Insurance Deception Exposed: Who is Your Carrier Loyal to?

The Mask of Trust

You’ve faithfully paid your insurance premiums for years, believing that when disaster strikes, your insurance carrier will swoop in to save the day. But what if I told you your blind trust could be costing you thousands? Take the time to learn their game and overcome possible insurance deception. 

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 

Your insurance agent may smile warmly and shake your hand, but beneath that friendly facade lies a stark reality: their loyalty isn’t to you— it’s to their employer. And when push comes to shove, whose interests do you think they’ll prioritize?

Let’s be real: insurance carriers are in the business of making money, not handing it out. When you file a claim, your agent’s job isn’t to maximize your payout— it’s to protect the company’s profits. Suddenly, that friendly smile doesn’t seem so reassuring, does it? 

The Power of Choice

Unlike your insurance agent, we’re not beholden to the whims of the insurance company. Our allegiance lies solely with you, the policyholder, and we are committed to fighting stop at nothing to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. 

Still Skeptical?

Imagine this: You’re facing the aftermath of a vicious storm, and you filed a claim with your insurance carrier, seeking rightful compensation for hail damage to your property’s metal roof. But instead of a swift resolution, you’re met with a daunting denial— making you question the coverage you’ve faithfully paid for.

Enter Premier Claims

With unwavering determination, we become your advocate. In the face of carrier delay tactics, we stand firm by your side, armed with collected evidence of the storm’s damage to your property. 

Through our expertise, we secured a $1.16 million settlement for a complete roof replacement. Our impact didn’t stop there, as we commonly attempt to steer the insured towards a future of coverage security by advising an upgrade to a more robust policy, further safeguarding them from future coverage denials.

This isn’t just a story we pulled out of thin air— it’s a true testament to our capabilities. Premier Claims secured this complete roof replacement for a religious center in Orlando, Florida. Imagine the possibilities for your own claim. 

Take Your Place in the Driver’s Seat

As storm clouds gather on the horizon, now is the time to take action. Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your interests. Contact Premier Claims today, and let us be your guiding light in the darkness of insurance deception. Together, we can weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side. 

In the face of uncertainty, one thing remains clear: the importance of having a trusted ally by your side. With Premier Claims in your corner, you can rest easy knowing your interests are protected. Don’t let the storm catch you off guard— let us lead you to victory. 

Will My Insurance Premiums Go Up?

A hailstorm hits your area, leaving a trail of damage in its wake. Amidst the chaos, you’re left wondering about the aftermath, not just in terms of property damage but also the looming uncertainty of insurance premiums. Will your premiums go up if you seek professional help in navigating the claims process?

Understanding Insurance Premiums

Insurance carriers assess several factors when calculating premiums. This includes the likelihood of future claims and the overall risk associated with insuring a property. However, it’s important to note that insurance carriers cannot legally raise premiums solely due to an Act of God, such as a hailstorm, flood, or hurricane.

Factors Influencing Premium Increases

Insurance carriers may increase premiums based on two primary factors:

Fault of the Policyholder

Premiums may increase if the policyholder is deemed at fault for the property damage. For example, if a policyholder recklessly drives a vehicle into their building, resulting in damage, the insurance carrier may raise premiums to reflect the increased risk associated with insuring the property. 

Catastrophe Area

Premiums may also increase if the property is located in a “Catastrophe Area.” This designation typically applies to regions affected by severe storms, such as hurricanes or tornadoes. Areas where severe storms cause multiple claims to be filed in the area. In such cases, insurance carriers may raise rates for all policyholders in the affected area to help mitigate the financial impact of widespread damage. 

The Role of Public Adjusters

Public adjusters play an important role in the insurance claims process. These professionals advocate for policyholders and assist in navigating the complexities of filing insurance claims. Contrary to common misconceptions, hiring a public adjuster should not inherently cause insurance premiums to increase. 

Public adjusters work tirelessly to fight for policyholders to receive fair and equitable compensation for their losses. They possess in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and regulations. This allows them to negotiate effectively with insurance carriers on behalf of the policyholder. By leveraging their skills, public adjusters strive to earn the best settlement possible for a claim, in turn expediting the claims process. To learn more about the role a public adjuster can play in your claim, read our blog: What is a Public Adjuster?

Connect with Premier Claims

If you’re considering hiring a public adjuster or have questions about your insurance premiums, our team at Premier Claims is here to help. We comprehend the complexities of the insurance industry and pledge to serve as a trusted resource for policyholders. Contact us today for an inspection or to have your policy reviewed by our experienced team. 

Working with a public adjuster should not result in an increase in insurance premiums. Insurance carriers primarily base premium adjustments on factors such as fault and Catastrophe Area designations. Public adjusters play a vital role in advocating for policyholders. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from our team at Premier Claims, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Unlock Savings: Property Owners Reduce BIG Premiums

In the complex landscape of insurance, property owners are discovering a powerful way to reduce premiums without sacrificing coverage: by reviewing their insurance policies. Discover the essential strategies empowering property owners to understand their policy coverage as we explore the intricacies of insurance policies.

Understanding Your Policy

Insurance policies consist of various components, including deductibles, coverage limits, and endorsements. Understanding these elements allows property owners to assess their policies effectively.


High deductibles often result in lower premiums. However, property owners should evaluate their financial capacity to cover the deductible in the event of a claim.

Coverage Limits

Reviewing coverage limits ensures adequate protection without overpaying for excessive coverage. Assess the property’s value and adjust coverage limits accordingly.


Additional coverages can be added through endorsements. Evaluate the necessity of endorsements based on the property’s specific needs to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Regular Policy Reviews

Insurance needs can evolve over time due to changes in property value, renovations, or lifestyle. Regular policy reviews, ideally conducted annually, allow property owners to align their coverage with their current requirements. By staying proactive, policyholders can identify potential areas for savings to reduce premiums and optimize their coverage.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Implementing risk mitigation measures can lead to lower premiums. Property owners can consider:

Security Systems

Installing security systems, such as alarms and surveillance cameras, can reduce the property’s risk, leading to potential premium discounts.


Proper maintenance, including roof repairs, electrical updates, and plumbing improvements, demonstrates responsible property ownership and can result in reduced premiums.

Bundling Policies

Combining multiple insurance policies (e.g., property and auto) with the same insurer often results in substantial discounts, making it a cost-effective choice for property owners.

Policy Shopping and Comparison

Periodically shopping for insurance quotes and comparing policies from different providers is a proactive approach to securing competitive premiums. Additionally, it’s essential to obtain quotes from reputable insurers, ensuring a balance between cost and coverage quality.

Consulting with a Public Adjuster

Engaging a public adjuster, like those at Premier Claims, can significantly impact premium savings. Public adjusters have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and can guide the policyholder on to best protect themselves and their property. Their expertise aids policyholders attempting to receive fair treatment and optimal coverage for their premiums.

Property owners who invest time in understanding their policies, conducting regular reviews, implementing risk mitigation strategies, and exploring their options can achieve significant savings on premiums. By staying informed and proactive, property owners can make educated decisions that lead to substantial financial benefits.

Our team of seasoned public adjusters are on standby to assist you through the complexities of insurance coverage. To provide you with a comprehensive and accurate review of your policy, we invite you to complete our policy review. Subsequently, our team members will review your policy in-depth and reach back out to go over their findings at your convenience, allowing you to get the help you deserve!