Exposing Insurance Deception: Who is Your Carrier Loyal to?

The Mask of Trust

You’ve faithfully paid your insurance premiums for years, believing that when disaster strikes, your insurance carrier will swoop in to save the day. But what if I told you your blind trust could be costing you thousands? Take the time to learn their game, and overcome possible insurance deception. 

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 

Your insurance agent may smile warmly and shake your hand, but beneath that friendly facade lies a stark reality: their loyalty isn’t to you— it’s to their employer. And when push comes to shove, whose interests do you think they’ll prioritize?

Let’s be real: insurance carriers are in the business of making money, not handing it out. When you file a claim, your agent’s job isn’t to maximize your payout— it’s to protect the company’s profits. Suddenly, that friendly smile doesn’t seem so reassuring, does it? 

The Power of Choice

Unlike your insurance agent, we’re not beholden to the whims of the insurance company. Our allegiance lies solely with you, the policyholder, and we are committed to fighting to stop at nothing to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. 

Still Skeptical?

Imagine this: You’re facing the aftermath of a vicious storm and you filed a claim with your insurance carrier, seeking rightful compensation for hail damage to your property’s metal roof. But instead of a swift resolution, you’re met with a daunting denial— making you question the coverage you’ve faithfully paid for.

Enter Premier Claims.

With unwavering determination, we become your advocate. In the face of carrier delay tactics, we stand firm by your side, armed with collected evidence of the storm’s damage to your property. 

Through our expertise, we secured a $1.16 million dollar settlement for a complete roof replacement. Our impact didn’t stop there, as we commonly attempt to steer the insured towards a future of coverage security, by advising an upgrade to more robust policy, in an attempt to further safeguard you from future coverage denials.

This isn’t just a story we pulled out of thin air— it’s a true testament to our capabilities. Premier Claims secured this complete roof replacement for a religious center in Orlando, Florida. Imagine the possibilities for your own claim. 

Take Your Place in the Driver’s Seat

As storm clouds gather on the horizon, now is the time to take action. Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your interests. Contact Premier Claims today and let us be your guiding light in the darkness of insurance deception. Together, we can weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side. 

In the face of uncertainty, one thing remains clear: the importance of having a trusted ally by your side. With Premier Claims in your corner, you can rest easy knowing that your interests are protected. Don’t let the storm catch you off guard— let us lead you to victory. 

Filing a Claim Without Losing Coverage: Know Your Rights

The fear of being dropped by your insurance carrier is a common concern among policyholders, but it’s important to understand that such action is unlikely and illegal. Let’s delve deeper into this misconception and explain why filing a claim shouldn’t jeopardize your coverage.

Filing a Claim Isn’t Something to Fear

Legal Protection for Policyholders

Contrary to popular belief, insurance carriers are prohibited by law from dropping policyholders simply for filing a claim. Laws and regulations bind your insurance adjuster and govern their operations like a set of rules directs a public adjuster. These regulations safeguard policyholders against unfair treatment and allow policyholders to receive the protection they’ve paid for.

Preserving Your Coverage

You purchase insurance coverage to protect your property against unforeseen events, including storm damage. Filing a claim is fundamental to utilizing your insurance coverage as intended. Whether the damage appears minor or significant, it’s crucial to address it promptly to prevent future complications.

Mitigating Future Risks

While the damage you’ve sustained may seem insignificant at the time, it may escalate into a larger problem over time. Delaying or forgoing the claims process could leave you vulnerable to costly repairs or liabilities in the future. Your risks may be at their highest once the statute of limitations for filing a claim has passed. By addressing the damage promptly, you’re taking proactive measures to protect your property and mitigate future risks. To learn more about filing a claim, read our blog: https://premier-claims.com/blog/when-should-i-file-a-claim/

Empowering Policyholders

At the heart of insurance coverage is the principle of protection and support for policyholders. Your insurance carrier should be there to assist you in times of need, not to penalize you for seeking the coverage you’ve paid for. By understanding your rights and the legal protections in place, you can confidently pursue the resolution of your claim. Going through the claims process without fear of repercussions from your insurance carrier for filing a claim sounds rather nice, does it not?

Moving Forward with Confidence

Don’t let your fears prevent you from accessing the coverage your insurance carrier has agreed to issue. By filing a claim for the damage to your property, you’re exercising your rights as a policyholder and taking proactive steps to safeguard your investment. Trust in the legal protections and move forward confidently, knowing that your insurance carrier cannot drop you for simply utilizing your coverage as intended.

Advocate for Your Rights

Ready to address the damage to your property and secure the coverage you deserve? Contact Premier Claims today to learn how our team of experts can assist you in navigating the claims process with confidence. Let us be your trusted partner in advocating for your rights and protecting your property against unforeseen risks.

Unseen Threats: Hidden Property Damage

The Importance of Regular Inspections for Hidden Property Damage

Regarding property damage, what you see isn’t always what you get. While some damage may be obvious upon initial inspection, a hidden threat often escapes the untrained eye, lurking beneath the surface. Understanding that not all damage is visible is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your property and safeguarding against future headaches. Here’s why hidden property damage matters and how regular inspections can mitigate its impact:

Unseen Damage: The Silent Culprit

Damage hidden beneath the surface poses a significant risk to your property’s structural integrity and financial well-being. Whether it’s water infiltration behind walls, structural weakening in the roof, or electrical issues hidden within walls, these problems can escalate silently over time. What starts as a minor issue can quickly snowball into a major repair headache if left unchecked.

For example, hail damage on TPO roofs is often undetectable until a professional cuts a test square to inspect the roof board underneath. If hits are found and the roof is not replaced, it can cause leaks and water damage over time.

Importance of Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are your first line of defense against hidden damage. Especially after major storms or adverse weather events, your property may sustain damage that isn’t immediately apparent. Roof damage, for example, may not be visible from ground level but could lead to leaks and structural issues over time. By scheduling routine inspections, you can detect and address potential problems before they escalate into costly repairs.

Proactive Maintenance: Saving Time and Money

Addressing hidden damage proactively protects your property and saves you money in the long run. Early detection allows for timely repairs, preventing further deterioration and minimizing repair costs. Moreover, it ensures that your property remains safe and habitable, preserving its value and your peace of mind.

Expert Insight and Guidance

Navigating the complexities of property damage detection requires expertise. Engaging the services of a professional inspector ensures thorough evaluation and accurate assessment of potential hidden damage. These professionals are trained to identify subtle signs of damage that may elude untrained eyes, offering you comprehensive insights into your property’s condition.

Hidden damage poses a significant threat to your property’s well-being and your financial stability. By understanding the risks associated with unseen damage and prioritizing regular inspections, you can mitigate these risks effectively. Whether it’s conducting post-storm assessments or scheduling routine maintenance checks, staying proactive is key to preserving your property’s integrity and ensuring a secure living environment.

Don’t wait for visible signs of trouble to appear. Take charge of your property’s health today by scheduling a professional inspection. It’s a small investment that can yield substantial savings and peace of mind in the long term.

Public Adjuster Near Me: Things to Look for and Consider

Recovering from the devastation of storm damage is a complex process, and having a reliable public adjuster by your side can make all the difference. The aftermath of a natural disaster is overwhelming, especially when it comes to dealing with insurance claims. Partnering with a Public Adjuster who understands the challenges you face and tailors to you and your property’s needs helps to streamline the claims process. Moreover, a public adjuster is your advocate, equipped with the expertise and knowledge to navigate the intricate landscape of insurance policies. Their partnership allows you to better equip yourself to fight for a fair settlement, enabling you to rebuild and restore your life. Now you may be asking, how do I find a public adjuster near me?

Top 5 Things to Look For in a Public Adjuster

#1 Verify Licensing & Accreditation

Ensure the public adjuster you consider is licensed and accredited by the relevant regulatory bodies. This accreditation validates their expertise and adherence to industry standards, providing you with confidence in their professionalism.

#2 Evaluate Experience & Specialization

Look for an adjuster with a proven track record in handling various types of damages, such as water damage, hail damage, fire damage, and hurricane damage. Specialization in specific areas ensures they possess the expertise needed to handle your unique situation effectively.

#3 Transparency & Trustworthiness

Transparent communication about fees, the claims process, and expected timeline is essential. Furthermore, a trustworthy public adjuster maintains open and honest communication, ensuring you are well-informed at every step.

#4 Check Client Testimonials and Reviews

Reading testimonials and reviews from previous clients provides valuable insights into the adjuster’s reputation and the satisfaction of their clients. Premier Claims takes pride in its positive client feedback, reflecting our commitment to excellent service and successful outcomes.

#5 Investigate Communication & Availability

Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. Evaluate the adjuster’s responsiveness and availability. Premier Claims ensures that our team is readily available to address your concerns and provide updates, offering you peace of mind during the claims process.

Why Choose Premier Claims?

At Premier Claims, our expertise goes beyond mere professional qualifications. Our team, consisting of industry veterans with advanced certifications and ongoing education, ensures we stay ahead of industry trends and policy changes. A public adjuster with a fully equipped team of professionals can significantly impact the outcome of your claim for the better. Premier Claims is dedicated to surpassing industry standards by incorporating innovation, technology, and a meticulous claim management process. Our six-step process is committed to delivering unparalleled results, safeguarding your interests at every stage. Certain states may have regulations that determine the services a public adjuster may provide. Our process and services we are able to provide will be based on the state regulations. To learn more, visit our Public Adjuster Legal Disclaimer. When you choose Premier Claims, you benefit from:

Expert Knowledge & Continuous Education

Our professionals hold advanced degrees and certifications, constantly updating their skills to navigate the ever-evolving insurance landscape effectively.

Tailored Strategies for Maximum Results

We understand the uniqueness of each case. Consequently, our team creates customized strategies, attempting to maximize your settlement based on the intricacies of your specific situation.

Supporting You Beyond the Claim

Our team actively offers personalized policy guidance, addresses industry inquiries, and commits to providing you with tailored support. We’re here to ensure your peace of mind extends beyond the claims process, offering expertise and assistance whenever you need it.

Your journey to reclaiming your life after storm damage begins with choosing the right public adjuster. Moreover, Premier Claims, combines expertise, integrity, and a genuine commitment to your well-being. Contact Premier Claims today to discover how we can help you and your property!


Aftermath of a Storm: Key Steps to Take

Facing the aftermath of a storm can be a daunting experience. But when it comes to safeguarding your property and filing an insurance claim, it’s essential to have a clear plan of action. Below is a guide to assist you through the initial steps following a date of loss.

1. Survey Exterior Damage

After ensuring your safety, the first step is to assess the storm damage to your property.

Exterior Inspection: Begin by examining the exterior of your property for visible damage. Look for missing shingles or broken gutters. As well as obvious roof leaks or scattered roofing materials.

Air Conditioning Unit: Even if it’s not the summer season, check your AC unit for damages. You wouldn’t want any surprises when it’s time to use it.

Other Damages: Be thorough in identifying all storm-related damages, including those caused by trees, neighbor’s trees, or missing fencing. 


2. Survey Interior Damage

Inspect the inside of your property for signs of internal damage. 

Water Leaks:  Keep an eye out for water leaks or puddles on walls and floors, especially on the ground floor. 

Windows and Attic: Check windows for leaks and inspect your attic for any issues. 


3. Take Photos

Capture clear photos to document all damage you see on your property in the aftermath of a storm.

Exterior Damage: From damaged roofs to broken AC units, photos play a significant role in your insurance claim.

Interior Damage: Document any damage inside your home, ensuring clarity in the images.


4. Keep Everything

Hold onto damaged items, as your insurance assessor may need to inspect them for your claim. Even if you can’t keep large items, like a waterlogged carpet or a broken TV, take photos and keep small samples if possible. A piece of your wet carpet can serve as evidence!


5. Shield Your Property

To prevent further damage to your property while waiting for repairs, we recommend covering visible holes or broken windows. You can do this by using tarps or canvases. Furthermore, ensure that you move valuable belongings and electronic equipment out of harm’s way.


6. Public Adjuster Inspection

Enlist the expertise of a public adjuster to ensure that all damage to your property is accounted for prior to filing a claim. Their in-depth knowledge, negotiation skills, and commitment to your best interests can significantly impact the outcome of your insurance claim. Ultimately, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve after a date of loss occurs. 

Navigating the aftermath of a storm and filing an insurance claim can be challenging, but with the right steps and the support of Premier Claims, you can restore your property with peace of mind. Remember, our dedicated team is here to assist you throughout the process.


Let’s Talk Scopes

Ever wondered what goes into a scope inspection for hail damage?

Our latest video guide takes you behind the scenes of this critical process. Conducted by our team of seasoned experts, the scope is designed to identify all forms of hail damage on your property—from dented metal surfaces and cracked windows to damaged roofing materials. We’ll walk you through how the inspection is carried out, the types of hail damage we’re looking for, and the advanced tools we use to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Don’t leave your property’s health to chance; watch now to understand how a thorough scope can protect your investment.



For more articles related to hail damage, check out the following:

The Impact of Hail: Understanding Size, Formation, and Damage

Importance of Acting Promptly After a Date of Loss

How to Identify Hail Damage










Differences of Tornadoes and Downbursts

In the grand theater of meteorological events, two powerful weather phenomena play starring roles: tornadoes and downbursts. Though they both may seem like formidable players causing extensive damage, they are distinct in their formation, the type of winds they produce, and the nature of destruction they cause. This blog will dive into the world of tornadoes and downbursts, with special emphasis on macrobursts and microbursts, and will guide you on how to ensure your property is adequately covered by insurance for such events.

Tornadoes vs. Downbursts: The Basics

Tornado Formation and Wind Type

According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Severe Storms Laboratory (NOAA NSSL), “A tornado is a narrow, violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground.” The formation of a tornado, also known as tornadogenesis, is a complex process that involves varying wind speeds and directions, change in wind speed and direction with altitude (wind shear), high humidity, and instability in the lower atmosphere.

Tornadoes produce what is known as rotational winds. These are winds that move in a circular pattern around a center point, much like water going down a drain.

Downburst Formation and Wind Type

On the other hand, a downburst is a strong downward current of air from a thunderstorm that hits the ground and spreads out in all directions. There are two types of downbursts: macrobursts and microbursts. A macroburst is a powerful storm with a diameter exceeding 2.5 miles, lasting 5 to 30 minutes. In contrast, a microburst is more concentrated, affecting an area under 2.5 miles wide, lasting around 5 minutes.

Unlike tornadoes, downbursts produce straight-line winds. These winds flow in a more uniform direction, spreading radially once they hit the ground.

The Devastation: Tornado vs. Downburst Damage

The type of wind involved greatly influences the pattern of damage that these events cause. Tornado damage is often identifiable by a distinct path of destruction due to its rotational winds, leaving damage in a somewhat narrow and long trail.

In contrast, the damage from a downburst is typically more “divergent” due to the straight-line winds. The destruction radiates outwards from a central point where the wind initially strikes the ground, often creating a radial or fan-shaped pattern of damage.

Insurance Claims: Navigating the Storm After the Storm

The aftermath of these severe weather events often leads to significant property loss, making insurance claims a necessary, albeit daunting, process. Here are key factors to consider when dealing with insurance for tornado and downburst damages.

Coverage for Tornado Damage

Standard homeowners’ insurance policies typically cover tornado damage. It usually falls under the “windstorm” or “hail” peril covered in your policy. However, it’s essential to review your policy’s specific terms and limits.

In the event of a tornado, you’ll want to document all damage extensively, take photographs, and compile a detailed inventory of damaged items. This information will support your claim.

Coverage for Downburst Damage

Damage from downbursts, including both macrobursts and microbursts, is generally covered under the wind damage provision of your homeowners’ insurance policy. As with tornadoes, it’s crucial to document all damage thoroughly, providing your insurance company with a detailed account of the loss.

Getting Adequate Coverage

While basic homeowners’ insurance usually covers tornado and downburst damages, there are certain scenarios where additional coverage may be needed. For instance, if you live in a tornado-prone area, consider getting a separate, specific tornado insurance policy.

Your standard policy might not cover damage due to flooding following a downburst or a tornado. So, consider adding a flood insurance policy to your existing coverage. Additionally, ensure your policy includes a provision for living expenses in case your home becomes uninhabitable due to storm damage.


Tornadoes and downbursts, including macrobursts and microbursts, are powerful weather phenomena with distinct formations, wind types, and patterns of damage. Securing proper insurance for these situations brings peace of mind amid unpredictable weather. Regularly assess your policies for the right coverage and disaster-response know-how.