Navigating Fire Damage: After the Damage Occurs

After Damage Occurs

After a fire wreaks havoc on a property, be it residential or commercial, the cascade of emotions can be overwhelming. The gamut of emotions — from shock and disbelief to grief and anger — can be overwhelming. It’s not uncommon for individuals to grapple with memory issues, anxiety, or depression following such a significant loss. In these trying times, your primary focus should be on emotional recovery and the well-being of everyone directly impacted by the loss. Our team steps in to shoulder the burdens of the logistical aftermath, ensuring you can dedicate your energy to healing and rebuilding emotionally.

Document Loss Information

In the aftermath of a fire, it’s essential to record pivotal details related to the incident. Key information includes the exact date of the fire, the non-emergency number for the fire department, the official report number, and the name of the fire marshal or investigator in charge. Having these particulars on hand can be instrumental during the claim process. Refer to our Fire Checklist for a complete list of key information to obtain after a fire loss occurs.

Secure Immediate Assistance

Whether it’s due to structural concerns, smoke contamination, or utility interruptions, the immediate aftermath can make it challenging, if not impossible, to continue daily operations or live comfortably. Securing immediate assistance is crucial, as it facilitates temporary relocations, ensures safety, and lays the groundwork for the recovery process. Taking prompt action helps in minimizing disruptions and ensures a more efficient path to restoration. A great resource for immediate assistance will be your local American Red Cross, as most chapters have a rapid response on getting you food, clothing, medicine, and places to stay. 

Track Every Expense: Additional Living Expense Reimbursement

Every receipt matters. Ensure you maintain a record of all expenses incurred due to displacement after a fire loss. Traditionally insurance policies have Additional Living Expense coverage that can be reimbursed. During our review of your policy, we can provide a clear understanding of the limits of this coverage for you.

Engage Premier Claims

In the wake of fire damage, dealing with insurance claims can be a daunting and time-consuming task, diverting attention from crucial recovery needs. By engaging with our team, property owners can prioritize their emotional and physical well-being, and continue with their daily routines. Our team steps in to navigate the claim process, ensuring all aspects are handled professionally and thoroughly. Trust in our expertise, and offload the complexities of claims, allowing you to focus on healing and restoring your peace of mind.

Mitigate Further Damage

Insurance policies typically mandate that policyholders take necessary steps to prevent additional damage. Adhering to this obligation is not only essential for the integrity of the property but also for ensuring compliance with policy terms. Our team offers access to a network of seasoned mitigation professionals who specialize in post-fire cleanup and damage prevention. We actively manage this process, diligently tracking and compiling all associated expenses, aiming to ensure we account for every cost, and facilitating a seamless reimbursement process with the insurance carrier.


Navigating Fire Damage: Proactive Protection

Proactive Protection

In the face of unpredictable fire events, it is vital for property owners to safeguard not only their tangible assets but their financial health from fire damage. By being proactive, one can minimize the devastation that fires can bring, ensuring quicker recovery and smoother claim processes


Incorporate fire-resistant building materials, maintain a defensible space around the property, and ensure regular checks on fire alarms and sprinkler systems. Frayed wires, faulty or damaged appliances, and neglected or out-of-date electrical systems can all potentially spark a serious fire. We recommend having regularly scheduled maintenance on appliances and electrical systems, so you can help reduce your risk of fire.


Equip your property with easily accessible fire safety tools like extinguishers and fire blankets. Establish and practice emergency evacuation plans with family members or employees. Safeguard irreplaceable items and crucial documents by storing them in fireproof safes.


Different regions and property types face varying fire threats. For instance, a residential home in a wooded area might be at risk of wildfires, while a commercial kitchen could be more susceptible to grease fires. It’s essential to stay updated on fire alerts and warnings specific to your area. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the common causes of fires pertinent to your property type and location.

Policy Review & Understanding

Knowledge is your first line of defense, especially when it comes to understanding your policy term and coverage for fire damage. It is important to be aware of the financial liability you would shoulder, such as the deductibles and policy limits in the event of a total loss. Verifying coverage with a policy review for additional aspects of your asset or business, such as reimbursement for business interruption, will help reduce the financial strain post-fire loss. In essence, a clear grasp of your policy can be the difference between swift recovery versus a prolonged financial hardship.


Fire damage affects not only building structures but also their contents. Documenting items with photos, purchase dates, and receipts is essential. However, many individuals lack the time for detailed record-keeping. A practical solution is to record a walk-through video, capturing every area and item in the property. Store this video in a cloud-based storage system to ensure its accessibility and safety from potential damage.

Engage a Public Adjuster

We recommend engaging a licensed and reputable public adjuster before any potential loss. Our team offers an objective review of your insurance policy terms, highlighting if your coverage matches your assets and risks. Our expertise aids in creating a precise inventory of contents, capturing every item’s value. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive inspection that will identify potential vulnerabilities in your property. Bringing a public adjuster onboard early positions you for a smoother claim process, should a disaster occur.

What is a public adjuster?

Public adjusters are trained and licensed insurance adjusters with a fiduciary responsibility to work exclusively for the policyholder to ensure they receive the fair and reasonable settlement rightfully owed to them from the insurance carrier. 

While the public adjusting industry began as negotiators to increase final settlements, more experienced firms like Premier Claims have evolved. Being well-versed in the intricacies and emotional challenges of major losses, our team strives to alleviate the stress and time commitment of claims. With us, your focus remains on personal recovery and peace of mind.

Debunking Public Adjuster Myths: Delaying a Claim

At Premier Claims, we believe in empowering policyholders with knowledge. One way to do this is by debunking the public adjuster myths that surround the insurance industry. One common misconception we encounter is the belief that public adjusters delay claims, leading people to believe that hiring a public adjuster will negatively impact their claim.

The Truth Behind the Myth

Insurance claims inherently involve a series of steps, documentation, assessments, and negotiations. The complexities of the claim itself and the policies and procedures of the insurance carrier primarily dictate the duration of this process however, our team of public adjusters at Premier Claims possess a deep understanding of these procedures. Their expertise streamlines the entire process, ensuring they effectively navigate each step, avoiding delays.

Understanding the Public Adjuster’s Role

A public adjuster’s fundamental responsibility is to advocate for you, the policyholder. Their expertise lies in comprehending the intricate language of insurance policies, assessing the damage thoroughly, and negotiating with the insurance carrier on your behalf. However, contrary to the myth, their involvement expedites the process by:

Accurate Assessment

Public adjusters meticulously evaluate the damage, aiming to account for all aspects of the claim. Their precise documentation prevents back-and-forth with the insurance company, saving time. Additionally, this detailed approach strengthens the foundation for a smooth negotiation process.

Negotiation Expertise

Public adjusters are skilled negotiators. They engage with the insurance carrier, presenting a well-documented claim and advocating for a fair settlement promptly. Furthermore, their experience often leads to swifter resolutions.

Policy Knowledge

Understanding the intricacies of insurance policies is crucial. Therefore, public adjusters actively interpret policy language, aiming to maximize every entitlement and coverage benefit, thus preventing unnecessary delays in processing or delaying a claim due to misunderstandings.

It’s important to debunk the misconception that public adjusters delay claims, ensuring accurate information prevails in the industry. Gain valuable insights from Dana Langfeldt, a seasoned Public Adjuster at Premier Claims, as she dives deeper into the crucial support public adjusters provide to policyholders. Understanding that the public adjuster doesn’t negatively impact the claims processing timeline is crucial. Instead, they actively expedite the process, fighting on your behalf, to try to secure a rightful settlement.


Navigating Insurance Deductibles

In the world of insurance claims, the concept of deductibles is a crucial aspect that policyholders often encounter. These deductibles are designed to discourage unnecessary claims, yet their implications can have a significant impact on the policyholder’s financial burden of damage to their property.


Flat-Rate Deductibles vs Percentage-Based Deductibles

When exploring the realm of deductibles, policyholders encounter two main variations: flat-rate deductibles and percentage-based deductibles. Flat-rate deductibles entail a fixed dollar amount that the policyholder must pay before their insurance coverage kicks in. On the other hand, percentage-based deductibles involve a percentage of the total insured value (TIV) of the property, which the policyholder must cover out-of-pocket. While flat-rate deductibles are straightforward and easy to understand, percentage-based deductibles can lead to varying commitments depending on the property’s value.



One significant aspect of deductibles is the concept of “all other perils” (AOP) deductibles. These encompass a wide array of perils that may affect your property such as Wind, Hail, Hurricanes, Sinkholes, Collapses, and Floods. As you might anticipate, more severe perils tend to carry higher deductibles. While opting for a lower deductible may seem appealing, it can inflate your premium significantly. Insurance agents often suggest higher deductibles as a strategy to reduce premium costs, which can be a tempting proposition for policyholders.


Things to Consider

Imagine you reside in a condominium complex consisting of eight buildings, each with varying liability limits. Let’s say your property carries a 5% Hurricane deductible. In this case, the total insured value (TIV) is multiplied by the deductible percentage to determine the out-of-pocket expense in the event of a claim. For instance:

You own a condo where there are 8 buildings ranging liability limits of $1,684,874 and $2,026,302, and you have a 5% Hurricane deductible. The total TIV (Toal Insured Value) is multiplied by the deductible percentage, 5%.

Building A: TIV $2,000,000= Deductible $100,000

Building B: TIV $1,500,000= Deductible $75,000

Considering all eight buildings:

Total TIV: $14,000,000

Total Deductible: $700,000

Now, if a 1% deductible were in place instead:

Total Deductible: $140,000


The Implications and Beyond

While the calculations above solely focus on the deductible, other provisions can significantly impact coverage and claim outcomes. A high deductible might seem insignificant initially, but it can prove pivotal in determining the success of your claim. This hold especially true if you reside in an area prone to natural disasters, such as hurricanes.


In conclusion, comprehending the nuances of insurance deductibles is crucial for policyholders seeking to safeguard their assets effectively. Empower yourself with knowledge on the complexities of insurance claims and your policy. By making informed decisions about your deductible, you can not only manage your premium costs but also ensure that your claim process is smooth and financially viable in times of distress. Connect with us today to explore how Premier Claims can assist you on your journey to comprehensive coverage and peace of mind.


Despite Delay Tactics $1.4M Settlement Secured in 3 Months

Luxtor Self-Storage

Prescott, Arizona
Hail Damage
February 2022

Before even filing a claim for hail damage to a high-end self-storage facility, our team was already on the case. Within a week of initiating the claim, we coordinated a joint inspection with the insurance carrier. Despite receiving a ‘reservation of rights’ letter from the carrier—a common delay tactic—we pressed on. We assessed the damage to all four buildings and submitted a comprehensive estimate. Although the insurance carrier countered with lower estimates, we stood our ground. The result? A robust final settlement of $1,428,000 in just 3 months, which even included the cost of private security during the restoration process.

Insurance Carrier Offer: Stated No Coverage Available

Premier Claims Settlement: $1,428,000