whole. 

Do You Know Your Worth?

In 2022, Hurricane Ian swept through the Florida coast, destroying homes, businesses, and livelihoods. Bacon’s Furniture in Port Charlotte, Florida, experienced a total building and inventory loss due to the high winds. The hurricane pulled off the roof down to the plywood, leaving bits of the roof sprinkled among the rubble.

As a furniture store, the inside of the building contained dining room chairs that no one would ever use for a Thanksgiving meal, couches, and armchairs that would never spark sibling rivalry during family movie night, and beds that would never receive praise for giving their owners the best sleep of their lives.

The financial loss would cost Bacon millions, but their carrier’s initial offer was only slightly over two million dollars. Enter Premier Claims. 

Our experts did a thorough inspection of the damage outside of the building, as well as the torn and broken furniture inside. After multiple negotiations, inspections with a handful of experts, and hiring a Business Personal Property (BPP) company to do a full inventory of the damaged furniture, we got Bacon’s carrier to release over thirteen million dollars. 

Don’t Settle For Less

Bacon could have settled and accepted the two million, but it wouldn’t have covered the entirety of the cost for the damage and loss of inventory sustained by the store. By retaining Premier Claims, Bacon’s Furniture benefited significantly from higher payouts, even with Premier’s added fee expenses. 

At Premier Claims, we understand the importance of transparency and trust. Our fee structure varies depending on the state and the specifics of the claim. In some cases, fees are billed hourly, while in others, they are contingent on the successful resolution of your claim. Rest assured that we’re committed to advocating for your best interests and aim to maximize the potential of your claim. We’re here to provide the support and expertise you need, tailored to your situation. 

Empower Yourself with Premier Claims

Don’t let concerns about our fee overshadow the significant benefits of partnering with Premier Claims. With our full team of experts on your side, you can navigate the claims process confidently, knowing that you have dedicated advocates fighting for your rights under your policy. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help secure the compensation you deserve.

Why Your Contractor Can’t Handle Your Insurance Claim

Your Decisions Could Cost You

You’ve just discovered extensive damage to your property, and your first instinct is to call your trusted contractor. They’ve always done a great job with repairs, so why not rely on them to handle the insurance claim too? Before you make that decision, consider this: entrusting your claim solely to your contractor could lead to unexpected complications and potentially costly consequences.

The Potential Risk You’re Unaware Of

Did you know that it’s illegal in most states for contractors to represent themselves as public adjusters? This distinction is crucial because, generally, handling insurance claims requires specific licensing and expertise. By relying on an unqualified individual, you’re risking the outcome of your claim and potentially facing legal repercussions. Imagine the added stress of legal battles on top of property damage. 

Expertise vs. Qualifications

Sure, your contractor might excel at repairs, but do they have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and negotiation strategies? Public adjusters undergo extensive training and licensing precisely for these reasons. They know the ins and outs of the insurance claim process, always trying to ensure that your claim is accurately documented. Trusting someone without the right qualifications is like navigating a minefield blindfolded. 

The Power of Collaboration

Instead of choosing between your contractor and a public adjuster, why not have both working for you? At Premier Claims, we collaborate closely with your contractor to try to achieve the best outcome for you. Your contractor focuses on restoring your property while our team advocates for your best interests and negotiates with your insurance carrier. This partnership is intended to ensure that every aspect of your claim and restoration process is handled with expertise and care, creating a win-win situation for you.

Take Control of Your Claim

Don’t gamble on your property’s ability to be fully restored. Take control of the situation by contacting Premier Claims today. Our team of licensed public adjusters is here to help you navigate the complex claims process, fight for the best settlement, and restore your peace of mind. Don’t wait until it’s too late- ensure your claim gets the attention it deserves from the people who are qualified to do it.