Why Your Contractor Can’t Handle Your Insurance Claim

April 9, 2024

Your Decisions Could Cost You

You’ve just discovered extensive damage to your property, and your first instinct is to call your trusted contractor. They’ve always done a great job with repairs, so why not rely on them to handle the insurance claim too? Before you make that decision, consider this: entrusting your claim solely to your contractor could lead to unexpected complications and potentially costly consequences.

The Potential Risk You’re Unaware Of

Did you know that it’s illegal in most states for contractors to represent themselves as public adjusters? This distinction is crucial because, generally, handling insurance claims requires specific licensing and expertise. By relying on an unqualified individual, you’re risking the outcome of your claim and potentially facing legal repercussions. Imagine the added stress of legal battles on top of property damage. 

Expertise vs. Qualifications

Sure, your contractor might excel at repairs, but do they have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and negotiation strategies? Public adjusters undergo extensive training and licensing precisely for these reasons. They know the ins and outs of the insurance claim process, always trying to ensure that your claim is accurately documented. Trusting someone without the right qualifications is like navigating a minefield blindfolded. 

The Power of Collaboration

Instead of choosing between your contractor and a public adjuster, why not have both working for you? At Premier Claims, we collaborate closely with your contractor to try to achieve the best outcome for you. Your contractor focuses on restoring your property while our team advocates for your best interests and negotiates with your insurance carrier. This partnership is intended to ensure that every aspect of your claim and restoration process is handled with expertise and care, creating a win-win situation for you.

Take Control of Your Claim

Don’t gamble on your property’s ability to be fully restored. Take control of the situation by contacting Premier Claims today. Our team of licensed public adjusters is here to help you navigate the complex claims process, fight for the best settlement, and restore your peace of mind. Don’t wait until it’s too late- ensure your claim gets the attention it deserves from the people who are qualified to do it.


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