What Do I Do After a Hurricane?

Post Hurricane Helene Responsibilities as a Policyholder 

As you brace yourself for the impending hurricane, it’s perfectly normal to feel a mix of anxiety and anticipation. While we can’t control Mother Nature (trust me, we’ve tried), we can control how we respond when the storm clouds roll in. Knowing your responsibilities as a policyholder can protect your property and make the recovery process much smoother. 

1. Act Quickly to Mitigate Damage

Once the winds start howling, your first job is to mitigate further damage—a fancy way of saying, “Stop the damage from getting worse!” Here’s how to do that without losing your cool:

2. Notify Your Insurance Carrier Immediately

Once you’ve taken steps to secure your property, it’s time to let your insurance carrier in on the action. Here’s how to make the call count:

3. Take Charge of the Recovery Process with Premier Claims

After notifying your insurance carrier, it’s time to take charge of the recovery process—and you don’t have to do it alone! Here’s how Premier Claims can step in and assist you:

4. Lean on Your Community for Support

Finally, don’t forget about the power of community. After the hurricane is the perfect time to channel your inner neighborly spirit.

Weathering the Storm Together

Facing the aftermath of a hurricane can feel daunting, but understanding your responsibilities as a policyholder can empower you during this challenging time. Taking proactive steps to mitigate damage, notifying your insurance carrier promptly, and leaning on your community for support can turn a stressful situation into a more manageable one.

If you need help navigating the claims process, remember Premier Claims is here to guide you every step of the way. Connect with our team today, and together, we’ll turn this stormy season into a story of resilience and recovery.

Make an Appeal: Denied Property Insurance Claims

No-Nonsense Guide to Turning Rejection into Victory

Got a big, fat “denied” stamp on your insurance claim? Ouch—we know how much that hurts. A denial isn’t the end of the road—it’s just a detour. If you’re ready to file an appeal for your denial, it’s time to roll up your sleeves, gather your facts, and call the Premier Claims team to tackle the appeal process head-on.

Step 1: Get to the Bottom of Why Your Claim Was Denied

First, understand why you can appeal your denied insurance claim. Your insurance carrier will send you a formal denial letter explaining their reasons. The terms could be straightforward, like missing documentation or a policy exclusion, but sometimes, they’re more complicated.

Review the Denial Letter Thoroughly

Compare the reasons in the letter with the terms of your policy. Does the denial align with your understanding of your coverage? 

Discuss the Denial

Contact your claims adjuster or agent if the explanation doesn’t add up. Sometimes, a simple conversation can clear up misunderstandings. 

If the letter looks like it’s written in a foreign language, Premier Claims is here to help. Our team will break down the fine print and help you understand your policy and the so-called reasons for denial.

Step 2: Gather Your Evidence Like a Pro

Once you understand why your claim was denied, it’s time to build your case. This step is all about showing your insurance carrier why they got it wrong. You’ll need:

Proper Documentation

Collect all the paperwork tied to your claim—damage photos, repair estimates, and correspondence with the insurer. If you have photos of your property before the damage occurred, make sure to include them! 

The key here is thorough documentation. The more compelling your evidence, the harder it is for the insurer to stick to their denial. 

Step 3: File a Formal Appeal

If a friendly conversation with your insurance carrier doesn’t lead to a resolution, it’s time to file a formal appeal. Your insurance policy will outline the specific appeals process, including any deadlines. Don’t miss these—once the window closes, so does your chance to appeal.

Write an Effective Appeal Letter

Address the reasons for the denial directly and back up your argument with the evidence you’ve gathered. Make sure everything is organized and easy to follow. 

Stay Professional

This is all about facts, not feelings. Keep the tone professional, and let your evidence do the talking. 

Do you want your appeal letter to be as effective as possible? Premier Claims can take this task off your hands, writing a clear and compelling appeal intended to increase your chances of success. 

Step 4: Get a Public Adjuster on Your Team

Here’s where things can start to turn in your favor. A licensed public adjuster, like those at Premier Claims, can make a world of difference. They understand the ins and outs of property insurance claims and know how to best get results. 

Why You Need a Public Adjuster

Public adjusters work for you—not the insurance carrier. They’ll review your policy, document and value your losses, and negotiate your settlement on your behalf. 

Timing is Key

The sooner you get a public adjuster involved, the better. They can help strengthen your case and handle the tough conversations with your carrier. To learn more about when to get a Public Adjuster involved in your claim, read our blog: https://premier-claims.com/blog/when-to-hire-public-adjuster/

Don’t wait until your appeal is denied before calling for backup. Getting our team involved early can turn the tide in your favor before things get messy. 

Step 5: Consider Filing a Complaint or Taking Legal Action

If you’re still not getting anywhere, you may need to escalate the situation. Filing a complaint with your state’s insurance commissioner is one option. If things have really gone south, you might consider legal action. 

Filing a Complaint

Insurance regulations govern the industry. If you believe the insurer treated you unfairly, submit a formal complaint to your state’s regulatory body, which can sometimes push the insurer to reconsider.

Legal Action

In some cases, hiring a lawyer who specializes in insurance disputes may be necessary. This can be costly and time-consuming, but sometimes, it’s the only way to get what you’re owed. 

If you’ve reached this stage, Premier Claims can still help. We can connect you with trusted legal experts who know how to handle property insurance disputes and fight for your rights. 

Don’t Go It Alone

Appealing a denied insurance claim can feel like an uphill battle, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Working with experts like Premier Claims can significantly increase your chances of success. We’ve helped countless clients turn denials into approvals, and we’re ready to do the same for you. 

Need help with your appeal? Contact Premier Claims today!

Mold Exclusions: What Your Insurance Carrier Isn’t Telling You

Mold Mayhem

Mold— it’s like that uninvited guest who shows up at your party, eats all the snacks, and leaves you with a mess to clean up. Unlike a party crasher, mold can cause serious damage to your property and health. The real kicker? Your insurance policy may not cover the damage. Surprised? You’re not alone. As storm damage and water woes hit record levels, mold exclusions in insurance policies are catching property owners off guard. Let’s dive into the murky world of mold exclusions and see how to avoid getting stuck with the cleanup bill. 

Mold Exclusions: The Fine Print You Can’t Afford to Ignore

In the grand game of “What Does My Insurance Actually Cover?” Mold exclusions are like the joker card—unexpected and not very funny. These sneaky clauses wormed their way into property owners’ policies after some high-profile lawsuits in the early 2000s. Remember the Ballard v. Farmers Insurance Group case? Neither did we—until it led to a $32 million lawsuit that made insurance carriers nationwide sweat bullets. The insurance industry responded with a collective “Nope!” by slapping mold exclusions on policies and placing caps on the amount of coverage available for mold damage. 

Why Mold and Insurance Don’t Mix

Insurance carriers are the friends who refuse to eat at certain restaurants because of a bad experience years ago. Mold is their bad experience. The problem? Mold is expensive to fix, and health issues linked to mold exposure can linger like a bad odor (pun intended). To avoid footing the bill for moldy messes, insurers decided to cut their losses— literally— by excluding or limiting mold coverage. They figured it’s better to lose a few customers than face another muti-million dollar lawsuit. 

The Creeping Threat: Why Molid Is More of a Problem Than Ever

Mother nature has been throwing a lot at us lately— floods, hurricanes, and windstorms that have turned buildings into waterlogged, mold-friendly environments. While mold might start as a small patch, it can spread faster than gossip at a neighborhood BBQ. The bad news? As severe weather events become more common, the risk of mold damage increases. It gets worse— your insurance policy might not have your back when you need it most. 

Don’t Let Mold Make You the Punchline

How to Protect Your Property

  1. Read the Small Print (Yes, All of It)

Read your insurance policy like a thriller novel—every word matters. Look out for red-flag phrases within your policy exclusions like fungus, rot, and moisture damage. 

  1. Mold Insurance: Not Just for the Paranoid

You wouldn’t buy a house without a roof, so why settle for insurance that doesn’t cover all your potential risks? Some insurance carriers offer separate coverage or endorsements that cover mold damage more comprehensively. 

  1. Maintenance is Your Best Defense

The best offense is a good defense, and that’s true for mold, too. Regular property maintenance is like taking your vitamins— boring but essential. Fix leaks, keep your gutters clean, and don’t ignore that weird, musty smell coming from the basement. The quicker you act, the less chance mold has to settle in and make itself at home. 

  1. Insurance Policies are Confusing— Ask a Professional

Don’t worry about having to review insurance policy alone; our team at Premier Claims is here to help. If you’re scratching your head over what’s covered and what’s not, consult with one of our professionals. They can help decode your policy and suggest coverage options to protect your property adequately. Submit your insurance policy for review today: https://premier-claims.com/policy-review/

Mold might be one of life’s little unpleasantries, but discovering your insurance doesn’t cover it? That’s a nightmare. By staying informed, reviewing your policy, and taking preventative steps, you can avoid the mold trap altogether. After all, the only thing worse than mold is mold and a denial letter from your insurance carrier.

The Role of a Public Adjuster vs. Insurance Adjuster

When disaster strikes—whether it’s a storm, fire, or water damage—one of the first steps in getting your life back on track is filing an insurance claim. But when it comes to navigating the complex world of insurance, understanding the role of a Public Adjuster versus an Insurance Carrier Adjuster can make all the difference in how much you get paid. Let’s break down the key differences so you know exactly who’s on your side.

What is an Insurance Adjuster?

Simply put, an Insurance Adjuster works for the insurance carrier. Their job is to evaluate the damage to your property and determine how much the insurance carrier should pay out on your claim.

Now, before you think, “Well, that sounds fair enough”—let’s take a moment to remember who signs their paychecks. While they’re there to assess the situation, their ultimate goal is to minimize the payout, ensuring the insurance carrier saves money. It’s like letting the fox guard the henhouse.

What is a Public Adjuster?

On the flip side, a Public Adjuster works for you, the policyholder. They’re licensed professionals who evaluate your claim, just like the insurance adjuster does, but with your best interests in mind. A Public Adjuster’s job is to fight for you to get the payout you deserve by thoroughly inspecting the damage, reviewing your insurance policy, and negotiating with the insurance carrier on your behalf.

Think of them as your advocate—a Robin Hood of sorts in the often murky insurance world.

How Does This Affect You?

Having a Public Adjuster in your corner can significantly change the outcome of your claim. While the Insurance Adjuster might tell you that your damage isn’t “severe enough” or certain repairs aren’t covered, a Public Adjuster will go through your policy with a fine-tooth comb to make sure every bit of damage is accounted for. They’ll fight for a settlement that reflects all the damages you’ve suffered, not just what the insurance carrier wants to acknowledge.

When Should You Call a Public Adjuster?

If your claim has been denied, underpaid, or you feel overwhelmed dealing with the insurance carrier, calling a Public Adjuster can be a game-changer. They’ll step in to handle the heavy lifting, freeing you up to focus on getting life back to normal.

In the majority of states, Public Adjuster’s fees are dependent on the payout of the claim by the insurance company. For example, Public Adjusters may fee off a small percentage of the settlement. Alternatively, some state contracts are drafted to include provisions for hourly fees. Each contract is drafted to accommodate the fee requirements of the state in question. In either case, Public Adjusters are motivated to obtain the largest settlement payout possible on behalf of the client. 

At the end of the day, filing an insurance claim can feel like navigating a maze, but you don’t have to do it alone. A Public Adjuster is on your side, fighting for the settlement you deserve, while the Insurance Carrier Adjuster is there to protect the insurance company’s bottom line.

If you’re looking to make sure your claim is handled fairly, it’s worth having an expert in your corner who isn’t tied to the insurance company. Premier Claims is your trusted Public Adjuster, dedicated to making the most of your claim and fighting for your right to a fair settlement.

Ready to get what you’re owed? Contact Premier Claims today, and we’ll work together to restore your property.

Hassle-Free Inspections= Streamlined Insurance Claims

At Premier Claims, we strive to make the inspection process seamless and hassle-free. Discover how we manage the inspection process without requiring you or your contractor to be onsite, which, in turn, creates a streamlined insurance claims process.

Hassle-Free Inspections

One key advantage of working with Premier Claims is our convenient and hassle-free inspection process. Our inspectors can access the roof without needing you or your contractor present. This flexibility allows you to continue with your daily activities uninterrupted. 

Disclaimer: Inspection circumstances may vary depending on the location of the damage on your property, the state of damage, and the type of property. 

Professional and Thorough Assessments

Inspections are crucial in filing an insurance claim. Our experienced inspectors collaborate with insurance adjusters to conduct thorough damage assessments. They meticulously document all findings to ensure every damaged aspect is noted.

Transparent Communication

We maintain transparency throughout the claims process. Any damage identified during the inspection will be promptly communicated to you through your designated client specialist. We are committed to maintaining a consistent line of communication with you throughout the claims process.

Coordination with Your Contractor

While your contractor’s presence isn’t necessary during the inspection, we understand you might prefer their involvement. We are happy to coordinate with your contractor to ensure a smooth process, aiming to cover your claim comprehensively.

Expert Documentation

Our inspectors provide detailed documentation of any damage found during the inspection to our adjusting team and your client specialist representative. This is crucial for substantiating your claim and ensuring all necessary repairs are accounted for.

Dedicated Client Support

After the inspection, your client specialist will review the findings with you, offering a comprehensive overview of the damage and guiding you through the next steps. Our team is dedicated to making sure you understand every aspect of your claim.

Focus on Your Peace of Mind

At Premier Claims, we simplify the inspection and claims process, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your peace of mind. We provide flexibility and convenience by not requiring you or your contractor to be onsite. Trust our experienced team to handle the details, communicate transparently, and work diligently to get your claim covered.

Disclaimer: Inspection circumstances may vary depending on the location of the damage on your property, the state of damage, and the type of property. 

Contact us today to learn more about our streamlined inspections and how we can assist you with your insurance claim.

What Do You Do After Property Damage Occurs?

Steps to Take After Property Damage 

As you’re sitting at your dinner table, drinking your coffee, and eating your breakfast, you open up Facebook, and all you see are photos, videos, and news articles about the hail storm that swept through your neighborhood. You see that one of your friends posted a picture of a golf ball-sized hail near one of the office buildings you own. You realize there is a VERY good chance your building has damage. What do you do? Do you know how to navigate the claims process after property damage?

Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do after property damage:

1. Mitigate Further Damage

First and foremost, prioritize your own safety and that of others. If the damage poses any immediate danger, take necessary steps to mitigate further impact or loss to your property. This could involve actions like boarding up windows, covering exposed areas, or shutting off utilities if necessary. Safety should always be the top priority.

2. Document the Damage

Capture thorough photographic and video evidence of all damage. This documentation is crucial as it serves as tangible proof of the extent of the damage for your insurance claim. Take pictures and videos from multiple angles, including close-up shots and wider views, to capture the full scope of the damage.

3. Contact Our Team for Guidance

Reach out to our team as soon as possible for professional assistance. Premier Claims specializes in navigating the complexities of insurance claims and can provide invaluable guidance from the outset.

4. Initiate the Claims Process

After reviewing the evidence and records, if we determine there is sufficient damage covered under your policy, we will initiate the claims process on your behalf.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in navigating the insurance claims process and recovering from property damage effectively. Your peace of mind is our priority.

Why Canceling Your Inspection Should Be a Last Resort 

At Premier Claims, we understand that life can be busy and scheduling conflicts arise, but canceling your property damage inspection appointment can significantly hinder the progress of your insurance claim. Keeping your inspection appointment assists in making the claim process as smooth and beneficial as possible.

Why Is an Inspection So Important?

1. An Inspection is Essential for Your Claim

The property damage inspection is critical for both us and your insurance carrier. Without it, we may be unable to proceed with your claim. The inspection allows us to accurately document the extent of the damage, which is essential for determining the appropriate compensation. Skipping this step could delay your claim or even lower your payout.

2. You Don’t Need to Attend the Inspection

No need to worry if you can’t attend the property damage inspection. Your presence is not required as long as we can access the roof and other necessary areas. Our team is fully equipped to handle the inspection independently, trying to ensure that all damage is thoroughly documented.

3. We Advocate for You

Our inspectors act as your advocates during the inspection. We have your best interests in mind and work diligently to ensure every known detail of the damage is documented. This comprehensive documentation is crucial to support your claim best and increase the likelihood of compensation from the carrier. 

4. Transparent and Ongoing Communication

We believe in keeping you informed throughout the entire claims process. Your designated client specialist will provide regular updates to inform you of your claim. This transparency helps you stay engaged and understand each process step, even if you can’t attend the inspection.

Canceling your property damage inspection can delay your claim and potentially reduce the compensation you receive. By keeping your appointment, move forward efficiently and continue to advocate on your behalf. Even if we find that there isn’t damage to your property, documenting the current state of your property can be beneficial for potential future claims. To learn more about the benefits of a damage-free inspection, read our full blog: https://premier-claims.com/blog/no-damage-inspections-benefits/. Remember, your presence at the inspection is unnecessary as long as we have access to the damaged areas. Trust our team to handle the inspection competently and keep you informed along the way.

If you have any concerns or questions about the property damage inspection process, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you and ensure your claim is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

Importance of Acting Promptly After a Date of Loss

Severe weather events, such as hailstorms, have become increasingly more common and devastating in recent years. As we enter an era where the cost of insured losses from severe storms continues to rise, it becomes crucial for property owners to act promptly after a date of loss. Get ready to explore the significance of taking immediate action in the wake of extreme weather like this year’s hail storms, gain insights on the rising costs of storm damage, and discover valuable guidance on protecting your property.

Why Acting Promptly Matters

When faced with property damage caused by hail or other severe weather, time is of the essence. Acting promptly allows you to:

Storm Damage (1)

The Soaring Costs of Severe Weather:

Hailstorms have had a significant financial impact, with insured losses skyrocketing in recent decades. Gallagher Re, a reinsurance firm, reports insured losses from hail exceeding $10 billion since 2008. In 2023 alone, insured losses from severe convective storms are projected to surpass $30 billion. With the growing number of severe weather events, it’s crucial to be proactive in protecting your property and securing the necessary coverage.

Reviewing Policy (1)

Protecting Your Property:

To safeguard your property and ensure a smooth claims process, consider the following steps:

Acting promptly after a date of loss is essential to protect your property and ensure a smooth claims process. With the increasing costs of severe weather events, it’s crucial to be proactive in securing the necessary coverage and taking immediate steps to mitigate further damage. By documenting the damage, reporting the loss promptly, and seeking assistance from a Public Adjuster, you can navigate the claims process with confidence.

Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to protecting your property from severe weather-related losses. Act promptly, protect your investment, and fight for the coverage you deserve. If you have any questions, please reach out to our team today


Tornado Recovery, Where Do You Start?

Emotions run high as communities assess the full extent of devastation caused over the weekend. About 40 tornadoes tore across the Midwest, including Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Kansas, as well as a few down in Texas. Some reports show around a hundred tornadoes touched down over the tumultuous weekend. It’s clear there is much work ahead to recover from this disaster. But where do you start?

If this whirlwind of devastation affected you, then you most likely asked yourself that very question: Where do I start?

When you experience such a level of devastation that rips your entire life from its foundation and scatters it about, it becomes almost impossible to think straight. The flattened view of homes and memories before you is captioned by children’s confused cries as they search for their Wubbie or bicycle – the equivalent of an emotional tornado. Where do you find time to pick up the pieces of littered remnants of your home and everything within it?

Recovery & Claim Tips

Next Steps

The next steps become increasingly complicated and time consuming. The claims process can take 6 months to a year or longer. Do you have an additional 20 hours available to spend on a claim for the next 6 months to a year on top of your normal life? I know I don’t and most other people don’t either.

Are you prepared to tackle all that is required in the claims process?

Unlike the carrier adjuster, a public adjuster solely has your interests in mind. They can manage the additional 20 hours a week to handle your claim, reducing your burden. Public adjusters are experts in their field. They will advise and assist you throughout the entire claims process, eliminating those nagging questions and uncertainties you have right now.

What should I do?

Where do I start?

How do we get through this?

Premier Claims is familiar with disaster response and aiding property owners with claims, and this time, it’s in our own backyard. Our experts are here to help our community rebuild and heal from this tragedy. For more support, reach out to our team today: https://premier-claims.com/storm-damage/ 

By: Ashley Workman | Sr. Paralegal & Licensed Public Adjuster