Virtual Property Monitoring: Proactive Protection

Protecting your commercial property goes beyond mere vigilance; it requires a proactive approach that anticipates and mitigates potential risks. Premier Claims understands the paramount importance of protecting your investments. That’s why we proudly offer cutting-edge virtual property monitoring services.

What is Virtual Property Monitoring?

Virtual property monitoring represents a paradigm shift in risk management for commercial property owners. Furthermore, by harnessing cutting-edge technology and real-time data analysis, this system provides continuous surveillance of your property’s surroundings. From tracking storm movements to assessing environmental conditions, virtual property monitoring offers unparalleled insight into potential threats. Ultimately, enabling proactive decision-making and risk mitigation strategies. 

Enhanced Safety Measures

One of the primary advantages of virtual property monitoring is its ability to enhance safety measures for commercial properties. By continuously monitoring weather patterns, this system enables property owners to address vulnerabilities before they escalate into major issues. From strengthening structural integrity to implementing emergency response protocols, virtual property monitoring empowers property owners to create a safer and more resilient environment for tenants and employees alike. 

Optimized Risk Management

Effective risk management is essential when protecting the longevity of a property. By providing valuable data and insights, virtual property monitoring allows property owners to make informed decisions. By analyzing historical weather patterns and forecasting future events, property owners can identify high-risk areas and implement targeted interventions to reduce exposure and protect their assets. 

Timely Alerts and Response

When you collaborate with Premier Claims, our commitment to your property extends far beyond the point of restoration. Our dedicated team continuously and remotely monitors your property, providing an extra layer of protection and vigilance. This persistent care means that if a storm meeting certain parameters were to impact your property, we immediately alert you of a potential new Date of Loss and our team is prepared to act. Upon detection, our dedicated team notifies our clients, informing them of the potential loss producing event and schedules comprehensive damage assessments. 

Premier Claims Partnership

In the unfortunate event of property damage, navigating the claims process can be daunting for commercial property owners. At Premier Claims, we commit to providing seamless support and guidance every step of the way. Our Licensed Public Adjusters are on hand to conduct damage assessments, work with insurance carriers, and fight for you to receive the full compensation owed to you. Furthermore, with our expertise and dedication, we actively protect your interests, allowing you to focus on rebuilding and recovery.

When you choose Premier Claims, you’re partnering with a team that is dedicated to your long-term success. With our experience, technology, and commitment to service excellence, you can trust us to keep a watchful eye on your property and keep you apprised of any potential issues that may arise.

Why Pre-Hail Season Inspections Are Vital: Protect Your Property

As hail season approaches, property owners face a critical decision: should they proactively inspect their property for potential damage, or wait until after a hailstorm wreaks havoc? Learn why scheduling pre-hail season inspections is not just advisable, but imperative. From protecting your investment to getting timely repairs, the benefits of early detection are endless. 

Why Pre-Hail Season Inspections Matter

Proactive Protection Against Future Damage

By conducting a thorough inspection before hail season commences, property owners can identify and address pre-existing damage. This proactive approach not only mitigates the risk of existing issues but also fortifies the property against future damage. 

Gaining a comprehensive inspection report from a professional provides property owners with a clear understanding of their property’s condition, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding repairs and maintenance. This invaluable resource serves as a roadmap for safeguarding their investment and ensuring long-term resilience. 

Insurance Coverage and Claims Success

Insurance policies often stipulate that claims must be filed within a specified timeframe following a weather event. By documenting pre-existing damage through a professional inspection, property owners set themselves up for success in the event of future damage. To learn more about the importance of early detection, read our blog: When Should I File a Claim?

Understanding the Impact of Hail Damage

Hail damage isn’t always immediately apparent to the untrained eye. While large hailstones may cause obvious dents and fractures, smaller impacts can go unnoticed, gradually compromising the integrity of your property over time. Learn more in our blog: The Impact of Hail: Understanding Size, Formation, and Damage

The Ripple Effect on Property Value

Undetected hail damage can significantly diminish the value of your property. Left unaddressed, minor issues can escalate into major structural concerns, leading to costly repairs and depreciation. 

Leveraging the Knowledge of Professionals

Professional inspectors, like those at Premier Claims, possess the knowledge and tools necessary to detect even the most subtle signs of hail damage. From roofing to siding, their thorough examination can uncover hidden vulnerabilities that may otherwise go unnoticed. 

The Long-Term Impact of Neglecting Pre-Hail Season Inspections

Structural Compromise and Safety Hazards

Failure to address pre-existing damage can compromise the structural integrity of your property, posing safety hazards to you and your visitors. From weakened roofing materials to compromised support structures, the consequences of neglecting inspections can be severe. 

Escalating Repair Costs

Delaying property inspections can lead to minor issues snowballing into major repair projects. As damage accumulates over time, the cost of repairs can skyrocket, placing an unnecessary financial burden on property owners. Additionally, insurance premiums may increase if damage is left unaddressed, further exacerbating the financial strain. 

Opting for pre-hail season inspections isn’t merely a precautionary measure; it’s a proactive investment in preserving the longevity and value of your property. By detecting and addressing pre-existing damage early on, property owners can fortify their property against the destructive forces of nature and enjoy greater peace of mind knowing that they’re prepared for whatever the weather may bring. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late. For more information about property inspections and our claims management services, we invite you to connect with our team today to schedule your pre-hail season inspection. 

Learn to Love Your Insurance Policy

Valentine’s Day is more than just a celebration of romantic relationships. It’s an opportunity to nurture a relationship with something equally important—your insurance policy. While insurance might not be the most exciting topic, understanding and appreciating your policy can bring peace of mind and financial security. This Valentine’s Day, learn to love your insurance policy and feel confident in the coverage you’ve chosen. 

Strengthen Your Relationship

Know What You’re Covered For

The first step in loving your insurance policy is understanding what it covers. Take the time to thoroughly read through your policy documents and/or discuss them with a licensed professional. Pay close attention to key details such as property damage coverage, liability coverage, and any additional endorsements or riders that may be relevant to your property use. Understanding your coverage limits and exclusions can help you avoid surprises in the event of a claim. 

Assess Your Risks

Every property faces unique risks, whether it’s due to the nature of the industry, the location of the property, or other factors. Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential threats to your commercial or residential property, such as fire, theft, natural disasters, or liability claims. Once you understand your risks, you can work with your insurance carrier to tailor your policy to provide adequate protection against those specific threats. 

Review Your Policy Regularly

Just like relationships, insurance policies require regular attention and maintenance. Review your policy annually or whenever there are significant changes to your business or property. This could include renovations or expansions, changes in inventory or equipment, or updates to local building codes and regulations. Keeping your policy up-to-date allows you to have the right coverage vs. right amount of coverage.

Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when navigating your insurance policy. While your insurance carrier can offer valuable insights, sometimes you may require additional support to fully grasp the complexities of your coverage. That’s where a team like Premier Claims can step in. With our team of licensed public adjusters and legal professionals, we’re dedicated to helping policyholders fully understand their policy. Whether you’re unsure about a particular clause in your policy, need clarification on a claim process, or simply want experienced guidance, our team is here to provide personalized support.  To have your policy thoroughly reviewed by our team of licensed professionals, submit your policy here:

Consider Additional Coverage

Depending on your needs, you may want to consider additional coverage options beyond the basic property and liability insurance. Evaluating your specific risks and considering additional coverage can provide added peace of mind. For example, as hail season quickly approaches, it’s important that your insurance policy protects your property against any damage that hail may bring. Learn more about hail damage coverage in our blog:

Document & Maintain Records

In the event of a claim, having thorough documentation can make the process smoother and help you fight to receive fair compensation. Keep detailed records of your property, including photos, receipts, and inventory lists. Maintain copies of insurance policy documents, correspondence with your insurance carrier, and any relevant contracts or agreements. Being organized and prepared can help expedite the claims process and minimize possible disruptions to your business operations. 

Stay Informed

Insurance regulations and industry standards can change over time, so it’s important to stay informed about developments that may affect your coverage. Being proactive can help you make informed decisions about your insurance policy and allow you to be adequately protected. We recommend that you subscribe to updates from your insurance carrier and participate in industry associations, so that you can stay informed of relevant news and developments in your area. We believe that knowledge is not just power but a path to peace of mind. Stay connected, stay informed, and let our team be a resource for you. For ongoing industry updates, subscribe to our blog:

By following these tips, you can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for your insurance policy. Ultimately, giving you the confidence to face whatever challenges are thrown your way. This Valentine’s Day, take a moment to show some love to your insurance policy. It’s a relationship worth nurturing for the security and protection of your property. 

Unlock Savings: Property Owners Reduce BIG Premiums

In the complex landscape of insurance, property owners are discovering a powerful way to reduce premiums without sacrificing coverage: by reviewing their insurance policies. Discover the essential strategies empowering property owners to understand their policy coverage as we explore the intricacies of insurance policies.

Understanding Your Policy

Insurance policies consist of various components, including deductibles, coverage limits, and endorsements. Understanding these elements allows property owners to assess their policies effectively.


High deductibles often result in lower premiums. However, property owners should evaluate their financial capacity to cover the deductible in the event of a claim.

Coverage Limits

Reviewing coverage limits ensures adequate protection without overpaying for excessive coverage. Assess the property’s value and adjust coverage limits accordingly.


Additional coverages can be added through endorsements. Evaluate the necessity of endorsements based on the property’s specific needs to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Regular Policy Reviews

Insurance needs can evolve over time due to changes in property value, renovations, or lifestyle. Regular policy reviews, ideally conducted annually, allow property owners to align their coverage with their current requirements. By staying proactive, policyholders can identify potential areas for savings to reduce premiums and optimize their coverage.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Implementing risk mitigation measures can lead to lower premiums. Property owners can consider:

Security Systems

Installing security systems, such as alarms and surveillance cameras, can reduce the property’s risk, leading to potential premium discounts.


Proper maintenance, including roof repairs, electrical updates, and plumbing improvements, demonstrates responsible property ownership and can result in reduced premiums.

Bundling Policies

Combining multiple insurance policies (e.g., property and auto) with the same insurer often results in substantial discounts, making it a cost-effective choice for property owners.

Policy Shopping and Comparison

Periodically shopping for insurance quotes and comparing policies from different providers is a proactive approach to securing competitive premiums. Additionally, it’s essential to obtain quotes from reputable insurers, ensuring a balance between cost and coverage quality.

Consulting with a Public Adjuster

Engaging a public adjuster, like those at Premier Claims, can significantly impact premium savings. Public adjusters have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and can guide the policyholder on to best protect themselves and their property. Their expertise aids policyholders attempting to receive fair treatment and optimal coverage for their premiums.

Property owners who invest time in understanding their policies, conducting regular reviews, implementing risk mitigation strategies, and exploring their options can achieve significant savings on premiums. By staying informed and proactive, property owners can make educated decisions that lead to substantial financial benefits.

Our team of seasoned public adjusters are on standby to assist you through the complexities of insurance coverage. To provide you with a comprehensive and accurate review of your policy, we invite you to complete our policy review. Subsequently, our team members will review your policy in-depth and reach back out to go over their findings at your convenience, allowing you to get the help you deserve!



Farmers Insurance No Longer Serving Florida Policyholders

As hurricane-prone regions brace themselves for another potentially intense season, recent news about insurance carriers making policy changes has raised concerns among policyholders. In a surprising move, Farmers Insurance is no longer serving Florida policyholders, leaving thousands of residents in search of new coverage options. This decision serves as a stark reminder of the importance of reviewing your insurance policy before hurricane season arrives.

“Florida requires affected policyholders to receive a 120-day notice that their policies aren’t being renewed,” Ramishah Maruf, CNN. According to the state’s regulations, this provision ensures that homeowners have ample time to prepare and seek alternative coverage options before their existing policies expire. The non-renewals will play out over several months.


The Business Decision Behind Farmers Insurance’s Exit:

Farmers Insurance explained its decision to exit the Florida market as a necessary step to manage its risk exposure in the hurricane-prone state. While “Farmers is the 11th company to pull out of Florida since 2019. Farmers’ decision affects more than 100,000 customers,” Dave Elias, NBC. Individuals utilizing Farmers Insurance’s owned subsidiaries, such as Foremost Signature and Bristol West, will not experience any disruption in coverage. It is crucial for policyholders affected policyholders by the termination to review notifications and explore replacement coverage options.

Insurance Challenges in Florida: 

Farmers Insurance’s departure highlights the challenges faced by insurance companies operating in Florida. Over the past 18 months, numerous insurers have imposed moratoriums on new policies, while others have voluntarily withdrawn from the market or faced insolvency. The situation is exacerbated by a legal system that some insurers claim encourages litigation abuse and excessive claims, leading to financial strain within the industry.

The Need for Legal Reforms:

Recognizing the need for change, the insurance industry successfully advocated for reforms aimed at curbing litigation abuse. Despite these efforts, insurers’ outlook remains uncertain due to the surge in lawsuits filed before the new laws kicked in. Nearly 300,000 lawsuits have flooded the marketplace, creating an enduring challenge that may force regional insurance companies out of business. While legal reforms have been implemented, market conditions continue to pose a significant challenge.

Florida’s Vulnerability to Hurricane Damage:

Florida’s geographical location and low elevation make it particularly susceptible to hurricane damage. As the Atlantic hurricane season approaches, it is crucial for homeowners to assess their insurance coverage adequately. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts a normal hurricane season this year, but there is still a 30% chance of an above-average season. The devastating impact of hurricanes in recent years, such as Hurricane Ian, which caused $114 billion in damage, serves as a stark reminder of the importance of being prepared.


Reviewing your insurance policy before hurricane season is crucial to ensure you have the necessary coverage and avoid potential disruptions. Farmers Insurance’s decision to exit the Florida market is a reminder for property owners to stay vigilant. By staying informed and considering replacement options if needed to protect your property during hurricane season. Remember, being proactive can make all the difference when it comes to safeguarding your property against potential storm-related risks.

In light of Farmers Insurance no longer serving Florida policyholders, Premier Claims understands the concerns and challenges faced by policyholders. With hurricane season approaching, it’s crucial to have the right coverage for your home and belongings. We recommend a third-party expert review of your policy. If you’re a Farmers Insurance policyholder, explore new coverage options well before your policy expiration date.