Midwest & Southwest Tornado Damage

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Tornado Damage Support



Trusted Experts in Tornado Damage Insurance Claims

When a tornado has turned your world upside down, we’re here to help put the pieces back together. With our deep understanding of the intricacies of insurance policies and claims, you’re not alone in this challenging journey.

Free Claim Review

Different Tornadoes Formation & Types

Tornadoes are complex meteorological phenomena that often leave destruction in their wake. They form when warm, moist air collides with cold, dry air, creating instability in the atmosphere. This collision leads to the development of strong thunderstorms, and under certain conditions, the rising and sinking air within these storms begins to rotate, forming a tornado. Understanding the types of tornadoes can help us prepare for them more effectively and mitigate some of their devastating effects.

Rope Tornadoes

The most common and generally the least powerful type, rope tornadoes often appear thin and elongated, resembling a rope twisting in the wind. Despite their comparatively smaller size and less intense winds, these tornadoes are not to be underestimated. They can still cause significant damage, uprooting trees, damaging buildings, and posing serious threats to life and property.

Cone Tornadoes

As the name implies, cone tornadoes exhibit a classic funnel shape, wider at the base than rope tornadoes. Their destructive potential exceeds that of rope tornadoes, with stronger winds and a larger damage path. They are capable of severely damaging structures, overturning vehicles, and causing serious harm to the environment and communities in their path.

Wedge Tornadoes

Characterized by their large, wide shape, wedge tornadoes often appear to be wider than they are tall. As some of the largest and most destructive tornadoes, their immense size equates to an extensive damage path. They can completely level well-made structures, hurl vehicles great distances, and cause devastating loss to life and property.

Multi-Vortex Tornadoes

Multi-vortex tornadoes feature several smaller tornadoes or vortexes rotating around a common center. This arrangement can lead to a broader path of destruction and increased severity of damage as the individual vortexes can each wreak havoc on separate areas simultaneously. Despite their individual size, the collective power of these tornadoes can be tremendous.

Satellite Tornadoes

Satellite tornadoes are smaller twisters that form near a larger, primary tornado. Although they are generally weaker than the primary tornado, their additional damage can contribute to the overall severity of a tornado event. They often orbit around the larger tornado, hence the term “satellite,” and can add an extra layer of unpredictability to an already chaotic situation.

Waterspouts & Landspouts

Waterspouts and landspouts are tornadoes that form over water and land, respectively. While they are generally weaker than other tornado types, they still pose considerable threats. Waterspouts can be hazardous to boats, coastal structures, and marine life, while landspouts can cause damage to buildings, vegetation, and vehicles on land.


Floods in the Wake of a Tornado: What You Need to Know

Tornadoes are notorious for their destructive power, but it’s not just the high winds that can wreak havoc; torrential rain often accompanies these storms, creating a significant risk of flooding. The heavy downpour can saturate the ground quickly, overwhelming drainage systems and leading to flash floods. Meanwhile, the tornado’s intense winds can damage structures, making them more susceptible to water intrusion.

If you live in a tornado-prone area, it’s essential to consider flood protection. Standard property insurance policies typically don’t cover flood damage, so separate flood insurance is a wise precaution. But protection goes beyond insurance; maintaining your property can also help mitigate flood risks. Ensure your gutters and drains are clean and functioning properly, and consider flood-proofing measures like sealing basement walls or installing a sump pump. Awareness and preparation can provide significant protection against the devastating combination of tornadoes and floods.

If you’re unsure about your policy protection against a potential tornado and flash floods, our team will provide a free policy review and outline any potential gaps in coverage.

Policy Review

Understanding Your Policy

A Pathway Through Your Tornado Insurance Coverage

In the wake of a tornado’s devastation, your insurance policy suddenly transforms from a seldom-read document into a beacon of hope. We understand that it can feel like a daunting task to comprehend its complex language and terms, especially when you’re already coping with the emotional stress and physical losses. We want to remind you that it’s okay not to know every detail, and it’s okay to seek help. This is why we’re here – to shoulder some of your burden, to guide you, and to make sense of the confusing jargon. We’ll walk you through some critical policy components, helping you understand their meanings and implications for your recovery journey.

Coverage Limits

The coverage limit is a critical element of your insurance policy. This limit is the highest amount your insurance company will pay out for a claim. When dealing with tornado damage, the costs for repairs and replacements can escalate quickly, making it crucial that your coverage limit adequately reflects the potential expenses. It should ideally be enough to rebuild your home from scratch, replace your personal belongings, and cover any additional living expenses incurred. A policy with lower premiums might seem attractive, but if its coverage limit doesn’t meet your needs in a catastrophic event like a tornado, you may find yourself bearing a significant financial burden. It’s essential to review your coverage limit regularly, particularly when you make significant changes to your property or its contents, to ensure that it remains appropriate for your situation.


This is the amount you need to pay out of pocket before your insurance starts to pick up the costs. Policies may have separate deductibles for windstorm or hail damage. Knowing these amounts can help you better prepare for your financial recovery after a tornado.

Wind or Hail Coverage

When a tornado strikes, it brings with it not only high-speed winds but often also hail, both of which can cause severe damage to your property. Your Windstorm or Hail coverage is the section of your insurance policy that typically steps in to cover these damages. It generally includes damage to both the exterior and interior of your property caused directly by a tornado or associated hail. This coverage often extends to all structures on your property, including your home and any detached structures like garages, sheds, and fences.

However, the specifics can vary greatly among insurance policies. Some may have separate deductibles for windstorm or hail damage, which can be a percentage of your home’s insured value rather than a flat dollar amount. Coverage may also differ for damage to the interior of your home if it is a result of exterior damage (for instance, if wind or hail breaks a window and rainwater damages the inside of your home).

In a tornado-prone area, it’s crucial to understand these details and make sure that your Windstorm or Hail coverage aligns with your needs. Consulting with a professional can help you navigate the nuances of your policy and ensure you’re adequately protected against the potentially devastating effects of a tornado.

Dwelling Coverage

This is intended to cover the cost to repair or rebuild your property if it’s damaged by a tornado. It should ideally cover the complete rebuild of your property at current construction costs.

Personal Property Coverage

This coverage helps pay to replace personal belongings damaged by a tornado. It’s important to understand if your policy provides replacement cost value (replaces your belongings at their current market price) or actual cash value (takes into account depreciation).

Additional Living Expenses or Loss of Use

If a tornado makes your home uninhabitable, this coverage can help pay for additional living costs. This may include hotel stays, restaurant meals, and other costs above your usual living expenses.

Flood Insurance

Tornadoes can often lead to flooding, but flood damage is usually not covered under a standard policy. If you live in a tornado-prone area, it’s wise to consider additional flood insurance.

Business Interruption Insurance

For business owners, this coverage can compensate for lost income and operating expenses if your business is temporarily closed due to tornado damage. It can be a financial lifesaver, helping you to pay bills, salaries, and other costs until your business can reopen.


Policies often have exclusions specifying situations or types of damage not covered. Understanding these can help you avoid unpleasant surprises when filing a claim.


Our Support, Your Peace

In the face of a tornado’s aftermath, it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this challenging time alone. Our dedicated and experienced team is here to provide the support and guidance you need. We specialize in handling tornado damage claims and are committed to helping you understand your policy, assess your damage, and settle a fair claim with your insurance carrier. Our goal is to alleviate your stress and expedite your path to recovery. If you require assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re ready and willing to stand by your side, providing the help you need when you need it most.

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