Protect Your Property from Pipe Bursts

January has kicked off the year with a bang. From the Dakotas to Texas, record-low temperatures are sweeping the country, leading to a surge in pipe bursts. The Guardian reported that “Nebraska governor Jim Pillen announced a state of emergency, citing “very dangerous conditions” in the state,” as they experienced extreme winter storms.  As property owners, it’s crucial to understand the implications that this level of storms can cause. Premier Claims is here to guide you through the ins and outs of pipe bursts, providing essential information to help you protect your property this winter. 

Understanding Pipe Bursts

Winter conditions can cause water inside pipes to freeze, leading to increased pressure and potential bursts. Consequently, these bursts can result in extensive water damage to your property, ranging from structural issues to ruined belongings. Understanding the science behind pipe bursts empowers you to take preventive action. Moreover, proactive measures can significantly reduce the risk of such incidents.

Signs of Impending Pipe Bursts

Unexplained Increase in Water Bills

A sudden spike in your water bill could indicate an underlying leak, potentially leading to a burst.

Decreased Water Pressure

If your faucets, sinks, or showers are not delivering water with the usual force, it might be a sign of a compromised pipe. 

Strange Noises

Gurgling or banging sounds in your pipes can signal impending issues. 

Other Signs

If there is frost buildup on exposed pipes, damp sections of drywall, carpet, or ceilings, as well as strange smells from faucets or drains, your pipes may be on the verge of bursting.

Preventive Measures

Take preventive measures to protect your property from pipe bursts with these simple steps:

Insulate Exposed Pipes

Identify and insulate pipes in unheated areas to prevent freezing. You can insulate exposed pipes outside of your property using pipe sleeves and heat tape.

Maintain Adequate Heating

Allow your property to stay properly heated, especially in areas prone to freezing. Follow your local electricity provider for best practices in your area.

Drip Faucets

When the weather dips below freezing temperatures, allow your faucets to drip. This can relieve pressure and prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting.

Additional Tips

Follow your local guidelines to drain sprinkler systems. Store any hoses indoors and shut off water valves to outdoor faucets, leaving outside valves open. Lastly, keep any external doors and garages closed, especially if water supply lines are present.

What Do I Do If a Pipe Bursts?

Shut Off Water Line

Promptly locate and turn off the main water supply immediately; in turn, this can help reduce the extent of damage to your property. 

Open Faucets to Reduce Pressure

If you haven’t already, turn on faucets throughout your property. This should allow any remaining water in your pipes to release, reducing the pressure on the damaged area.

Initiate Cleanup with Caution

While you can start the cleanup process, especially un non-electrical hazard areas, consider professional assistance. Certified water-removal companies, recognized by organizations like the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), can assist in reducing damage.

Partner with a Public Adjuster

Working with a public adjuster can be the key difference in the outcome of your water damage claim. Notify the Premier Claims team promptly after the damage occurs. Our team will provide guidance on how to navigate the claims process every step of the way. 

Our commitment to industry leadership extends to providing educational content on topics like pipe bursts. As the country grapples with record-low temperatures, understanding how to mitigate the risks of pipe bursts becomes even more crucial. Premier Claims remains your dedicated partner, offering a helping hand in navigating the complexities of winter-related property damage.Winter storms may bring challenges, but with the right information and key steps, you can safeguard your property.

Protect Your Property from Ice Dams

Winter brings its own set of challenges, and one particularly troublesome issue for property owners is the formation of ice dams. While they may seem innocuous at first, ice dams can lead to significant hidden damages if not addressed promptly. In this guide, Premier Claims sheds light on the causes of ice dams, the potential damages they can cause, and actionable tips to protect your property.

Causes of Ice Dams

Understanding the Culprits

Ice dams typically form when warm air from the interior of a building escapes into the attic, causing the underside of the roof to warm. This warmth, in turn, causes snow on the roof to melt. When the melted snow reaches the colder eaves, it refreezes, creating a dam. Subsequent melting snow can then pool behind this dam, potentially seeping into the property.

Hidden Damages

Roof Damage

The repeated freezing and thawing of water can compromise the integrity of your roof. Over time, this may result in leaks, structural damage, and the need for extensive repairs. 

Attic and Insulation Issues

Ice dams can lead to water infiltration into the attic, damaging insulation and promoting mold growth. This can affect the overall energy efficiency of your property.

Interior Water Damage

Seeping water can find its way into the interior of your property, causing damage to ceilings, walls, and even valuable belongings.

Protecting Yourself from Ice Dams

Adequate Insulation

Ensure your attic is properly insulated to minimize heat transfer from the interior. This helps maintain a consistent roof temperature, preventing snowmelt and ice dam formation.

Ventilation Solutions

Proper attic ventilation promotes temperature disruption on the roof, reducing the likelihood of ice dam formation. Consult with roofing professionals to assess and improve your property’s ventilation.

Regular Roof Maintenance

Keep your roof in top condition by removing snow promptly after storms. Use roof rakes or hire professionals to prevent excessive snow buildup, lowering the risk of ice dam formation. 

Professional Inspection

Schedule regular inspections to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. Swift intervention can save from costly repairs in the long run.

Understanding the causes and hidden damages of ice dams empowers property owners to take proactive measures. By implementing these tips and staying vigilant, you can safeguard your property from the detrimental effects of ice dams. If you ever encounter damages, our experienced team is ready to guide you through the claims process with professionalism and care. Don’t compromise your peace of mind; take action today.

Remember, for any property damage concerns, Premier Claims is your trusted partner, offering industry-leading guidance and support.