Insurance Appraisal: Don’t Gamble Your Investment Away

Unlock Your Claims’ Potential

Did you know that without undergoing the appraisal process, you could end up settling for less than you are entitled to under your insurance policy? Playing it is risky, with the odds seemingly stacked against you. Insurance carriers play hardball, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and outmatched. But fear not because appraisals may just be your secret negotiation weapon.

Without the backing of a thorough appraisal, insurance carriers may lack the motivation to offer you an increased, and likely owed, settlement amount. By forgoing this crucial step, you could potentially leave money on the table. Ultimately, it hinders your ability to recover entirely from the damage.

The Dreaded “A” Word

Contrary to popular belief, appraisals aren’t the Grim Reaper of your claim. Instead, think of them as your trusty sidekick, helping you navigate the murky waters of insurance disputes. By enlisting the services of an expert appraiser, like those utilized by Premier Claims, you’re taking proactive measures to protect your interests and secure the compensation you deserve.

It is possible that without an appraisal, you could leave thousands of unrecovered dollars on the table. You could use that unrecovered money to rectify property damage and rebuild your business entirely. An appraisal intends to lead to a more accurate assessment of damages, potentially resulting in an increasing settlement amount. It tends to expedite the claims process, thereby reducing stress and uncertainty for the policyholder. Don’t let fear of an appraisal hold you back from determining what you are rightfully owed.

Who Needs a Public Adjuster Anyway? Newsflash, You Do!

You might be thinking, “But do I really need a public adjuster?” The answer is a resounding yes. Public adjusters are the Jedi masters of the claims world, wielding their expertise like a lightsaber against the dark forces of insurance carriers. With a public adjuster by your side, an experienced professional will guide you every step of the way.

So, don’t gamble your investment away. Embrace the challenge, arm yourself with knowledge, and remember— Premier Claims is here to guide you every step of the way. Take charge of your claim and fight for a fair settlement.

Ready to protect your investment? Contact Premier Claims today for a consultation, and let us help you navigate the appraisal process confidently. Your future self will thank you.

Commercial Property Coverage: Difference Between BI and ALE

Navigating the complexities of commercial property coverage can be prone to misunderstandings. It’s crucial to grasp every aspect of your coverage to best prepare your property and business for anything that comes your way. Two terms that often cause confusion are Business Interruption (BI) and Additional Living Expenses (ALE). Let’s dive deeper into these policy elements, providing clarity for commercial property owners. 

Business Interruption (BI): Safeguarding Revenue Streams

What is Business Interruption Coverage?

Business Interruption (BI) coverage steps in when unforeseen circumstances disrupt your business operations. Whether due to natural disasters, fire, or other covered perils, BI provides coverage so that your revenue streams receive protection during the downtime. 

Key Features of Business Interruption

Revenue Loss Compensation

BI commercial property coverage covers the actual loss of income your business sustains during the interruption. 

Operating Expenses

It extends to cover ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, and payroll, easing the financial strain. 

Temporary Location Costs

If relocation is necessary, BI can cover the additional costs associated with setting up operations in a temporary space. 

Understanding the Waiting Period

BI policies often have a waiting period before coverage kicks in. It’s important to discuss and determine the optimal waiting period tailored to your business needs. 


Additional Living Expenses (ALE): Sustaining Daily Life

What is Additional Living Expenses Coverage?

Additional Living Expenses in commercial property coverage is a vital facet that allows for the continuity of daily operations during unexpected disruptions. ALE steps in when your commercial property is rendered temporarily unusable for covered perils, providing support to maintain operational standards. 

Key Features of Additional Living Expenses

Temporary Operational Space

ALE covers the costs associated with relocating your business operations to a temporary workspace, such as a rented office or facility, allowing for minimal disruption. 

Equipment and Inventory Storage

In cases where your commercial property requires extensive restoration, ALE can cover the expenses related to storing equipment and inventory safely.

Technology and Connectivity

ALE extends to cover costs of setting up temporary communication systems allowing your business to remain connected and operational.


Synchronizing Business Interruption and Additional Living Expenses Coverage

ALE and BI can work in tandem within commercial property insurance coverage, offering a comprehensive safety net. While BI is intended to safeguard your revenue, ALE is intended to provide coverage so that your daily operations continue seamlessly during the restoration period. 

Claim Considerations

It’s imperative to maintain a detailed record of expenses incurred during the temporary relocation. Working closely with a skilled public adjuster, like those at Premier Claims, can help navigate the intricacies of your policy, aiming for you to receive everything that is owed to you and minimize operational disruptions.

Conduct a Thorough Risk Assessment

Identify potential risks specific to your commercial property; moreover, this will allow you to tailor your insurance coverage to address the unique challenges your business may encounter.

Collaborate with a Reputable Public Adjuster

Engage with a knowledgeable public adjuster, such as Premier Claims, that will aim to handle your commercial property insurance claim with expertise and precision. 

Regularly Review and Update Your Policy

Stay ahead of changes in your industry and business structure so that your commercial property insurance policy evolves with your needs, providing comprehensive Business Interruption and Additional Living Expenses coverage.

Understanding the role of Additional Living Expenses and Business Interruption coverage empowers commercial property owners to make informed decisions, allowing minimal financial strain and operational downtime during challenging times. Remember, knowledge is your greatest ally in the world of insurance claims for commercial properties. 

Unlock Savings: Property Owners Reduce BIG Premiums

In the complex landscape of insurance, property owners are discovering a powerful way to reduce premiums without sacrificing coverage: by reviewing their insurance policies. Discover the essential strategies empowering property owners to understand their policy coverage as we explore the intricacies of insurance policies.

Understanding Your Policy

Insurance policies consist of various components, including deductibles, coverage limits, and endorsements. Understanding these elements allows property owners to assess their policies effectively.


High deductibles often result in lower premiums. However, property owners should evaluate their financial capacity to cover the deductible in the event of a claim.

Coverage Limits

Reviewing coverage limits ensures adequate protection without overpaying for excessive coverage. Assess the property’s value and adjust coverage limits accordingly.


Additional coverages can be added through endorsements. Evaluate the necessity of endorsements based on the property’s specific needs to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Regular Policy Reviews

Insurance needs can evolve over time due to changes in property value, renovations, or lifestyle. Regular policy reviews, ideally conducted annually, allow property owners to align their coverage with their current requirements. By staying proactive, policyholders can identify potential areas for savings to reduce premiums and optimize their coverage.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Implementing risk mitigation measures can lead to lower premiums. Property owners can consider:

Security Systems

Installing security systems, such as alarms and surveillance cameras, can reduce the property’s risk, leading to potential premium discounts.


Proper maintenance, including roof repairs, electrical updates, and plumbing improvements, demonstrates responsible property ownership and can result in reduced premiums.

Bundling Policies

Combining multiple insurance policies (e.g., property and auto) with the same insurer often results in substantial discounts, making it a cost-effective choice for property owners.

Policy Shopping and Comparison

Periodically shopping for insurance quotes and comparing policies from different providers is a proactive approach to securing competitive premiums. Additionally, it’s essential to obtain quotes from reputable insurers, ensuring a balance between cost and coverage quality.

Consulting with a Public Adjuster

Engaging a public adjuster, like those at Premier Claims, can significantly impact premium savings. Public adjusters have in-depth knowledge of insurance policies and can guide the policyholder on to best protect themselves and their property. Their expertise aids policyholders attempting to receive fair treatment and optimal coverage for their premiums.

Property owners who invest time in understanding their policies, conducting regular reviews, implementing risk mitigation strategies, and exploring their options can achieve significant savings on premiums. By staying informed and proactive, property owners can make educated decisions that lead to substantial financial benefits.

Our team of seasoned public adjusters are on standby to assist you through the complexities of insurance coverage. To provide you with a comprehensive and accurate review of your policy, we invite you to complete our policy review. Subsequently, our team members will review your policy in-depth and reach back out to go over their findings at your convenience, allowing you to get the help you deserve!



Minimizing Financial Risk: The Seven Types of Vandalism

Vandalism – a term that, unfortunately, is all too familiar to commercial property owners. Acts of intentional damage can bring about significant financial consequences. But understanding the different forms of vandalism can go a long way in minimizing their impact. From a sociological perspective, vandalism isn’t a monolithic concept. It assumes various forms, each presenting its unique challenges. Understanding the motives behind these destructive acts, as outlined by renowned sociologist Stanley Cohen, can guide you in better protecting your property and minimizing your financial risk. Let’s explore these seven types of vandalism and see how commercial property owners can stay prepared:

1. Acquisitive Vandalism: A Threat to Your Valuables

Acquisitive vandalism, characterized by the act of destruction to acquire goods or money, poses a significant threat to businesses. For instance, a burglar might break a window to steal merchandise. As a property owner, installing secure locks, surveillance cameras, and alarm systems can deter such actions. Insurance policies covering theft are critical in this scenario.

2. Tactical Vandalism: Unwanted Attention

Tactical vandalism is about getting noticed. Protestors might deface property to draw attention to their cause. While it’s tough to predict such occurrences, maintaining a neutral stance in controversial matters can keep your property out of the firing line. Vandalism coverage in your property insurance policy can provide the needed safety net.

3. Ideological Vandalism: Making a Statement

This form of vandalism arises when political, religious, or social ideologies come about. Insurance that covers acts of vandalism can safeguard your property against the financial impact of such acts.

4. Vindictive Vandalism: When Personal Becomes Professional

Vindictive vandalism stems from personal vendetta and spite, and can unexpectedly land at your doorstep. Making adequate security measures and a robust insurance policy are essential.

5. Play Vandalism: Destructive Fun

Play vandalism is destruction for fun, often by kids or teenagers. For instance, ensuring your property is well-lit and investing in high-quality security systems can make it less attractive to these mischievous thrill-seekers. Furthermore, a comprehensive insurance policy will help cover the costs of any damages.

6. Malicious Vandalism: The Love for Chaos

Malicious vandalism lacks concrete motive beyond the desire to create chaos. An individual who lights a fire in a public park with no particular motive other than to watch things burn would be engaging in malicious vandalism. Enhanced security, vigilance, and insurance coverage are necessary to shield your business from such random acts.

7. Epidemic Vandalism: The Domino Effect

Epidemic vandalism involves large-scale destruction triggered by a specific event like a sports victory or political unrest. Here, the best defense lies in a good offense. Proactive security measures, along with an insurance policy that covers riot damage, are essential.

Understanding the seven types of vandalism not only provides insight into the potential risks but also guides you in selecting the right insurance coverage to protect your business assets. This knowledge empowers commercial property owners to minimize their financial risk and safeguard their businesses against unforeseen damages. Remember, the cost of an insurance policy is insignificant compared to the financial burden of an unexpected vandalism event.

Protect your business, prepare for the future, and ensure peace of mind by recognizing and preparing for these seven faces of vandalism.


Differences of Tornadoes and Downbursts

In the grand theater of meteorological events, two powerful weather phenomena play starring roles: tornadoes and downbursts. Though they both may seem like formidable players causing extensive damage, they are distinct in their formation, the type of winds they produce, and the nature of destruction they cause. This blog will dive into the world of tornadoes and downbursts, with special emphasis on macrobursts and microbursts, and will guide you on how to ensure your property is adequately covered by insurance for such events.

Tornadoes vs. Downbursts: The Basics

Tornado Formation and Wind Type

According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Severe Storms Laboratory (NOAA NSSL), “A tornado is a narrow, violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground.” The formation of a tornado, also known as tornadogenesis, is a complex process that involves varying wind speeds and directions, change in wind speed and direction with altitude (wind shear), high humidity, and instability in the lower atmosphere.

Tornadoes produce what is known as rotational winds. These are winds that move in a circular pattern around a center point, much like water going down a drain.

Downburst Formation and Wind Type

On the other hand, a downburst is a strong downward current of air from a thunderstorm that hits the ground and spreads out in all directions. There are two types of downbursts: macrobursts and microbursts. A macroburst is a powerful storm with a diameter exceeding 2.5 miles, lasting 5 to 30 minutes. In contrast, a microburst is more concentrated, affecting an area under 2.5 miles wide, lasting around 5 minutes.

Unlike tornadoes, downbursts produce straight-line winds. These winds flow in a more uniform direction, spreading radially once they hit the ground.

The Devastation: Tornado vs. Downburst Damage

The type of wind involved greatly influences the pattern of damage that these events cause. Tornado damage is often identifiable by a distinct path of destruction due to its rotational winds, leaving damage in a somewhat narrow and long trail.

In contrast, the damage from a downburst is typically more “divergent” due to the straight-line winds. The destruction radiates outwards from a central point where the wind initially strikes the ground, often creating a radial or fan-shaped pattern of damage.

Insurance Claims: Navigating the Storm After the Storm

The aftermath of these severe weather events often leads to significant property loss, making insurance claims a necessary, albeit daunting, process. Here are key factors to consider when dealing with insurance for tornado and downburst damages.

Coverage for Tornado Damage

Standard homeowners’ insurance policies typically cover tornado damage. It usually falls under the “windstorm” or “hail” peril covered in your policy. However, it’s essential to review your policy’s specific terms and limits.

In the event of a tornado, you’ll want to document all damage extensively, take photographs, and compile a detailed inventory of damaged items. This information will support your claim.

Coverage for Downburst Damage

Damage from downbursts, including both macrobursts and microbursts, is generally covered under the wind damage provision of your homeowners’ insurance policy. As with tornadoes, it’s crucial to document all damage thoroughly, providing your insurance company with a detailed account of the loss.

Getting Adequate Coverage

While basic homeowners’ insurance usually covers tornado and downburst damages, there are certain scenarios where additional coverage may be needed. For instance, if you live in a tornado-prone area, consider getting a separate, specific tornado insurance policy.

Your standard policy might not cover damage due to flooding following a downburst or a tornado. So, consider adding a flood insurance policy to your existing coverage. Additionally, ensure your policy includes a provision for living expenses in case your home becomes uninhabitable due to storm damage.


Tornadoes and downbursts, including macrobursts and microbursts, are powerful weather phenomena with distinct formations, wind types, and patterns of damage. Securing proper insurance for these situations brings peace of mind amid unpredictable weather. Regularly assess your policies for the right coverage and disaster-response know-how.


Building Codes Policy Coverage

In the insurance world, there’s often a gap between policyholders’ expectations and what insurance carriers actually cover. This gap can arise from a lack of knowledge about local building codes, leading to missed items or omissions in insurance claims. Contractors may unwittingly find themselves performing uncompensated work, either due to not requesting payment for specific items or lacking awareness of allowable expenses.

Understanding Ordinance or Law Coverage

Ordinance or Law Coverage stands as a pivotal component within insurance policies, particularly when building regulations influence reimbursements for construction and repairs. The Insurance Information Institute informed policyholders that “building codes are updated periodically and may have changed significantly since a home was built. In the event of damage, a policyholder may be required to rebuild their home to the new code’s standards.” Homeowners’ policies usually include limited building ordinance coverage, which can be extended through an endorsement. This coverage requires carriers to approve repairs following local building codes, compelling contractors to address often-excluded elements like ice and water shields, drip edges, house wraps, and flashings.

Research and Communication

Empowerment lies at the heart of effective insurance claims management. This begins by investing time in comprehending local building codes and manufacturer specifications, coupled with proactive engagement with Building Inspectors. Armed with such knowledge, policyholders gain a more authoritative position when negotiating with insurance carriers. This ultimately ensures equitable compensation for essential repairs, transforming potential challenges into opportunities for a fair resolution.

Navigating Your Policy’s Stance on Ordinance or Law Coverage

One of the most prudent steps policyholders can take is a comprehensive review of their current policy to determine whether Ordinance or Law coverage is included. Overlooking this coverage could lead to unforeseen out-of-pocket expenses or suboptimal repairs that fall short of complete replacement. To locate this part of your policy coverage, “review your declarations page and the policy fine print.  Not all policies list code upgrade coverage in the same way,” as advised by United Policyholders. If your policy lacks this coverage, our Premier Claims team is here to guide you toward incorporating it. We understand the significance of such coverage and its role in safeguarding your interests.

Seeking Assistance with Denied or Underpaid Claims

Navigating insurance claims can sometimes be a complex journey, especially when they’re denied due to local codes. It’s in these moments that policyholders need a steadfast partner. At Premier Claims, we stand ready to assist, armed with adept knowledge, empathy, and professionalism. Our commitment is to guide you through the claims process, ensuring that you receive the rightful compensation you deserve. Facing denied claims due to local codes is not a solitary battle when you have Premier Claims by your side.

In the realm of property insurance claims, knowledge is indeed power. Premier Claims’ dedication to education and assistance reflects our commitment to fostering a more informed policyholder community. By unveiling the intricacies of building codes and insurance coverage, we aim to empower you to navigate claims with confidence. Let our expertise serve as your beacon, ensuring that you not only understand but also assert your rights within the insurance landscape. Connect with us today to embark on a journey of knowledge, empowerment, and fair claims resolution.