Premier Claims: Your Trusted Public Adjuster

So, you’ve danced with the devil before, huh? We get it. But before you swear off public adjusters forever, let’s talk about why Premier Claims is the antidote to your past nightmares and the public adjuster you can trust.

Who Can You Trust?

Trust is a rare gem in the insurance world, but with Premier Claims, it’s our currency. We’re not your run-of-the-mill adjusters. Picture us as the Avengers of insurance claims, swooping in to save the day. Our squad of seasoned and licensed professionals knows the game better than most. With us, your claim isn’t just a file— it’s a mission. 

The Dark Side of DIY

Now, let’s talk about the alternative: going solo. It’s like wandering into the lion’s den armed with a toothpick. Insurance carriers have armies of their own adjusters trained to sniff out your policy’s weakness and exploit it. You’re playing a dangerous game of chance without a heavyweight like Premier Claims in your corner. It’s not just about money; it’s about your sanity. Don’t risk losing both to the insurance sharks. 

Your Captain America Shield

What makes Premier Claims the cream of the crop? Simple—our dedication to your cause. We don’t just push papers and play nice with insurers. We’re your warriors, fighting tooth and nail for every penny we think you’re owed. From the opening of your claim, we’re by your side, navigating the treacherous waters of insurance claims with you. Consider us your lifeline in the storm, your beacon of hope when all seems lost. 


So, before you wave the white flag on public adjusters, give Premier Claims a shot. We’re not here to sugarcoat or spin tales. We’re here to get you results, plain and simple. Contact Premier Claims today, and let’s turn your claim nightmare into a victory dance.

Remember, in the game of insurance claims, there’s no room for amateurs. Choose Premier Claims, the public adjuster you can trust, and let’s win this together. 

Would You Work for Free? Why We Take a Fee

Imagine yourself walking into a courtroom. Let’s say you’ve been sued by a disgruntled employee alleging you unlawfully fired them. Unfortunately, their lawyer is very good at making the judge believe that they were the victim of workplace abuse. Despite documentation that clearly demonstrates their poor performance as an employee—including unexcused absences, frequently missed deadlines, and complaints from other employees regarding their conduct—you opted to represent yourself to forgo additional legal fees. Without legal representation, you fail to introduce evidence of poor workmanship in your defense, and you overlook any viable objections.

Now ask yourself: Was saving the initial expense of a lawyer lucrative, even with the knowledge that if you lose, it will cost you more money? This hypothetical scenario paints a picture of a level of risk comparable to the risk of filing a large loss insurance claim without a public adjuster

With the involvement of a public adjuster, a claim settles for more, which means more money for you to restore your property to its former glory. Without our assistance, your settlement could be lower, resulting in a lower payout of the claim as a whole. 

Do You Know Your Worth?

In 2022, Hurricane Ian swept through the Florida coast, destroying homes, businesses, and livelihoods. Bacon’s Furniture in Port Charlotte, Florida, experienced a total building and inventory loss due to the high winds. The hurricane pulled off the roof down to the plywood, leaving bits of the roof sprinkled among the rubble.

As a furniture store, the inside of the building contained dining room chairs that no one would ever use for a Thanksgiving meal, couches, and armchairs that would never spark sibling rivalry during family movie night, and beds that would never receive praise for giving their owners the best sleep of their lives.

The financial loss would cost Bacon millions, but their carrier’s initial offer was only slightly over two million dollars. Enter Premier Claims. 

Our experts did a thorough inspection of the damage outside of the building, as well as the torn and broken furniture inside. After multiple negotiations, inspections with a handful of experts, and hiring a Business Personal Property (BPP) company to do a full inventory of the damaged furniture, we got Bacon’s carrier to release over thirteen million dollars. 

Don’t Settle For Less

Bacon could have settled and accepted the two million, but it wouldn’t have covered the entirety of the cost for the damage and loss of inventory sustained by the store. By retaining Premier Claims, Bacon’s Furniture benefited significantly from higher payouts, even with Premier’s added fee expenses. 

At Premier Claims, we understand the importance of transparency and trust. Our fee structure varies depending on the state and the specifics of the claim. In some cases, fees are billed hourly, while in others, they are contingent on the successful resolution of your claim. Rest assured that we’re committed to advocating for your best interests and aim to maximize the potential of your claim. We’re here to provide the support and expertise you need, tailored to your situation. 

Empower Yourself with Premier Claims

Don’t let concerns about our fee overshadow the significant benefits of partnering with Premier Claims. With our full team of experts on your side, you can navigate the claims process confidently, knowing that you have dedicated advocates fighting for your rights under your policy. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help secure the compensation you deserve.

Why Your Contractor Can’t Handle Your Insurance Claim

Your Decisions Could Cost You

You’ve just discovered extensive damage to your property, and your first instinct is to call your trusted contractor. They’ve always done a great job with repairs, so why not rely on them to handle the insurance claim too? Before you make that decision, consider this: entrusting your claim solely to your contractor could lead to unexpected complications and potentially costly consequences.

The Potential Risk You’re Unaware Of

Did you know that it’s illegal in most states for contractors to represent themselves as public adjusters? This distinction is crucial because, generally, handling insurance claims requires specific licensing and expertise. By relying on an unqualified individual, you’re risking the outcome of your claim and potentially facing legal repercussions. Imagine the added stress of legal battles on top of property damage. 

Expertise vs. Qualifications

Sure, your contractor might excel at repairs, but do they have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and negotiation strategies? Public adjusters undergo extensive training and licensing precisely for these reasons. They know the ins and outs of the insurance claim process, always trying to ensure that your claim is accurately documented. Trusting someone without the right qualifications is like navigating a minefield blindfolded. 

The Power of Collaboration

Instead of choosing between your contractor and a public adjuster, why not have both working for you? At Premier Claims, we collaborate closely with your contractor to try to achieve the best outcome for you. Your contractor focuses on restoring your property while our team advocates for your best interests and negotiates with your insurance carrier. This partnership is intended to ensure that every aspect of your claim and restoration process is handled with expertise and care, creating a win-win situation for you.

Take Control of Your Claim

Don’t gamble on your property’s ability to be fully restored. Take control of the situation by contacting Premier Claims today. Our team of licensed public adjusters is here to help you navigate the complex claims process, fight for the best settlement, and restore your peace of mind. Don’t wait until it’s too late- ensure your claim gets the attention it deserves from the people who are qualified to do it.

Mastering the Game of the Claims Process

Who are the players in the intake process?

Think of the claims intake process as one big video game, where the decision maker or policy owner plays the most integral part of the claims game. Throughout your quest for a fair claim payout, you’ll meet some additional key figures or characters to help you along the way. 

Player Character or Protagonist: The Policy Owner

The policyholder is the main character. They’re the ones whose name is listed under “Named Insured” in the policy. This person is typically the business or building owner who either knows all of the information needed in connection to the property or knows the best person to ask for help obtaining the necessary information.

Ensure you know the differences between signee, named insured, and claimant. Not sure what they are? We’ve got you covered.

Signee vs. Named Insured

Named Insured vs. Claimant

Signee vs. Claimant

The Guide: The Property Manager

The property manager serves as a point of contact for the building’s condition. They may provide essential information about the property and assist with gathering documentation throughout the claims process. Their job is to oversee the property and ensure that its condition is up to par. They should have records of any issues with the building and repairs made, the insurance policy, and inspection records. When it comes to providing information on any changes to the property or past issues, they are an excellent resource.

Information Hub: Your Broker or Insurance Agent

Your broker or broker agent is the keeper of policy knowledge. They’re key when trying to track down your policy. That isn’t a problem if you’ve never seen your policy. Your broker is required to give you a copy if the signee asks. If you are getting a runaround when requesting a copy of your policy, Premier Claims is happy to assist.

The Ally: Premier Claims

Premier Claims is your claims team’s muscle and brains. Throughout the intense battle with the insurance carrier, we will always be on your side, advocating on your behalf. We are experts in the claims process and have the tenacity and drive to fight for your rightful compensation. 

Your Arsenal

One of the first steps in the claims process is to gather all necessary information about the property. The policy owner should have access to their insurance policy documents, including the declaration pages outlining key coverage details. This readily available information can expedite the intake process and facilitate smoother communication with the insurance adjuster.

You should also have a detailed timeline of the building. Whether it’s recent renovations, prior damage, or maintenance issues, you should be prepared to provide insights into the building’s history. This information can help the adjuster properly assess the extent of the damage.

Once Premier Claims has the primary information concerning your property, we can start investigating and ultimately battling it out with the villain of the claims process: the insurance carrier.

Where is My Insurance Policy?

Hiring an insurance broker can save you a ton of money. They can quickly compare plans of dozens of insurance carriers, taking the stress off of your plate. While that is great in the long run, when it comes time to file an insurance claim, you’re left wondering which carrier your insurance policy is even with.

Not having a copy of your insurance policy can land you in hot water. Even worse— you don’t know who your insurance carrier is! Take action and ensure you have your policy ready to go when you need it most.

Where do I start?

This is where Premier Claims steps in. When you hire us, it’s like getting a hammer when you’ve been driving nails in with the end of a screwdriver. The screwdriver was able to get the nail into the wood. However, the hammer is more accurate and cuts time in half. 

Are you having a tough time getting your insurance information from your broker? One of our representatives is happy to help get the info you need. As an additional service, we offer free policy reviews. To have your insurance policy reviewed, use the following link:

Our tenacity does not waver throughout the claims process. We are your hammer. We are going to call who we need to call, meet who we need to meet, and debate who we need to debate in order to get what you are owed. 

What’s next?

As we gather your insurance information, we’ll make sure you have a digital file with all necessary documents in case of another catastrophe.

These include:

Once we start the claims process, we will need to track down all of these documents to get a clear picture of your property. The more information our adjusters have, the smoother the claims process. 

Let’s Talk Property Inspections

Property inspections play a key role in the claims process, providing valuable insights into the extent of damage incurred. At Premier Claims, we recognize the significance of thorough inspections when fighting for a fair and accurate claim settlement.

The Purpose of Property Inspections

Inspections serve as a critical juncture where both the policyholder and the insurance carrier assess the damage firsthand. These inspections are instrumental in determining the scope of repairs needed and estimating the cost of restoration. By conducting thorough inspections, policyholders can ensure that they properly document all damages, thereby reducing the likelihood of disputes during the claims process.

The Premier Claims Advantage

At Premier Claims, we take a proactive approach to inspections by sending our experienced inspectors alongside the insurance representative. This collaborative effort allows us to provide comprehensive assessments while advocating for the policyholder’s best interests. Our inspectors are trained to identify hidden damages and all relevant information to be accurately recorded. In turn, our inspections aim to increase the likelihood of a favorable claim outcome. 

Inspection Goal

Brent Roberts, Inspections Manager, and Licensed Public Adjuster, believes, “Our goal is to identify damage and have the Insurance Adjuster acknowledge the damage on site.” Collaborating with your insurance carrier’s representative for an inspection allows us to ensure they’re recognizing the damage we’re seeing. Our meticulous approach focuses on identifying any damage, linking it to the date of loss, and confirming its weather-related nature. This thorough process documents all relevant information, setting the foundation for a fair and expedited claims resolution. Learn more in our full YouTube video: Let’s Talk Property Inspections

The Inspection Process

During the inspection, our team meticulously examines the property, documenting all visible damages caused by the covered peril. We pay close attention to details, capturing photographic evidence and taking note of any structural issues or safety concerns. By conducting a thorough inspection, we equip policyholders with the information needed to pursue fair and adequate compensation for their losses. 

Policyholder Insight

Understanding the inspection process can empower policyholders to actively participate in their claims journey. By familiarizing themselves with common types of damages and inspection techniques, policyholders can effectively communicate their needs and concerns to the inspection team. Additionally, staying informed about their rights and entitlements allows policyholders to be well-equipped to navigate the claims process with confidence. 

Property inspections are a vital component of the claims process, providing an opportunity to assess damages and advocate for fair compensation. At Premier Claims, we prioritize transparency, professionalism, and advocacy in every inspection we conduct. For more information about property inspections and our claims management services, we invite you to connect with our team today to schedule an inspection of your property. 

Protect Your Roof: Mitigating Post-Winter Storm Damage

The Thawing Process and Roof Vulnerabilities

The beauty of winter gives way to potential hazards such as accumulated snow and ice. Ice dams, formed on your roof’s edges, can lead to water infiltration as they block proper drainage. Understand the risks and take proactive measures to prevent damage. 

Structural Stress on Roofing Materials

The weight of snow and ice can cause structural stress on your roofing materials. Look for visible signs such as sagging areas, bowed sections, or unusual depressions. Examine the edges of your roof for potential vulnerabilities. Reinforce weak points by consulting with a roofing professional. Consider redistributing snow load or implementing temporary supports to alleviate stress. Reinforcement measures may involve bracing, especially in areas prone to heavy snowfall. 

Identifying Signs of Roof Damage

Interior Warning Signs

Spotting interior warning signs is crucial. Leaks, water stains, or mold growth indicate potential roof damage. Pinpoint the source of leaks promptly to prevent further structural compromise. Investigate attic spaces for any signs of water infiltration, allowing for early detection and timely intervention. This proactive approach can mitigate potential damage from escalating. 

Exterior Inspection Tips

Performing an exterior inspection is equally important. Check for missing or damaged shingles, cracks in the roofing material, and compromised flashings. Inspect chimneys, vents, and gutters for signs of damage. Pay attention to the condition of the soffits and fascia. By routinely assessing your property’s exterior, you actively contribute to its long-term structural health. Document findings for future reference and maintenance planning.

Mitigating Roof Damage During Thaw

Proactive snow and ice removal can be the key factor in your roof’s ability to withstand any melting complications. Use safe removal techniques to prevent further damage, such as the following:

Use a Roof Rake

A roof rake is a long-handled tool designed for removing snow from the roof while standing on the ground. Gently pull the snow down the roof slope without damaging shingles or roofing materials. Avoid climbing onto the roof, especially during icy conditions. 

Avoid Metal Tools

Refrain from using metal tools like shovels, as they can cause damage to the roof surface and lead to scratches or punctures. 

De-icing Agents

Apply roof-friendly de-icing agents to help melt ice dams. Take care to choose products that are safe for roofing materials and won’t cause corrosion.

Warm Water Application

In certain situations, carefully pour warm water on ice-prone areas to facilitate melting. Avoid using hot water, as it can refreeze quickly and create additional issues leading to potential roof damage. 

Professional Snow Removal

Consider hiring professional snow removal services with experience in safe practices. Professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to minimize the risk of damage with snow and ice removal. 

Prevent Ice Dam Formation

Consider installing ice shields or heating cables along the roof edge to prevent the formation of ice dams. Proper insulation and ventilation in the attic can also contribute to minimizing ice dams. 

When Should I Consult a Professional?

As the winter wonderland transforms into a thawing landscape, your roof faces potential challenges. Property owners should feel empowered to protect their property against post-winter storm damage. By understanding vulnerabilities, identifying warning signs, and taking proactive measures, you’re setting your property up for success. Premier Claims offers guidance on assessing any damage to your roof after a winter storm. From insurance claims to restoration assistance, trust our team of Public Adjusters to guide you through your claims process. If you suspect your roof has been damaged after the recent winter storms, connect with our team for a thorough inspection of your property. 

Learn to Love Your Insurance Policy

Valentine’s Day is more than just a celebration of romantic relationships. It’s an opportunity to nurture a relationship with something equally important—your insurance policy. While insurance might not be the most exciting topic, understanding and appreciating your policy can bring peace of mind and financial security. This Valentine’s Day, learn to love your insurance policy and feel confident in the coverage you’ve chosen. 

Strengthen Your Relationship

Know What You’re Covered For

The first step in loving your insurance policy is understanding what it covers. Take the time to thoroughly read through your policy documents and/or discuss them with a licensed professional. Pay close attention to key details such as property damage coverage, liability coverage, and any additional endorsements or riders that may be relevant to your property use. Understanding your coverage limits and exclusions can help you avoid surprises in the event of a claim. 

Assess Your Risks

Every property faces unique risks, whether it’s due to the nature of the industry, the location of the property, or other factors. Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential threats to your commercial or residential property, such as fire, theft, natural disasters, or liability claims. Once you understand your risks, you can work with your insurance carrier to tailor your policy to provide adequate protection against those specific threats. 

Review Your Policy Regularly

Just like relationships, insurance policies require regular attention and maintenance. Review your policy annually or whenever there are significant changes to your business or property. This could include renovations or expansions, changes in inventory or equipment, or updates to local building codes and regulations. Keeping your policy up-to-date allows you to have the right coverage vs. right amount of coverage.

Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when navigating your insurance policy. While your insurance carrier can offer valuable insights, sometimes you may require additional support to fully grasp the complexities of your coverage. That’s where a team like Premier Claims can step in. With our team of licensed public adjusters and legal professionals, we’re dedicated to helping policyholders fully understand their policy. Whether you’re unsure about a particular clause in your policy, need clarification on a claim process, or simply want experienced guidance, our team is here to provide personalized support.  To have your policy thoroughly reviewed by our team of licensed professionals, submit your policy here:

Consider Additional Coverage

Depending on your needs, you may want to consider additional coverage options beyond the basic property and liability insurance. Evaluating your specific risks and considering additional coverage can provide added peace of mind. For example, as hail season quickly approaches, it’s important that your insurance policy protects your property against any damage that hail may bring. Learn more about hail damage coverage in our blog:

Document & Maintain Records

In the event of a claim, having thorough documentation can make the process smoother and help you fight to receive fair compensation. Keep detailed records of your property, including photos, receipts, and inventory lists. Maintain copies of insurance policy documents, correspondence with your insurance carrier, and any relevant contracts or agreements. Being organized and prepared can help expedite the claims process and minimize possible disruptions to your business operations. 

Stay Informed

Insurance regulations and industry standards can change over time, so it’s important to stay informed about developments that may affect your coverage. Being proactive can help you make informed decisions about your insurance policy and allow you to be adequately protected. We recommend that you subscribe to updates from your insurance carrier and participate in industry associations, so that you can stay informed of relevant news and developments in your area. We believe that knowledge is not just power but a path to peace of mind. Stay connected, stay informed, and let our team be a resource for you. For ongoing industry updates, subscribe to our blog:

By following these tips, you can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for your insurance policy. Ultimately, giving you the confidence to face whatever challenges are thrown your way. This Valentine’s Day, take a moment to show some love to your insurance policy. It’s a relationship worth nurturing for the security and protection of your property. 

Hail Damage Coverage: Protect Your Commercial Property

As hail season approaches, we recommend that business owners ensure their insurance policy includes hail damage coverage. Picture a shield, not just against hailstones, but against the unseen risks that follow. Hailstorms pose a significant threat to commercial properties, potentially causing extensive damage to roofs, windows, exterior structures, and equipment. To navigate the challenges of hail season successfully, having the right protection in place is key. 

Prepare Your Insurance Policy for Hail Season

Commercial Property Insurance

This foundational coverage protects your business, including buildings and contents, against various perils, like hail damage. Confirm that your policy explicitly includes hail damage coverage for related incidents. 

Business Interruption Coverage

Hail Damage can lead to business disruptions. Business Interruption Coverage helps cover lost income, ongoing expenses, and relocation costs during the period of restoration. Ensure your policy adequately addresses the potential financial impact of hail-related disruptions. To learn more about Business Interruption Coverage read our blog: The Difference Between Business Interruption and Additional Living Expenses

Exterior Structure and Signage Coverage

Hailstorms can harm the exterior structure of your commercial property, including any signage. Therefore, it’s recommended that your insurance policy includes hail damage coverage that extends to these components to prevent unexpected repair or replacement costs. 

Specialized Coverage for Equipment and Inventory

Moreover, commercial properties often house valuable equipment and inventory critical to daily operations. From high tech machinery to essential tools, your business assets are the gears that keep the engine running smoothly. Here’s a closer look at how you can protect your business and commercial property against hail damage:

Equipment Breakdown Protection

In the event of a hailstorm, equipment is vulnerable to damage. As a result of including Equipment Breakdown Protection in your policy, your policy is able to cover repairs or replacement costs for machinery affected by hail damage. Equipment Breakdown Protection extends beyond general wear and tear, providing a safety net for your technological investments. 

Technology and Electronics Coverage

Modern businesses rely heavily on technology and electronic systems and specialized coverage for these assets is important for business owners to consider when reviewing their insurance policies. From servers to computers, make certain your policy includes protection for these vital components, minimizing downtime and potential loss. 

Inventory Loss Coverage

Commercial properties also house inventories of products, raw materials, or goods in progress. Hail damage can lead to inventory loss, impacting your supply chain and revenue streams. Comprehensive coverage can encompass the replacement of repair costs for damaged inventory, allowing your business to recover and meet customer demands. 

Customization for Industry-Specific Equipment

Recognizing the diversity of commercial enterprises, your insurance coverage can be customized to protect industry-specific equipment. Whether you’re in manufacturing, healthcare, or any other sector, you can tailor your policy to address the unique needs of your business. 

Importance of Regular Policy Review 

Coverage Adequacy for Business Growth

Commercial enterprises evolve, and property values change. Regular policy reviews allow for your coverage to be aligned with the current value of your commercial property and your business assets. It also allows you to account for expansions or modifications. Adjusting your policy as needed prior to the start of hail season, can protect you in the event damage occurs. 

Policy Limitations and Exclusions

Commercial property insurance policies may have limitations or exclusions related to hail damage. A thorough review helps identify any potential gaps in coverage, allowing for proactive adjustments. 

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Collaborate with Premier Claims to assess risk mitigation strategies specific to your business. Tailoring your policy to address unique circumstances can enhance your overall risk management plan. 

As a commercial property owner, your business assets are the heartbeat of your enterprise. Don’t let hail season catch you off guard—proactively review your policy. This allows you to make any hail damage coverage additions, protecting your property and business in the best way you can. Premier Claims stands ready to assist you, offering guidance, compassion, and a commitment to policyholders. Connect with us today to prepare your business for the challenges hail season may bring. To have your policy thoroughly reviewed by our team of licensed professionals, submit your policy here: