Being Blind to Your Insurance Coverage Can Lose You Money

When was the last time you read your policy? Do you remember ever seeing it? The claims process can be incredibly overwhelming and confusing, especially if you aren’t familiar with policy language. Premier Claims is here to help. 

Know Your Coverage Inside Out

Whether or not you understand your insurance policy can make or break your claim. The policy serves as a blueprint for your protection and outlines the scope of insurance coverage in place. If you’ve never seen your policy and are filing a claim, it’s like exploring the jungle without a map.

The first step is to reach out to your insurance broker or agent. They are your direct contact regarding your insurance coverage and can provide you with a copy of your policy upon request. 

Knowledge is Power

Armed with the policy in hand, you gain insight into what you’re protected against and, equally as important, what you’re not. This knowledge is invaluable when navigating the claims process. 

After obtaining your policy, simply forward it to a Premier Claims representative. Premier Claims will assign the policy to one of our licensed professionals to do a thorough ]review. By familiarizing ourselves with the specifics of your policy, we can assist in making informed decisions. The more information we have, the better advocate we can be. To have your policy reviewed by our team, please complete the following form: This should take less than a minute to complete. 

Recognizing Red Flags

If your broker or insurance carrier is hesitant to provide you with a copy of your insurance coverage, it’s a red flag. Transparency is key in the insurance industry, and any reluctance to share information should prompt further questions. Your policy is a binding contract, and you have EVERY right to review its contents. 

Your insurance policy is more than just a document—it’s your lifeline in times of crisis. Taking the time to understand the legal lingo is an investment in your peace of mind and financial security. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Premier Claims for guidance, and remember, knowledge is power. By arming yourself with information, you can navigate the claims process with confidence and clarity.

Take control of your insurance journey today. Reach out to your broker or agent to request a copy of your policy and then submit your policy for a complementary review by our licensed professionals to ensure your property is properly protected. Embark on the path to empowerment– peace of mind is worth it.

Hassle-Free Inspections= Streamlined Insurance Claims

At Premier Claims, we strive to make the inspection process seamless and hassle-free. Discover how we manage the inspection process without requiring you or your contractor to be onsite, which, in turn, creates a streamlined insurance claims process.

Hassle-Free Inspections

One key advantage of working with Premier Claims is our convenient and hassle-free inspection process. Our inspectors can access the roof without needing you or your contractor present. This flexibility allows you to continue with your daily activities uninterrupted. 

Disclaimer: Inspection circumstances may vary depending on the location of the damage on your property, the state of damage, and the type of property. 

Professional and Thorough Assessments

Inspections are crucial in filing an insurance claim. Our experienced inspectors collaborate with insurance adjusters to conduct thorough damage assessments. They meticulously document all findings to ensure every damaged aspect is noted.

Transparent Communication

We maintain transparency throughout the claims process. Any damage identified during the inspection will be promptly communicated to you through your designated client specialist. We are committed to maintaining a consistent line of communication with you throughout the claims process.

Coordination with Your Contractor

While your contractor’s presence isn’t necessary during the inspection, we understand you might prefer their involvement. We are happy to coordinate with your contractor to ensure a smooth process, aiming to cover your claim comprehensively.

Expert Documentation

Our inspectors provide detailed documentation of any damage found during the inspection to our adjusting team and your client specialist representative. This is crucial for substantiating your claim and ensuring all necessary repairs are accounted for.

Dedicated Client Support

After the inspection, your client specialist will review the findings with you, offering a comprehensive overview of the damage and guiding you through the next steps. Our team is dedicated to making sure you understand every aspect of your claim.

Focus on Your Peace of Mind

At Premier Claims, we simplify the inspection and claims process, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your peace of mind. We provide flexibility and convenience by not requiring you or your contractor to be onsite. Trust our experienced team to handle the details, communicate transparently, and work diligently to get your claim covered.

Disclaimer: Inspection circumstances may vary depending on the location of the damage on your property, the state of damage, and the type of property. 

Contact us today to learn more about our streamlined inspections and how we can assist you with your insurance claim.

Why Your Contractor Can’t Handle Your Insurance Claim

Your Decisions Could Cost You

You’ve just discovered extensive damage to your property, and your first instinct is to call your trusted contractor. They’ve always done a great job with repairs, so why not rely on them to handle the insurance claim too? Before you make that decision, consider this: entrusting your claim solely to your contractor could lead to unexpected complications and potentially costly consequences.

The Potential Risk You’re Unaware Of

Did you know that it’s illegal in most states for contractors to represent themselves as public adjusters? This distinction is crucial because, generally, handling insurance claims requires specific licensing and expertise. By relying on an unqualified individual, you’re risking the outcome of your claim and potentially facing legal repercussions. Imagine the added stress of legal battles on top of property damage. 

Expertise vs. Qualifications

Sure, your contractor might excel at repairs, but do they have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and negotiation strategies? Public adjusters undergo extensive training and licensing precisely for these reasons. They know the ins and outs of the insurance claim process, always trying to ensure that your claim is accurately documented. Trusting someone without the right qualifications is like navigating a minefield blindfolded. 

The Power of Collaboration

Instead of choosing between your contractor and a public adjuster, why not have both working for you? At Premier Claims, we collaborate closely with your contractor to try to achieve the best outcome for you. Your contractor focuses on restoring your property while our team advocates for your best interests and negotiates with your insurance carrier. This partnership is intended to ensure that every aspect of your claim and restoration process is handled with expertise and care, creating a win-win situation for you.

Take Control of Your Claim

Don’t gamble on your property’s ability to be fully restored. Take control of the situation by contacting Premier Claims today. Our team of licensed public adjusters is here to help you navigate the complex claims process, fight for the best settlement, and restore your peace of mind. Don’t wait until it’s too late- ensure your claim gets the attention it deserves from the people who are qualified to do it.

Filing a Claim Without Losing Coverage: Know Your Rights

The fear of being dropped by your insurance carrier is a common concern among policyholders, but it’s important to understand that such action is unlikely and illegal. Let’s delve deeper into this misconception and explain why filing a claim shouldn’t jeopardize your coverage.

Filing a Claim Isn’t Something to Fear

Legal Protection for Policyholders

Contrary to popular belief, insurance carriers are prohibited by law from dropping policyholders simply for filing a claim. Laws and regulations bind your insurance adjuster and govern their operations like a set of rules directs a public adjuster. These regulations safeguard policyholders against unfair treatment and allow policyholders to receive the protection they’ve paid for.

Preserving Your Coverage

You purchase insurance coverage to protect your property against unforeseen events, including storm damage. Filing a claim is fundamental to utilizing your insurance coverage as intended. Whether the damage appears minor or significant, it’s crucial to address it promptly to prevent future complications.

Mitigating Future Risks

While the damage you’ve sustained may seem insignificant at the time, it may escalate into a larger problem over time. Delaying or forgoing the claims process could leave you vulnerable to costly repairs or liabilities in the future. Your risks may be at their highest once the statute of limitations for filing a claim has passed. By addressing the damage promptly, you’re taking proactive measures to protect your property and mitigate future risks. To learn more about filing a claim, read our blog:

Empowering Policyholders

At the heart of insurance coverage is the principle of protection and support for policyholders. Your insurance carrier should be there to assist you in times of need, not to penalize you for seeking the coverage you’ve paid for. By understanding your rights and the legal protections in place, you can confidently pursue the resolution of your claim. Going through the claims process without fear of repercussions from your insurance carrier for filing a claim sounds rather nice, does it not?

Moving Forward with Confidence

Don’t let your fears prevent you from accessing the coverage your insurance carrier has agreed to issue. By filing a claim for the damage to your property, you’re exercising your rights as a policyholder and taking proactive steps to safeguard your investment. Trust in the legal protections and move forward confidently, knowing that your insurance carrier cannot drop you for simply utilizing your coverage as intended.

Advocate for Your Rights

Ready to address the damage to your property and secure the coverage you deserve? Contact Premier Claims today to learn how our team of experts can assist you in navigating the claims process with confidence. Let us be your trusted partner in advocating for your rights and protecting your property against unforeseen risks.

Where is My Insurance Policy?

Hiring an insurance broker can save you a ton of money. They can quickly compare plans of dozens of insurance carriers, taking the stress off of your plate. While that is great in the long run, when it comes time to file an insurance claim, you’re left wondering which carrier your insurance policy is even with.

Not having a copy of your insurance policy can land you in hot water. Even worse— you don’t know who your insurance carrier is! Take action and ensure you have your policy ready to go when you need it most.

Where do I start?

This is where Premier Claims steps in. When you hire us, it’s like getting a hammer when you’ve been driving nails in with the end of a screwdriver. The screwdriver was able to get the nail into the wood. However, the hammer is more accurate and cuts time in half. 

Are you having a tough time getting your insurance information from your broker? One of our representatives is happy to help get the info you need. As an additional service, we offer free policy reviews. To have your insurance policy reviewed, use the following link:

Our tenacity does not waver throughout the claims process. We are your hammer. We are going to call who we need to call, meet who we need to meet, and debate who we need to debate in order to get what you are owed. 

What’s next?

As we gather your insurance information, we’ll make sure you have a digital file with all necessary documents in case of another catastrophe.

These include:

Once we start the claims process, we will need to track down all of these documents to get a clear picture of your property. The more information our adjusters have, the smoother the claims process. 

Insurance Deductibles: What You Need to Know

As a commercial property owner or policyholder, understanding insurance deductibles is crucial for navigating the complexities of insurance coverage effectively. Explore the essentials of insurance deductibles, empowering you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and protect your valuable assets. 

What Is an Insurance Deductible?

An insurance deductible is the amount of money you, as the policyholder, are responsible for paying out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. It serves as your financial contribution towards the cost of a claim. For instance, if your property sustains damage and the total repair cost is $10,000 with a deductible of $1,000, you’ll need to pay the $1,000 deductible, and your insurance provider will cover the remaining $9,000. 

Type of Insurance Deductibles

Navigating Insurance Deductibles for Commercial Property Owners

Understanding insurance deductibles is vital for commercial property owners. These deductible amounts can significantly impact your financial responsibilities in the event of a claim. Therefore, it’s crucial to approach them with careful consideration.

Assess Your Risk and Financial Situation:

Before selecting a deductible, evaluate your risk tolerance and financial capability. Choosing a higher deductible typically leads to lower premiums but requires a greater out-of-pocket expense if you need to file a claim. Consider your ability to cover this expense comfortably.

Thoroughly Understand Your Policy:

Take the time to review your insurance policy in detail, paying special attention to the deductible provisions. Be aware of any specific deductibles for different types of risks or perils. Understanding these details upfront can prevent surprises and ensure you know what to expect in case of a claim.

Incorporate Deductible Costs Into Financial Planning:

When budgeting for property maintenance and repairs, factor in potential deductible costs. This ensures that you’re financially prepared for any unexpected expenses that may arise from filing a claim. By including these costs in your financial planning, you can avoid financial strain during the claims process.

Regularly Reassess Your Insurance Needs:

As your business evolves and market conditions change, it’s essential to periodically reassess your insurance needs, including deductible amounts. This ensures that you maintain adequate coverage to protect your commercial property effectively. Reassessing your insurance needs allows you to adjust your deductible amounts to align with your current risk profile and financial situation.

Tips for Effective Management of Insurance Deductibles:

In addition to understanding insurance deductibles, consider implementing the following strategies to optimize your coverage and minimize financial risk:

Insurance deductibles play a pivotal role in commercial property insurance, shaping coverage options and financial responsibilities for policyholders. By understanding the nuances of insurance deductibles and implementing proactive risk management strategies, commercial property owners can safeguard their assets effectively and navigate the insurance landscape with confidence. 

For further guidance tailored to your specific insurance needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts at Premier Claims. We’re here to empower you with knowledge and support you need to protect what matters most. 

What is the Purpose of an Inspection?

When was your property last inspected?

Our inspections team provided expert insights into the true purpose and benefits of property inspections. From assessing damage firsthand to advocating for fair compensation, inspections serve as a critical step in protecting your investment. Don’t miss out on reaching your claim’s potential- watch now and learn why an inspection is one of the most important steps of the claims process.



To learn more about property inspections, check out the following blogs:





Let’s Talk Property Inspections

Why Pre-Hail Season Inspections Are Vital: Protect Your Property





Will My Insurance Premiums Go Up?

A hailstorm hits your area, leaving a trail of damage in its wake. Amidst the chaos, you’re left wondering about the aftermath, not just in terms of property damage but also the looming uncertainty of insurance premiums. Will your premiums go up if you seek professional help in navigating the claims process?

Understanding Insurance Premiums

Insurance carriers assess several factors when calculating premiums. This includes the likelihood of future claims and the overall risk associated with insuring a property. However, it’s important to note that insurance carriers cannot legally raise premiums solely due to an Act of God, such as a hailstorm, flood, or hurricane.

Factors Influencing Premium Increases

Insurance carriers may increase premiums based on two primary factors:

Fault of the Policyholder

Premiums may increase if the policyholder is deemed at fault for the property damage. For example, if a policyholder recklessly drives a vehicle into their building, resulting in damage, the insurance carrier may raise premiums to reflect the increased risk associated with insuring the property. 

Catastrophe Area

Premiums may also increase if the property is located in a “Catastrophe Area.” This designation typically applies to regions affected by severe storms, such as hurricanes or tornadoes. Areas where severe storms cause multiple claims to be filed in the area. In such cases, insurance carriers may raise rates for all policyholders in the affected area to help mitigate the financial impact of widespread damage. 

The Role of Public Adjusters

Public adjusters play an important role in the insurance claims process. These professionals advocate for policyholders and assist in navigating the complexities of filing insurance claims. Contrary to common misconceptions, hiring a public adjuster should not inherently cause insurance premiums to increase. 

Public adjusters work tirelessly to fight for policyholders to receive fair and equitable compensation for their losses. They possess in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and regulations. This allows them to negotiate effectively with insurance carriers on behalf of the policyholder. By leveraging their skills, public adjusters strive to earn the best settlement possible for a claim, in turn expediting the claims process. To learn more about the role a public adjuster can play in your claim, read our blog: What is a Public Adjuster?

Connect with Premier Claims

If you’re considering hiring a public adjuster or have questions about your insurance premiums, our team at Premier Claims is here to help. We comprehend the complexities of the insurance industry and pledge to serve as a trusted resource for policyholders. Contact us today for an inspection or to have your policy reviewed by our experienced team. 

Working with a public adjuster should not result in an increase in insurance premiums. Insurance carriers primarily base premium adjustments on factors such as fault and Catastrophe Area designations. Public adjusters play a vital role in advocating for policyholders. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from our team at Premier Claims, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

What is a Damage Assessment?

Protect your property like a pro!

Hear from our Inspections Manager and Adjusting Manager as they break down the essential steps and purpose of a damage assessment. Discover hidden signs of damage, and important safety measures, and gain the knowledge you need to navigate your claims process with confidence. Don’t leave your property vulnerable- watch now to learn from experts.







To learn more about damage assessments, check out the following blog:

Let’s Talk Damage Assessments