What is the Purpose of an Inspection?

When was your property last inspected?

Our inspections team provided expert insights into the true purpose and benefits of property inspections. From assessing damage firsthand to advocating for fair compensation, inspections serve as a critical step in protecting your investment. Don’t miss out on reaching your claim’s potential- watch now and learn why an inspection is one of the most important steps of the claims process.



To learn more about property inspections, check out the following blogs:





Let’s Talk Property Inspections

Why Pre-Hail Season Inspections Are Vital: Protect Your Property





Will My Insurance Premiums Go Up?

A hailstorm hits your area, leaving a trail of damage in its wake. Amidst the chaos, you’re left wondering about the aftermath, not just in terms of property damage but also the looming uncertainty of insurance premiums. Will your premiums go up if you seek professional help in navigating the claims process?

Understanding Insurance Premiums

Insurance carriers assess several factors when calculating premiums. This includes the likelihood of future claims and the overall risk associated with insuring a property. However, it’s important to note that insurance carriers cannot legally raise premiums solely due to an Act of God, such as a hailstorm, flood, or hurricane.

Factors Influencing Premium Increases

Insurance carriers may increase premiums based on two primary factors:

Fault of the Policyholder

Premiums may increase if the policyholder is deemed at fault for the property damage. For example, if a policyholder recklessly drives a vehicle into their building, resulting in damage, the insurance carrier may raise premiums to reflect the increased risk associated with insuring the property. 

Catastrophe Area

Premiums may also increase if the property is located in a “Catastrophe Area.” This designation typically applies to regions affected by severe storms, such as hurricanes or tornadoes. Areas where severe storms cause multiple claims to be filed in the area. In such cases, insurance carriers may raise rates for all policyholders in the affected area to help mitigate the financial impact of widespread damage. 

The Role of Public Adjusters

Public adjusters play an important role in the insurance claims process. These professionals advocate for policyholders and assist in navigating the complexities of filing insurance claims. Contrary to common misconceptions, hiring a public adjuster should not inherently cause insurance premiums to increase. 

Public adjusters work tirelessly to fight for policyholders to receive fair and equitable compensation for their losses. They possess in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and regulations. This allows them to negotiate effectively with insurance carriers on behalf of the policyholder. By leveraging their skills, public adjusters strive to earn the best settlement possible for a claim, in turn expediting the claims process. To learn more about the role a public adjuster can play in your claim, read our blog: What is a Public Adjuster?

Connect with Premier Claims

If you’re considering hiring a public adjuster or have questions about your insurance premiums, our team at Premier Claims is here to help. We comprehend the complexities of the insurance industry and pledge to serve as a trusted resource for policyholders. Contact us today for an inspection or to have your policy reviewed by our experienced team. 

Working with a public adjuster should not result in an increase in insurance premiums. Insurance carriers primarily base premium adjustments on factors such as fault and Catastrophe Area designations. Public adjusters play a vital role in advocating for policyholders. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from our team at Premier Claims, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

What is a Damage Assessment?

Protect your property like a pro!

Hear from our Inspections Manager and Adjusting Manager as they break down the essential steps and purpose of a damage assessment. Discover hidden signs of damage, and important safety measures, and gain the knowledge you need to navigate your claims process with confidence. Don’t leave your property vulnerable- watch now to learn from experts.







To learn more about damage assessments, check out the following blog:

Let’s Talk Damage Assessments






How Can I Protect My Property During a Hail Storm?

Hail storms can wreak havoc on your property, causing extensive damage to buildings, vehicles, and outdoor structures. As a policyholder, it’s important to take proactive measures to protect your property against the destructive force of hail. We’ve compiled a list of actionable steps and strategies to protect your property during a hail storm, aiming to ensure the safety of your investment and minimize potential damage. 

Hail Storm Defense Guide

Understand Hail Damage

Hailstones vary in size, ranging from small pellets to large chunks that can cause significant damage upon impact. Common forms of hail damage include dented or cracked roofing, shattered windows, and structural harm to exterior surfaces. 


Evaluate Your Roof

The roof is the first line of defense against hail. Conduct a thorough inspection of your roofing system to identify any existing vulnerabilities or areas of concern. Look for loose or missing shingles, deteriorated flashing, and signs of previous hail damage. Reinforcing weak spots and ensuring proper installation can enhance your roof’s resilience during a hail storm. To have your property inspected by a licensed professional, connect with Premier Claims today. 

Invest in Impact-Resistant Roofing Materials

Consider upgrading to impact-resistant roofing materials designed to withstand hail damage. Options such as asphalt shingles with Class 4 ratings, metal roofing, or synthetic slate offer superior durability and can protect your property during a hail storm. Consult with roofing professionals to determine the most suitable materials for your property. 

Reinforce Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are susceptible to hail damage, especially during severe storms. Install impact-resistant windows and doors equipped with laminated or tempered glass to minimize the risk of breakage. Additionally, consider installing protective shutters or storm panels for an extra layer of defense during hail storms. 

Secure Outdoor Items

Outdoor furniture, equipment, and decorative elements are vulnerable to hail damage. Secure or relocate these items indoors or to a sheltered area before a hail storm hits. Trim overhanging branches and remove debris that could become projectiles in high winds, posing a threat to your property. 

Maintain Gutters & Downspouts

Proper drainage is essential for diverting water away from your property during a hail storm. Keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris to prevent clogging and potential water damage. Consider installing gutter guards to help minimize the accumulation of debris and maintain efficient water flow. 

Consider Impact-Resistant Siding

If your property has siding, consider upgrading to impact-resistant materials such as fiber cement, vinyl, or metal siding. These options offer increased resistance to hail damage and can help protect your property’s exterior from dents, cracks, and other forms of structural harm. 

Policy Review

Review your insurance policy to understand the extent of coverage for hail damage. It’s important that your policy provides adequate protection for your property and consider additional coverage options if necessary. Document the condition of your property before and after a hail storm to facilitate the claims process. To have your policy reviewed by our team of licensed professionals, submit your policy here: https://premier-claims.com/policy-review/

Protecting your property during a hail storm requires careful planning and proactive measures. By understanding the potential risks, investing in resilient materials, and implementing preventive strategies, you can minimize the impact of hail damage on your property. Stay informed, stay prepared, and take proactive steps to protect your property against this year’s hail storms. 

Let’s Talk Property Inspections

Property inspections play a key role in the claims process, providing valuable insights into the extent of damage incurred. At Premier Claims, we recognize the significance of thorough inspections when fighting for a fair and accurate claim settlement.

The Purpose of Property Inspections

Inspections serve as a critical juncture where both the policyholder and the insurance carrier assess the damage firsthand. These inspections are instrumental in determining the scope of repairs needed and estimating the cost of restoration. By conducting thorough inspections, policyholders can ensure that they properly document all damages, thereby reducing the likelihood of disputes during the claims process.

The Premier Claims Advantage

At Premier Claims, we take a proactive approach to inspections by sending our experienced inspectors alongside the insurance representative. This collaborative effort allows us to provide comprehensive assessments while advocating for the policyholder’s best interests. Our inspectors are trained to identify hidden damages and all relevant information to be accurately recorded. In turn, our inspections aim to increase the likelihood of a favorable claim outcome. 

Inspection Goal

Brent Roberts, Inspections Manager, and Licensed Public Adjuster, believes, “Our goal is to identify damage and have the Insurance Adjuster acknowledge the damage on site.” Collaborating with your insurance carrier’s representative for an inspection allows us to ensure they’re recognizing the damage we’re seeing. Our meticulous approach focuses on identifying any damage, linking it to the date of loss, and confirming its weather-related nature. This thorough process documents all relevant information, setting the foundation for a fair and expedited claims resolution. Learn more in our full YouTube video: Let’s Talk Property Inspections

The Inspection Process

During the inspection, our team meticulously examines the property, documenting all visible damages caused by the covered peril. We pay close attention to details, capturing photographic evidence and taking note of any structural issues or safety concerns. By conducting a thorough inspection, we equip policyholders with the information needed to pursue fair and adequate compensation for their losses. 

Policyholder Insight

Understanding the inspection process can empower policyholders to actively participate in their claims journey. By familiarizing themselves with common types of damages and inspection techniques, policyholders can effectively communicate their needs and concerns to the inspection team. Additionally, staying informed about their rights and entitlements allows policyholders to be well-equipped to navigate the claims process with confidence. 

Property inspections are a vital component of the claims process, providing an opportunity to assess damages and advocate for fair compensation. At Premier Claims, we prioritize transparency, professionalism, and advocacy in every inspection we conduct. For more information about property inspections and our claims management services, we invite you to connect with our team today to schedule an inspection of your property. 

Insurance Appraisal: Don’t Gamble Your Investment Away

Unlock Your Claims’ Potential

Did you know that without undergoing the appraisal process, you could end up settling for less than you are entitled to under your insurance policy? Playing it is risky, with the odds seemingly stacked against you. Insurance carriers play hardball, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and outmatched. But fear not because appraisals may just be your secret negotiation weapon.

Without the backing of a thorough appraisal, insurance carriers may lack the motivation to offer you an increased, and likely owed, settlement amount. By forgoing this crucial step, you could potentially leave money on the table. Ultimately, it hinders your ability to recover entirely from the damage.

The Dreaded “A” Word

Contrary to popular belief, appraisals aren’t the Grim Reaper of your claim. Instead, think of them as your trusty sidekick, helping you navigate the murky waters of insurance disputes. By enlisting the services of an expert appraiser, like those utilized by Premier Claims, you’re taking proactive measures to protect your interests and secure the compensation you deserve.

It is possible that without an appraisal, you could leave thousands of unrecovered dollars on the table. You could use that unrecovered money to rectify property damage and rebuild your business entirely. An appraisal intends to lead to a more accurate assessment of damages, potentially resulting in an increasing settlement amount. It tends to expedite the claims process, thereby reducing stress and uncertainty for the policyholder. Don’t let fear of an appraisal hold you back from determining what you are rightfully owed.

Who Needs a Public Adjuster Anyway? Newsflash, You Do!

You might be thinking, “But do I really need a public adjuster?” The answer is a resounding yes. Public adjusters are the Jedi masters of the claims world, wielding their expertise like a lightsaber against the dark forces of insurance carriers. With a public adjuster by your side, an experienced professional will guide you every step of the way.

So, don’t gamble your investment away. Embrace the challenge, arm yourself with knowledge, and remember— Premier Claims is here to guide you every step of the way. Take charge of your claim and fight for a fair settlement.

Ready to protect your investment? Contact Premier Claims today for a consultation, and let us help you navigate the appraisal process confidently. Your future self will thank you.

Guide to Filing a Claim: The Essentials

Filing a property insurance claim can be a meticulous process, but being armed with the right information is key to a successful outcome. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential information you need to file a property insurance claim effectively. Whether it’s understanding the details of the incident or gathering crucial documents, this guide ensures you’re well-prepared, with a focus on optimizing your claims experience.

What You Will Need Before You File a Claim

1. Policy Number

Your policy number is the gateway to your coverage. Ensure you have it readily available when filing a claim. This unique identifier is crucial for your insurer to locate your policy quickly. 

2. Detailed Description of the Date of Loss

Provide a thorough and accurate description of the event that caused the damage. Include specific details such as how the incident occurred, the extent of the damage, and any immediate actions taken to mitigate further harm after the date of loss.

Date and Time of the Incident

Pinpointing the exact date and time of the incident is crucial for establishing the timeline of events. This information helps streamline the claims process and ensures accurate assessment. 

Location of the damage

Specify the location where the damage occurred. Whether it’s your home, business, or a specific area within the property, clarity in the damage location aids in a swift and accurate assessment. 

3. Photos or Videos of the Damage

Visual evidence can be powerful when filing a claim. Capture photos or videos of the damage as soon as possible after the incident. These visuals provide a clear representation of the extent of the damage, supporting your claim. Partnering with a Public Adjuster to conduct a thorough inspection can help to expedite the claims process, allowing for a more accurate representation of your properties damage.

List of Damaged Items

Create a detailed inventory of all items that sustained damage. Include information such as the make, model, and serial numbers. This comprehensive list forms the basis for evaluating the extent of your losses. Maintain receipts or any documentation proving the value of the damaged items. This documentation can be crucial for establishing the monetary value of your losses when aiming to receive a fair compensation. 

4. Relevant Police or Incident Reports

If applicable, include any police or incident reports related to the event. These reports provide an official record of the incident, offering valuable documentation for your claim. 

Contact Information for Witnesses

Collect contact information for any witnesses to the incident. Witness statements can serve as valuable evidence to support your claim, providing an independent perspective on what transpired. 

5. Check with Your Insurance Carrier

Check with your insurance carrier for specific requirements unique to your policy. Policies can vary, and understanding any additional documentation or steps required will hopefully eliminate any added stress throughout your claims journey. 

Perfecting the process of filing a property insurance claim is rooted in acquiring precise information. Whether it’s your policy number, detailed descriptions, or compelling visual evidence, each element contributes to the success of your claim. Premier Claims, armed with an array of resources, aims for a seamless claims process. Our dedicated team is here to thoroughly review your insurance policies so that your property is adequately protected in the event of damage. Empower yourself with this comprehensive guide, approaching property insurance claims with confidence.

When Should I Hire a Public Adjuster?

Understanding when to hire a public adjuster is the first strategic move in your claim process. Every decision plays a role in the pursuit of fair compensation for your property damage. We unravel the layers of timing – from the initial moments of property damage to the complexities of denied claims. 

Timely Claims Assistance

Understanding the Role of a Public Adjuster

Before going into the timing aspects, it’s crucial to comprehend the role of a public adjuster. These professionals act on behalf of policyholders, assessing and negotiating insurance claims aiming to earn a fair compensation for property damage. Their experience in the claims process can make a significant difference in the outcome. 

Immediate Action after Damage Occurs

Swift action is vital when property damage occurs. While policyholders might be tempted to start the claims process independently, involving a public adjuster from the start can streamline the process. A public adjuster’s early involvement aims to make a thorough assessment of the damage, setting the stage for a comprehensive and well-documented claim.

Before Filing a Claim

Policyholders often question when is the right time to bring in a public adjuster. Ideally, it’s before filing a claim. By consulting with a public adjuster beforehand, you benefit from their expertise in evaluating policy coverage, estimating potential damages, and strategizing the most effective approach. This proactive step can significantly impact the outcome of your claim. 

Denied or Underpaid Claims

If your insurance claim has been denied or you feel the compensation offered is inadequate, it’s not too late to hire a public adjuster. These professionals excel in reevaluating claims, identifying discrepancies, and negotiating on behalf of policyholders. Their involvement can lead to a fair resolution and the compensation you rightfully deserve. 

Complex Claims and Policy Understanding

Insurance policies can be intricate, and navigating complex claims requires a deep understanding of the language and nuances within. Hiring a public adjuster becomes crucial when faced with intricate claims, aiming for every detail is thoroughly examined, and your interests are protected. 

Premier Claims encourages policyholders to consider engaging a public adjuster early in the process or, if needed, at any point when challenges arise. Our team stands ready to provide the expertise and guidance necessary for the intricacies of the claims journey. Don’t wait; connect with Premier Claims today for a smoother, more informed claims experience.

Protect Your Property from Ice Dams

Winter brings its own set of challenges, and one particularly troublesome issue for property owners is the formation of ice dams. While they may seem innocuous at first, ice dams can lead to significant hidden damages if not addressed promptly. In this guide, Premier Claims sheds light on the causes of ice dams, the potential damages they can cause, and actionable tips to protect your property.

Causes of Ice Dams

Understanding the Culprits

Ice dams typically form when warm air from the interior of a building escapes into the attic, causing the underside of the roof to warm. This warmth, in turn, causes snow on the roof to melt. When the melted snow reaches the colder eaves, it refreezes, creating a dam. Subsequent melting snow can then pool behind this dam, potentially seeping into the property.

Hidden Damages

Roof Damage

The repeated freezing and thawing of water can compromise the integrity of your roof. Over time, this may result in leaks, structural damage, and the need for extensive repairs. 

Attic and Insulation Issues

Ice dams can lead to water infiltration into the attic, damaging insulation and promoting mold growth. This can affect the overall energy efficiency of your property.

Interior Water Damage

Seeping water can find its way into the interior of your property, causing damage to ceilings, walls, and even valuable belongings.

Protecting Yourself from Ice Dams

Adequate Insulation

Ensure your attic is properly insulated to minimize heat transfer from the interior. This helps maintain a consistent roof temperature, preventing snowmelt and ice dam formation.

Ventilation Solutions

Proper attic ventilation promotes temperature disruption on the roof, reducing the likelihood of ice dam formation. Consult with roofing professionals to assess and improve your property’s ventilation.

Regular Roof Maintenance

Keep your roof in top condition by removing snow promptly after storms. Use roof rakes or hire professionals to prevent excessive snow buildup, lowering the risk of ice dam formation. 

Professional Inspection

Schedule regular inspections to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. Swift intervention can save from costly repairs in the long run.

Understanding the causes and hidden damages of ice dams empowers property owners to take proactive measures. By implementing these tips and staying vigilant, you can safeguard your property from the detrimental effects of ice dams. If you ever encounter damages, our experienced team is ready to guide you through the claims process with professionalism and care. Don’t compromise your peace of mind; take action today.

Remember, for any property damage concerns, Premier Claims is your trusted partner, offering industry-leading guidance and support.