Being Blind to Your Insurance Coverage Can Lose You Money

When was the last time you read your policy? Do you remember ever seeing it? The claims process can be incredibly overwhelming and confusing, especially if you aren’t familiar with policy language. Premier Claims is here to help. 

Know Your Coverage Inside Out

Whether or not you understand your insurance policy can make or break your claim. The policy serves as a blueprint for your protection and outlines the scope of insurance coverage in place. If you’ve never seen your policy and are filing a claim, it’s like exploring the jungle without a map.

The first step is to reach out to your insurance broker or agent. They are your direct contact regarding your insurance coverage and can provide you with a copy of your policy upon request. 

Knowledge is Power

Armed with the policy in hand, you gain insight into what you’re protected against and, equally as important, what you’re not. This knowledge is invaluable when navigating the claims process. 

After obtaining your policy, simply forward it to a Premier Claims representative. Premier Claims will assign the policy to one of our licensed professionals to do a thorough ]review. By familiarizing ourselves with the specifics of your policy, we can assist in making informed decisions. The more information we have, the better advocate we can be. To have your policy reviewed by our team, please complete the following form: This should take less than a minute to complete. 

Recognizing Red Flags

If your broker or insurance carrier is hesitant to provide you with a copy of your insurance coverage, it’s a red flag. Transparency is key in the insurance industry, and any reluctance to share information should prompt further questions. Your policy is a binding contract, and you have EVERY right to review its contents. 

Your insurance policy is more than just a document—it’s your lifeline in times of crisis. Taking the time to understand the legal lingo is an investment in your peace of mind and financial security. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Premier Claims for guidance, and remember, knowledge is power. By arming yourself with information, you can navigate the claims process with confidence and clarity.

Take control of your insurance journey today. Reach out to your broker or agent to request a copy of your policy and then submit your policy for a complementary review by our licensed professionals to ensure your property is properly protected. Embark on the path to empowerment– peace of mind is worth it.

Where is My Insurance Policy?

Hiring an insurance broker can save you a ton of money. They can quickly compare plans of dozens of insurance carriers, taking the stress off of your plate. While that is great in the long run, when it comes time to file an insurance claim, you’re left wondering which carrier your insurance policy is even with.

Not having a copy of your insurance policy can land you in hot water. Even worse— you don’t know who your insurance carrier is! Take action and ensure you have your policy ready to go when you need it most.

Where do I start?

This is where Premier Claims steps in. When you hire us, it’s like getting a hammer when you’ve been driving nails in with the end of a screwdriver. The screwdriver was able to get the nail into the wood. However, the hammer is more accurate and cuts time in half. 

Are you having a tough time getting your insurance information from your broker? One of our representatives is happy to help get the info you need. As an additional service, we offer free policy reviews. To have your insurance policy reviewed, use the following link:

Our tenacity does not waver throughout the claims process. We are your hammer. We are going to call who we need to call, meet who we need to meet, and debate who we need to debate in order to get what you are owed. 

What’s next?

As we gather your insurance information, we’ll make sure you have a digital file with all necessary documents in case of another catastrophe.

These include:

Once we start the claims process, we will need to track down all of these documents to get a clear picture of your property. The more information our adjusters have, the smoother the claims process. 

Insurance Coverage for Collapse

You just bought your dream property— investing time, effort, and resources into making it a reality. Yet, amidst the joys of ownership lies the uncertainty of potential structural disasters. Enter collapse coverage, a policy feature often overlooked, but essential in shielding your investment. Learn about the depths of this coverage type, demystifying its significance, and empowering you to navigate your policy with confidence.

Do I Need Collapse Coverage?

Collapse coverage protects policyholders from financial losses resulting from the sudden and unexpected collapse of a building or a part of the property. This collapse could be due to various reasons, including structural defects, hidden decay, or other covered perils. Collapse coverage typically comes in two forms: broad and narrow.

Broad Collapse Coverage

Broad collapse coverage offers protection against a wide array of causes, including hidden decay, insect or vermin damage, and weight of contents. This comprehensive coverage ensures that policyholders protect their property from a broad range of potential risks.

Narrow Collapse Coverage

Narrow collapse coverage requires proof of a specific cause, such as fire, explosion, or perils explicitly listed in the policy. This type of coverage is more specific in its requirements, but still offers essential financial protection in the event of a collapse.  

What Does This Look Like in Your Policy?

One fundamental aspect to consider is how your insurance policy defines collapse. Definitions can vary significantly depending on the policy and carrier. While some policies define collapse as an abrupt falling down or caving in of a structure, others may include substantial impairment of structural integrity. Understanding how collapse is defined in your insurance policy is key when it comes to protecting your property.

Covered Causes

We recommend policyholders review the events or perils covered in their insurance policy to assess their level of protection comprehensively. Covered causes may encompass structural defects, insect or vermin damage, the weight of ice, snow, or sleet, and specific natural disasters, among others. By understanding these covered causes, policyholders can better anticipate and mitigate potential risk to their property.


Similar to other insurance coverages, collapse coverage has a set of exclusions that can limit what it will cover. Common exclusions include gradual deterioration, wear and tear, settling, and maintenance related issues. These exclusions highlight the importance of routinely maintaining your property. Being aware of these exclusions allows you to understand the extent of the coverage provided by the policy and any potential gaps that may exist.

Why Your Property Needs Structural Protection

Collapse coverage provides policyholders with financial protection against unforeseen structural failures that could result in significant repair costs. Property owners may face substantial expenses to repair or rebuild damaged structures without this coverage type.

Review Your Policy

To ensure adequate protection, we recommend policyholders carefully review their insurance policies and understand the terms and conditions of their coverage. They should also consider consulting with a qualified insurance professional to assess their coverage needs and make informed decisions. To have your policy thoroughly reviewed by our team of licensed professionals, submit your policy here:

Collapse coverage is a vital component of property insurance, offering protection against unexpected structural failures. By understanding what their insurance policy entails and ensuring they are adequate coverage, policyholders can protect their properties accordingly. Knowing that you’re financially protected in the event of a collapse, is the peace of mind every property owner deserves.

Insurance Deductibles: What You Need to Know

As a commercial property owner or policyholder, understanding insurance deductibles is crucial for navigating the complexities of insurance coverage effectively. Explore the essentials of insurance deductibles, empowering you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and protect your valuable assets. 

What Is an Insurance Deductible?

An insurance deductible is the amount of money you, as the policyholder, are responsible for paying out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. It serves as your financial contribution towards the cost of a claim. For instance, if your property sustains damage and the total repair cost is $10,000 with a deductible of $1,000, you’ll need to pay the $1,000 deductible, and your insurance provider will cover the remaining $9,000. 

Type of Insurance Deductibles

Navigating Insurance Deductibles for Commercial Property Owners

Understanding insurance deductibles is vital for commercial property owners. These deductible amounts can significantly impact your financial responsibilities in the event of a claim. Therefore, it’s crucial to approach them with careful consideration.

Assess Your Risk and Financial Situation:

Before selecting a deductible, evaluate your risk tolerance and financial capability. Choosing a higher deductible typically leads to lower premiums but requires a greater out-of-pocket expense if you need to file a claim. Consider your ability to cover this expense comfortably.

Thoroughly Understand Your Policy:

Take the time to review your insurance policy in detail, paying special attention to the deductible provisions. Be aware of any specific deductibles for different types of risks or perils. Understanding these details upfront can prevent surprises and ensure you know what to expect in case of a claim.

Incorporate Deductible Costs Into Financial Planning:

When budgeting for property maintenance and repairs, factor in potential deductible costs. This ensures that you’re financially prepared for any unexpected expenses that may arise from filing a claim. By including these costs in your financial planning, you can avoid financial strain during the claims process.

Regularly Reassess Your Insurance Needs:

As your business evolves and market conditions change, it’s essential to periodically reassess your insurance needs, including deductible amounts. This ensures that you maintain adequate coverage to protect your commercial property effectively. Reassessing your insurance needs allows you to adjust your deductible amounts to align with your current risk profile and financial situation.

Tips for Effective Management of Insurance Deductibles:

In addition to understanding insurance deductibles, consider implementing the following strategies to optimize your coverage and minimize financial risk:

Insurance deductibles play a pivotal role in commercial property insurance, shaping coverage options and financial responsibilities for policyholders. By understanding the nuances of insurance deductibles and implementing proactive risk management strategies, commercial property owners can safeguard their assets effectively and navigate the insurance landscape with confidence. 

For further guidance tailored to your specific insurance needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts at Premier Claims. We’re here to empower you with knowledge and support you need to protect what matters most. 

Learn to Love Your Insurance Policy

Valentine’s Day is more than just a celebration of romantic relationships. It’s an opportunity to nurture a relationship with something equally important—your insurance policy. While insurance might not be the most exciting topic, understanding and appreciating your policy can bring peace of mind and financial security. This Valentine’s Day, learn to love your insurance policy and feel confident in the coverage you’ve chosen. 

Strengthen Your Relationship

Know What You’re Covered For

The first step in loving your insurance policy is understanding what it covers. Take the time to thoroughly read through your policy documents and/or discuss them with a licensed professional. Pay close attention to key details such as property damage coverage, liability coverage, and any additional endorsements or riders that may be relevant to your property use. Understanding your coverage limits and exclusions can help you avoid surprises in the event of a claim. 

Assess Your Risks

Every property faces unique risks, whether it’s due to the nature of the industry, the location of the property, or other factors. Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential threats to your commercial or residential property, such as fire, theft, natural disasters, or liability claims. Once you understand your risks, you can work with your insurance carrier to tailor your policy to provide adequate protection against those specific threats. 

Review Your Policy Regularly

Just like relationships, insurance policies require regular attention and maintenance. Review your policy annually or whenever there are significant changes to your business or property. This could include renovations or expansions, changes in inventory or equipment, or updates to local building codes and regulations. Keeping your policy up-to-date allows you to have the right coverage vs. right amount of coverage.

Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when navigating your insurance policy. While your insurance carrier can offer valuable insights, sometimes you may require additional support to fully grasp the complexities of your coverage. That’s where a team like Premier Claims can step in. With our team of licensed public adjusters and legal professionals, we’re dedicated to helping policyholders fully understand their policy. Whether you’re unsure about a particular clause in your policy, need clarification on a claim process, or simply want experienced guidance, our team is here to provide personalized support.  To have your policy thoroughly reviewed by our team of licensed professionals, submit your policy here:

Consider Additional Coverage

Depending on your needs, you may want to consider additional coverage options beyond the basic property and liability insurance. Evaluating your specific risks and considering additional coverage can provide added peace of mind. For example, as hail season quickly approaches, it’s important that your insurance policy protects your property against any damage that hail may bring. Learn more about hail damage coverage in our blog:

Document & Maintain Records

In the event of a claim, having thorough documentation can make the process smoother and help you fight to receive fair compensation. Keep detailed records of your property, including photos, receipts, and inventory lists. Maintain copies of insurance policy documents, correspondence with your insurance carrier, and any relevant contracts or agreements. Being organized and prepared can help expedite the claims process and minimize possible disruptions to your business operations. 

Stay Informed

Insurance regulations and industry standards can change over time, so it’s important to stay informed about developments that may affect your coverage. Being proactive can help you make informed decisions about your insurance policy and allow you to be adequately protected. We recommend that you subscribe to updates from your insurance carrier and participate in industry associations, so that you can stay informed of relevant news and developments in your area. We believe that knowledge is not just power but a path to peace of mind. Stay connected, stay informed, and let our team be a resource for you. For ongoing industry updates, subscribe to our blog:

By following these tips, you can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for your insurance policy. Ultimately, giving you the confidence to face whatever challenges are thrown your way. This Valentine’s Day, take a moment to show some love to your insurance policy. It’s a relationship worth nurturing for the security and protection of your property. 

Hail Damage Coverage: Protect Your Commercial Property

As hail season approaches, we recommend that business owners ensure their insurance policy includes hail damage coverage. Picture a shield, not just against hailstones, but against the unseen risks that follow. Hailstorms pose a significant threat to commercial properties, potentially causing extensive damage to roofs, windows, exterior structures, and equipment. To navigate the challenges of hail season successfully, having the right protection in place is key. 

Prepare Your Insurance Policy for Hail Season

Commercial Property Insurance

This foundational coverage protects your business, including buildings and contents, against various perils, like hail damage. Confirm that your policy explicitly includes hail damage coverage for related incidents. 

Business Interruption Coverage

Hail Damage can lead to business disruptions. Business Interruption Coverage helps cover lost income, ongoing expenses, and relocation costs during the period of restoration. Ensure your policy adequately addresses the potential financial impact of hail-related disruptions. To learn more about Business Interruption Coverage read our blog: The Difference Between Business Interruption and Additional Living Expenses

Exterior Structure and Signage Coverage

Hailstorms can harm the exterior structure of your commercial property, including any signage. Therefore, it’s recommended that your insurance policy includes hail damage coverage that extends to these components to prevent unexpected repair or replacement costs. 

Specialized Coverage for Equipment and Inventory

Moreover, commercial properties often house valuable equipment and inventory critical to daily operations. From high tech machinery to essential tools, your business assets are the gears that keep the engine running smoothly. Here’s a closer look at how you can protect your business and commercial property against hail damage:

Equipment Breakdown Protection

In the event of a hailstorm, equipment is vulnerable to damage. As a result of including Equipment Breakdown Protection in your policy, your policy is able to cover repairs or replacement costs for machinery affected by hail damage. Equipment Breakdown Protection extends beyond general wear and tear, providing a safety net for your technological investments. 

Technology and Electronics Coverage

Modern businesses rely heavily on technology and electronic systems and specialized coverage for these assets is important for business owners to consider when reviewing their insurance policies. From servers to computers, make certain your policy includes protection for these vital components, minimizing downtime and potential loss. 

Inventory Loss Coverage

Commercial properties also house inventories of products, raw materials, or goods in progress. Hail damage can lead to inventory loss, impacting your supply chain and revenue streams. Comprehensive coverage can encompass the replacement of repair costs for damaged inventory, allowing your business to recover and meet customer demands. 

Customization for Industry-Specific Equipment

Recognizing the diversity of commercial enterprises, your insurance coverage can be customized to protect industry-specific equipment. Whether you’re in manufacturing, healthcare, or any other sector, you can tailor your policy to address the unique needs of your business. 

Importance of Regular Policy Review 

Coverage Adequacy for Business Growth

Commercial enterprises evolve, and property values change. Regular policy reviews allow for your coverage to be aligned with the current value of your commercial property and your business assets. It also allows you to account for expansions or modifications. Adjusting your policy as needed prior to the start of hail season, can protect you in the event damage occurs. 

Policy Limitations and Exclusions

Commercial property insurance policies may have limitations or exclusions related to hail damage. A thorough review helps identify any potential gaps in coverage, allowing for proactive adjustments. 

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Collaborate with Premier Claims to assess risk mitigation strategies specific to your business. Tailoring your policy to address unique circumstances can enhance your overall risk management plan. 

As a commercial property owner, your business assets are the heartbeat of your enterprise. Don’t let hail season catch you off guard—proactively review your policy. This allows you to make any hail damage coverage additions, protecting your property and business in the best way you can. Premier Claims stands ready to assist you, offering guidance, compassion, and a commitment to policyholders. Connect with us today to prepare your business for the challenges hail season may bring. To have your policy thoroughly reviewed by our team of licensed professionals, submit your policy here:


Unlock Savings: Property Owners Reduce BIG Premiums

In the complex landscape of insurance, property owners are discovering a powerful way to reduce premiums without sacrificing coverage: by reviewing their insurance policies. Discover the essential strategies empowering property owners to understand their policy coverage as we explore the intricacies of insurance policies.

Understanding Your Policy

Insurance policies consist of various components, including deductibles, coverage limits, and endorsements. Understanding these elements allows property owners to assess their policies effectively.


High deductibles often result in lower premiums. However, property owners should evaluate their financial capacity to cover the deductible in the event of a claim.

Coverage Limits

Reviewing coverage limits ensures adequate protection without overpaying for excessive coverage. Assess the property’s value and adjust coverage limits accordingly.


Additional coverages can be added through endorsements. Evaluate the necessity of endorsements based on the property’s specific needs to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Regular Policy Reviews

Insurance needs can evolve over time due to changes in property value, renovations, or lifestyle. Regular policy reviews, ideally conducted annually, allow property owners to align their coverage with their current requirements. By staying proactive, policyholders can identify potential areas for savings to reduce premiums and optimize their coverage.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Implementing risk mitigation measures can lead to lower premiums. Property owners can consider:

Security Systems

Installing security systems, such as alarms and surveillance cameras, can reduce the property’s risk, leading to potential premium discounts.


Proper maintenance, including roof repairs, electrical updates, and plumbing improvements, demonstrates responsible property ownership and can result in reduced premiums.

Bundling Policies

Combining multiple insurance policies (e.g., property and auto) with the same insurer often results in substantial discounts, making it a cost-effective choice for property owners.

Policy Shopping and Comparison

Periodically shopping for insurance quotes and comparing policies from different providers is a proactive approach to securing competitive premiums. Additionally, it’s essential to obtain quotes from reputable insurers, ensuring a balance between cost and coverage quality.

Consulting with a Public Adjuster

Engaging a public adjuster, like those at Premier Claims, can significantly impact premium savings. Public adjusters have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and can guide the policyholder on to best protect themselves and their property. Their expertise aids policyholders attempting to receive fair treatment and optimal coverage for their premiums.

Property owners who invest time in understanding their policies, conducting regular reviews, implementing risk mitigation strategies, and exploring their options can achieve significant savings on premiums. By staying informed and proactive, property owners can make educated decisions that lead to substantial financial benefits.

Our team of seasoned public adjusters are on standby to assist you through the complexities of insurance coverage. To provide you with a comprehensive and accurate review of your policy, we invite you to complete our policy review. Subsequently, our team members will review your policy in-depth and reach back out to go over their findings at your convenience, allowing you to get the help you deserve!



Prepare Your Property for Winter: A Comprehensive Guide

As we officially settle into fall it’s time to think about the ways you can prepare your property for winter, because it will be here before you know it. Property owners in the Northern Hemisphere face unique challenges, such as the changing weather patterns, which demand proactive measures to safeguard their property from potential damage. At Premier Claims, we understand the importance of preparation. We’ve combined our experiences with essential insights to create a comprehensive guide tailored for business owners. Ensuring your property’s safety and resilience during winter is not just a necessity; it’s a strategic investment.

Winter Essentials for Commercial Properties

Protect Your Pipes from Freezing

Frozen pipes can lead to costly damage. Maintain a consistent indoor temperature above 55 degrees, even when the building is unoccupied. To ensure that unwanted cold air stays out of your property, regularly inspect your building for cracks or holes in seals. Swift repairs can prevent pipe bursts and potential water damage.

Roof and Gutter Maintenance

Inspect your business roof and gutters for any signs of wear and tear. Clean out leaves and debris from gutters to prevent water buildup, which can lead to roof damage and leaks. Ensure that your roof is free of loose shingles or tiles, as they can be easily dislodged during storms.

HVAC System Checks

As the temperatures drop, your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system will be working overtime. Schedule a professional inspection to ensure it’s in optimal condition. Clean or replace filters and clear vents to maintain efficient airflow, reducing the risk of system failures.

Landscaping and Outdoor Features

Trim tree branches and remove dead vegetation around your property. Fall is a good time for pruning, ensuring that heavy branches won’t fall and cause damage during winter storms. Secure outdoor fixtures, signage, and furniture to prevent them from being damaged or becoming hazards in strong winds and snow storms.

Emergency Preparedness

Review and update your emergency preparedness plan. Ensure all employees are aware of evacuation procedures, emergency contacts, and the location of emergency supplies. Regular drills can reinforce safety protocols, ensuring everyone knows what to do in case of severe weather events.

Policy Review

Before winter sets in, it’s crucial to review your property insurance policy. We recommend having your policy reviewed by a professional to confirm your policy adequately protects against winter-related risks like burst pipes or roof collapses due to heavy snow. Proactive coverage provides financial stability, saving you from potential setbacks in the event of property damage. We have a team of seasoned professionals ready to review your policy. Don’t wait, act now to secure your business’s winter readiness.

At Premier Claims, we understand the unique challenges faced by business owners with properties in colder climates. By taking proactive steps to prepare your property for winter, you can enjoy peace of mind throughout the fall and holiday seasons. Stay prepared, protected, and let Premier Claims be your ally in safeguarding your investments.


Navigating Fire Damage: Proactive Protection

Proactive Protection

In the face of unpredictable fire events, it is vital for property owners to safeguard not only their tangible assets but their financial health from fire damage. By being proactive, one can minimize the devastation that fires can bring, ensuring quicker recovery and smoother claim processes


Incorporate fire-resistant building materials, maintain a defensible space around the property, and ensure regular checks on fire alarms and sprinkler systems. Frayed wires, faulty or damaged appliances, and neglected or out-of-date electrical systems can all potentially spark a serious fire. We recommend having regularly scheduled maintenance on appliances and electrical systems, so you can help reduce your risk of fire.


Equip your property with easily accessible fire safety tools like extinguishers and fire blankets. Establish and practice emergency evacuation plans with family members or employees. Safeguard irreplaceable items and crucial documents by storing them in fireproof safes.


Different regions and property types face varying fire threats. For instance, a residential home in a wooded area might be at risk of wildfires, while a commercial kitchen could be more susceptible to grease fires. It’s essential to stay updated on fire alerts and warnings specific to your area. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the common causes of fires pertinent to your property type and location.

Policy Review & Understanding

Knowledge is your first line of defense, especially when it comes to understanding your policy term and coverage for fire damage. It is important to be aware of the financial liability you would shoulder, such as the deductibles and policy limits in the event of a total loss. Verifying coverage with a policy review for additional aspects of your asset or business, such as reimbursement for business interruption, will help reduce the financial strain post-fire loss. In essence, a clear grasp of your policy can be the difference between swift recovery versus a prolonged financial hardship.


Fire damage affects not only building structures but also their contents. Documenting items with photos, purchase dates, and receipts is essential. However, many individuals lack the time for detailed record-keeping. A practical solution is to record a walk-through video, capturing every area and item in the property. Store this video in a cloud-based storage system to ensure its accessibility and safety from potential damage.

Engage a Public Adjuster

We recommend engaging a licensed and reputable public adjuster before any potential loss. Our team offers an objective review of your insurance policy terms, highlighting if your coverage matches your assets and risks. Our expertise aids in creating a precise inventory of contents, capturing every item’s value. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive inspection that will identify potential vulnerabilities in your property. Bringing a public adjuster onboard early positions you for a smoother claim process, should a disaster occur.

What is a public adjuster?

Public adjusters are trained and licensed insurance adjusters with a fiduciary responsibility to work exclusively for the policyholder to ensure they receive the fair and reasonable settlement rightfully owed to them from the insurance carrier. 

While the public adjusting industry began as negotiators to increase final settlements, more experienced firms like Premier Claims have evolved. Being well-versed in the intricacies and emotional challenges of major losses, our team strives to alleviate the stress and time commitment of claims. With us, your focus remains on personal recovery and peace of mind.