Special Purpose

Navigating Insurance Complexity for Special Use Commercial Properties

With varied expertise across the team, there’s always someone with a deep understanding of your property’s unique claim needs, ensuring efficient, tailored management of your insurance processes.

Special Purpose

Policy Review to Claim Management

Protect Your Diverse Real Estate Portfolio

Special use assets have unique risk factors and insurance needs that need to be expertly managed to protect your investment. Our team can provide an in-depth insurance policy review to ensure your properties are adequately covered, identifying any potential gaps or overages, and suggesting improvements for optimal coverage. Beyond this, when damage occurs – be it from a natural disaster, vandalism, or other incidents – managing the claims process can be complex and time-consuming. Our team handles this process on your behalf, advocating for your interests, aiming to secure the maximum entitled claim amount, and ensuring a quicker resolution. Our commitment is to help maintain the continuity of your operations, protect your investment, and ultimately, contribute to your peace of mind as a commercial property investor.

Free Policy Review

Uncovering Potential Insurance Coverage Gaps for Special Use Properties

Commercial properties with special uses, like theme parks or stadiums, come with unique insurance needs due to their diverse risk profiles. We ensure your insurance policies are well-suited to your specific risks and can identify potential coverage gaps or over-insurances. Moreover, we manage the claims process on your behalf if a loss occurs, aiming to secure a favorable claim settlement. In short, our team of experts simplify and optimize your insurance claim process for your diverse property portfolio.


These facilities are exposed to risks from fire, theft, and natural disasters. The individual storage units can contain a wide variety of contents, adding complexity to the insurance considerations. A comprehensive policy for a self-storage facility should cover property damage, including fire and natural disaster protection, and liability coverage. Depending on the contract with renters, the facility may also need coverage for customers’ stored goods or require customers to maintain their own insurance.

Education Facilities

Including private schools, colleges, universities, and specialty schools, educational facilities can face a variety of risks including fire, vandalism, and natural disasters such as floods or storms. Damage or theft of expensive equipment like computers and lab devices is also a common concern. Insurance policies for education facilities should provide comprehensive coverage for buildings, contents (including equipment), and liability. In areas prone to natural disasters, appropriate additional coverage should be considered.

Religious Facilities

Consisting of churches, mosques, temples, or other places of worship, religious facilities may face risks from fire damage, theft or vandalism, and natural disasters. The value of religious artifacts and the often historic nature of religious buildings can lead to high costs in the event of a loss. Insurance policies should cover property damage for both buildings and contents, including specific coverage for valuable items. Natural disaster coverage should also be considered, depending on the location’s risk profile.

Parking Garages

These properties are susceptible to structural damage from vehicular accidents, fire damage from car fires, and water damage from flooding or poor drainage. Insurance policies for these properties should include comprehensive property damage coverage, including collision damage, fire protection, and flood insurance. It’s also recommended to have public liability coverage due to the potential for accidents involving pedestrians or vehicles.

Sports Facilities

These properties could face damage from natural disasters, such as a tornado or hailstorm, vandalism, and fire damage. A comprehensive property insurance policy for sports facilities should include coverage for all physical structures, vandalism, and fire. Coverage for natural disasters may also be necessary, particularly in regions prone to such events. A business interruption policy might also be considered, to cover potential income loss during repairs.


Marinas can face risks from natural disasters like hurricanes, causing water and wind damage. They’re also susceptible to fire damage from boat fuel mishandling and damage due to collisions or accidents. Insurance coverage should include natural disaster protection, fire, and liability coverage. Given the unique aquatic environment, marine-specific protections such as “Protection and Indemnity” (P&I) coverage (which covers legal liability claims) should also be considered.


Damage to theaters can occur due to fire, vandalism, or natural disasters. Special equipment like projectors or sound systems might also get damaged or stolen. Insurance policies for theaters should include property damage coverage for both the structure and the interior components, including specialized equipment. Fire, theft, and natural disaster coverage should also be included, depending on the location’s risk profile.

Car Washes

These facilities are vulnerable to equipment breakdown, vandalism, and water damage. Because they rely heavily on specialized machinery, a mechanical or electrical breakdown could have a significant impact on the business. A comprehensive insurance policy should cover these types of risks and may also include business interruption coverage to protect against loss of income during a shutdown for repairs or rebuilding.

Gas Stations

Gas stations are at risk for fire or explosion due to the flammable materials they handle. They may also face environmental damage risks if fuel storage tanks leak. Their retail operations expose them to risks of theft and vandalism. An insurance policy for a gas station should cover fire and explosion, liability (including environmental liability), and property insurance for buildings, canopies, and contents. Given the hazardous nature of their operations, specialized coverage may also be needed.

Bowling Alleys

Bowling alleys can face risks of equipment breakdown, fire, vandalism, and property damage from natural disasters. Their mechanical systems, such as pinsetters and ball returns, are complex and can be expensive to repair or replace. Insurance coverage should include property insurance for the building and contents, equipment breakdown coverage, and liability insurance. Business interruption coverage could also be beneficial to protect against loss of income if the facility has to close for repairs.

Theme Parks

Theme parks can face risks from natural disasters, fire damage, and mechanical or equipment failures. The complex rides and attractions often require costly maintenance and repairs when damaged. Insurance policies for theme parks should cover property damage, equipment breakdown, and natural disaster protection. Given the high number of visitors, comprehensive liability coverage is essential. Business interruption insurance could also be beneficial in the event the park needs to close temporarily for repairs or due to other covered losses.

Solar & Wind Farms

These properties are often exposed to the elements and can suffer from wind or hail damage, lightning strikes, or even fire in the case of an electrical fault. Their remote locations can also make them targets for theft or vandalism. An appropriate insurance policy should provide coverage for these specific risks, and also consider business interruption coverage, as damage could result in significant downtime for energy production.

Cell Towers

Cell towers are susceptible to wind and lightning damage due to their height and exposed location. They can also be targets for vandalism or theft. An insurance policy for a cell tower should cover these risks and may also need to include coverage for equipment breakdown, as specialized equipment is often housed in these facilities. Business interruption insurance can also be important since damage could result in a significant loss of income.


Cemeteries can suffer from vandalism, natural disasters such as flooding or earthquakes, and general property damage to buildings and maintenance equipment. Insurance policies should include coverage for these risks, along with liability insurance in case of accidents on the premises. If the cemetery has historic or valuable monuments, specialized coverage may also be necessary.

Advertising Billboards

Billboards are often located outdoors and can suffer damage from wind, storms, and lightning. They might also be targets for vandalism. An insurance policy for a billboard should cover these risks, and because billboards are often located on leased land, it might also be necessary to have coverage for legal liability. Depending on the specific situation, coverage for loss of income might also be important if the billboard is out of service for an extended period.

Special Purpose

Self-Storage Roof Maintenance and Claims Handling

For self-storage facility owners, maintaining the integrity of your structures, particularly the roofs, is crucial. Given that these properties house diverse tenant possessions, a compromised roof could lead to significant water damage, impacting not only your property but also your customers’ stored belongings. Periodic roof checks are essential to detect and address potential issues early, minimizing the risk of extensive damage and costly repairs. Should damage occur, engaging a public adjuster is highly recommended. As experts in property damage assessment and claims negotiation, public adjusters work solely on your behalf. Our team can accurately evaluate the extent of damage, estimate repair costs, and handle the often complex claims process. We strive to secure a claim settlement that truly reflects your repair needs, but also allows you to focus on your business, knowing your claim is being professionally managed.


Our Commercial Specialists Are Here to Help

Whether you have questions about your existing insurance policy, an active claim you’ve filed with your insurance carrier, or you’d just like to learn more about our process and services, we are here to help.

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