Does My Property Have Storm Damage?

Don’t Underestimate the Storm: Why Your Property Needs a Damage Assessment

The “It Wasn’t That Bad” Trap

It’s a common reaction: “The storm wasn’t that bad; I don’t think I’ll have much damage.” Many property owners, after experiencing what seems like a minor storm, tend to dismiss the need for a damage assessment. However, this mindset can lead to more significant issues down the line. Ignoring potential damage can turn minor problems into costly repairs. Here’s why you should always consider a professional damage assessment, even if the storm didn’t seem severe. 

The Hidden Dangers of “Minor” Storms

Not all storm damage is immediately visible. While your property might look unscathed, hidden damage can lurk beneath the surface. Small leaks can develop into significant water damage, minor cracks can expand, and what seems like a tiny dent can compromise the structural integrity of your roof. 

Water Damage: The Silent Destroyer

Water damage is one of the most insidious issues that can stem from a storm. A tiny leak might not seem like a big deal, but over time, it can lead to mold growth, rot, and severe structural damage. According to the Insurance Information Institute, water damage claims are among the most common and costly types of property owner insurance claims. 

Structural Compromise

Even a seemingly insignificant storm can weaken your property’s structural integrity. Minor damage to your roof, windows, or foundation can worsen over time, especially with repeated exposure to the elements. It’s essential to address these issues early to prevent more severe damage and higher repair costs. 

The Importance of a Professional Damage Assessment

A professional public adjuster has the expertise to identify a multitude of types of damage, potentially even hidden damage. A public adjuster can obtain a comprehensive assessment of your property’s condition, thereby helping you file a more accurate and timely insurance claim. This proactive approach can save you time, money, and stress in the long run. To learn more about what happens during a damage assessment, watch our full video: What is a Damage Assessment?

Expertise and Experience: Why DIY Isn’t Enough

While it may be tempting to assess the damage yourself, even the most vigilant property owners can overlook critical issues. Public adjusters and professional inspectors bring years of experience to the table, spotting damage that may not be apparent to the untrained eye. They know what to look for, from the most minor signs of water intrusion to subtle structural shifts that could indicate a larger problem. 

Move Forward with Confidence

Opting for a professional damage assessment after any storm, no matter how minor it seems, provides peace of mind. You’ll have a better understanding of your property’s condition, and if there is damage, you’ll be able to address it promptly before it escalates. This proactive step can also simplify the insurance claim process, helping to ensure that you receive the coverage you’re entitled to without any surprises down the line.

The Cost of Complacency

Skipping a damage assessment might save you time and money in the short term, but the long-term costs can be significant. By the time damage becomes apparent, repairs are likely to be much more expensive. Additionally, delayed claims can lead to disputes with your insurance carrier, potentially reducing the payout or extending the claims process. 

Don’t Gamble with Your Property

In the aftermath of a storm, your property’s well-being isn’t something to gamble with. The risks of hidden damage far outweigh the perceived inconvenience or cost of a professional assessment. Protect your investment, and make sure that even the “minor” storms don’t lead to major headaches. 

Schedule Your Damage Assessment Today

Don’t wait for the damage to become a significant problem— or for it to be too late. Schedule a professional damage assessment today and ensure your property is in the clear. Whether it’s a minor storm or a major one, your property deserves the best care possible. 

Why Pre-Hail Season Inspections Are Vital: Protect Your Property

As hail season approaches, property owners face a critical decision: should they proactively inspect their property for potential damage, or wait until after a hailstorm wreaks havoc? Learn why scheduling pre-hail season inspections is not just advisable, but imperative. From protecting your investment to getting timely repairs, the benefits of early detection are endless. 

Why Pre-Hail Season Inspections Matter

Proactive Protection Against Future Damage

By conducting a thorough inspection before hail season commences, property owners can identify and address pre-existing damage. This proactive approach not only mitigates the risk of existing issues but also fortifies the property against future damage. 

Gaining a comprehensive inspection report from a professional provides property owners with a clear understanding of their property’s condition, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding repairs and maintenance. This invaluable resource serves as a roadmap for safeguarding their investment and ensuring long-term resilience. 

Insurance Coverage and Claims Success

Insurance policies often stipulate that claims must be filed within a specified timeframe following a weather event. By documenting pre-existing damage through a professional inspection, property owners set themselves up for success in the event of future damage. To learn more about the importance of early detection, read our blog: When Should I File a Claim?

Understanding the Impact of Hail Damage

Hail damage isn’t always immediately apparent to the untrained eye. While large hailstones may cause obvious dents and fractures, smaller impacts can go unnoticed, gradually compromising the integrity of your property over time. Learn more in our blog: The Impact of Hail: Understanding Size, Formation, and Damage

The Ripple Effect on Property Value

Undetected hail damage can significantly diminish the value of your property. Left unaddressed, minor issues can escalate into major structural concerns, leading to costly repairs and depreciation. 

Leveraging the Knowledge of Professionals

Professional inspectors, like those at Premier Claims, possess the knowledge and tools necessary to detect even the most subtle signs of hail damage. From roofing to siding, their thorough examination can uncover hidden vulnerabilities that may otherwise go unnoticed. 

The Long-Term Impact of Neglecting Pre-Hail Season Inspections

Structural Compromise and Safety Hazards

Failure to address pre-existing damage can compromise the structural integrity of your property, posing safety hazards to you and your visitors. From weakened roofing materials to compromised support structures, the consequences of neglecting inspections can be severe. 

Escalating Repair Costs

Delaying property inspections can lead to minor issues snowballing into major repair projects. As damage accumulates over time, the cost of repairs can skyrocket, placing an unnecessary financial burden on property owners. Additionally, insurance premiums may increase if damage is left unaddressed, further exacerbating the financial strain. 

Opting for pre-hail season inspections isn’t merely a precautionary measure; it’s a proactive investment in preserving the longevity and value of your property. By detecting and addressing pre-existing damage early on, property owners can fortify their property against the destructive forces of nature and enjoy greater peace of mind knowing that they’re prepared for whatever the weather may bring. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late. For more information about property inspections and our claims management services, we invite you to connect with our team today to schedule your pre-hail season inspection. 

What is a Damage Assessment?

Protect your property like a pro!

Hear from our Inspections Manager and Adjusting Manager as they break down the essential steps and purpose of a damage assessment. Discover hidden signs of damage, and important safety measures, and gain the knowledge you need to navigate your claims process with confidence. Don’t leave your property vulnerable- watch now to learn from experts.







To learn more about damage assessments, check out the following blog:

Let’s Talk Damage Assessments






Strategic Commercial Property Investments

As the new year unfolds, you may find yourself eager to expand your commercial property investments. Amidst the excitement, it’s important to make strategic and well-informed decisions. Conducting a thorough property inspection before any purchases are made is in your best interest. Regardless of the type of property you’re looking to purchase in 2024, enlisting a public adjuster before finalizing a property purchase is a crucial step. 

Hidden Risks

Whether it’s a storefront or a commercial building, properties often conceal potential risks beneath their exterior allure. Public adjusters bring a trained eye to the inspection process, uncovering hidden damages, structural concerns, or outdated systems. This applies equally to commercial and residential properties, ensuring that buyers understand the true condition of their potential investments. 

Cost Evaluation and Budget Planning

Public adjusters excel at assessing damages and estimating repair or replacement costs accurately. This information is invaluable for commercial property owners, aiding in budget planning and determining the overall feasibility of the investment. Understanding the full financial picture is key to making well-informed decisions. Therefore, allowing you to make smart financial purchases in 2024!

Negotiation Leverage

Armed with detailed property inspection reports, both commercial investors gain powerful negotiation tools. Whether negotiating for a fairer deal or requesting necessary repairs, having the support of a public adjuster aims for buyers to enter transactions with confidence, knowing the property meets their standards. 

Insurance Insights

Understanding insurability is crucial for all property buyers. Public adjusters not only identify potential risks but also offer insights into the property’s insurance history and the likely cost of coverage. This knowledge can be pivotal for comprehensive risk management, providing peace of mind for potential buyers. 

Protect the Future of Your Investment

Public adjusters focus not just on immediate concerns but also on the long-term sustainability of the property. This approach benefits commercial property investments by addressing potential issues upfront, aiming for a sound purchase that stands the test of time.

Start 2024 off with a bang! Making commercial property investments at the beginning of the year is a strategic move. Enlisting a public adjuster for a comprehensive property inspection is a great way for you to make sure you’re making the right investment. Uncovering risks, negotiating, and understanding insurance insights, we want you to secure properties aligning with your vision. Connect today for informed real estate decisions. Before you sign any agreements, let Premier Claims be your partner in securing a property that aligns with your vision for the year ahead. Connect with us today to explore the true potential of your real estate investment.

Hurricane Post-Recovery

The post-recovery after a hurricane can be a challenging and stressful experience. Understanding damage assessment, contacts, and expectations post-hurricane as a local resident can ease recovery burdens significantly. 

Assessing Hurricane Damage & Mitigation

Prior to the storm, we recommend following a detailed checklist, having your property inspected, and accurately documenting the current condition of the property. (Read Prepare before the storm, Review Your Policy, Tips & Dangers or Mitigation for more information) 

After the storm has passed, your responsibility as a policyholder will be to assess the damages to your property and mitigate further damage. We recommend inspecting the exterior of your property looking for any broken or loose materials. In addition, inspect the interior of your property for water leakage or pooling water. Early connection, detailed documentation of damage, and mitigation strategies are vital for your insurance claim process.

Important Contacts After the Hurricane

In regards to property damage after a hurricane, there is a significant need for mitigation professionals, inspectors, and contractors in the community. Insurance carriers will also experience an increase in call volume and claims coming in from the community. Prior to the storm, we advise having a list of important contact information including your insurance carrier, mitigation companies, contractors, government authorities, medical assistance during a disaster,  and your local Red Cross

Our team is readily available during a hurricane. In the aftermath of the storm, we take over the communication, scheduling, and coordination with your insurance carrier, inspectors, mitigation companies, and contractors. We take the burden of handling the devastating damage from the hurricane so you can have a full focus on your family, health & safety following the storm. 

What to Expect as a Resident

As a resident, you can expect the recovery process to take time. The immediate aftermath of a hurricane can be chaotic and challenging, often requiring a great deal of patience and persistence. Communities will come together to overcome the struggles of power outages, limited access to food and water, as well as the extensive damage to homes, businesses, and natural resources. 

Keep informed about the latest updates and instructions from location authorities to help you navigate the recovery process. The days and weeks following a hurricane may result in delays of power recovery and availability of essential services. It’s important to be prepared to live without essential services for a period of time, and to come together as a community to support one another as you navigate the recovery from the hurricane’s impact.


Review Policy & Inspect Property Before a Hurricane

To protect yourself in the event of a future hurricane, one of the most important ways you can prepare is by reviewing your policy coverage. For Hurricane Preparedness Week, we will outline a few of the key aspects to consider in your policy: deductible, building coverage, and the importance of inspecting your property with photo documentation.


Hurricane coverage deductibles are either be a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the insured value. Percentage deductibles are more common as they will not increase premiums as much as a fixed dollar amount deductible. However, if you’re located in a hurricane prone area, it is crucial to know what type of deductible is in your policy and the financial responsibility you would have if a hurricane damaged your property. 

For instance, say you have $400,000 in coverage to your building and your policy has a 2% deductible. After a hurricane, your insurance claim is settled at $50,000 for property damage, but you receive a check for $42,000 — You’re responsible for paying the percentage deductible of $8,000 out-of-pocket to restore your building. 

Reviewing Policy (1)

Building Coverage

Building coverage is an essential part of any policyholder’s insurance policy. It provides protection for the structure of your home, including the roof, walls, foundation, and other structures such as a garage or shed. In the event of a hurricane, this coverage will help you repair or rebuild your home if it is damaged.

The amount of building coverage you need will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of your home, the materials it is made of, and the cost of construction in your area. As a general rule, you should have enough coverage to rebuild your home from the ground up if it is completely destroyed. An Actual Cash Value policy pays what your property is worth today, whereas a Replacement Cost Value policy will pay the cost to repair or replace your property without deducting for depreciation. To learn more, visit our blog “What is Recoverable Depreciation?” 

Flood Damage Insurance

Another factor to consider when purchasing building coverage is whether your policy includes coverage for flood damage. Flooding is a common occurrence during hurricanes, and it can cause significant damage to your home. If you live in a flood-prone area, you may want to consider purchasing a separate flood insurance policy to ensure that you are fully protected.

Coverage Limits and Exclusions

When purchasing building coverage, it’s important to read your policy carefully and understand the coverage limits, and exclusions. For instance, a roof exclusion could specify that the insurance carrier will not pay for damages to the roof as a result of wind or other events, such as a hurricane. A cosmetic exclusion could put you at risk of having to justify the necessity for repairs or replacement if the insurance carrier classifies the damage as cosmetic. 

Policy Requirements

You should also be aware of any requirements your insurance company may have for hurricane preparations, such as installing storm shutters or reinforcing your roof. Failure to do any hurricane preparations can put you at risk for a denied or underpaid claim. Read more in yesterday’s blog, “Prepare before the storm” 

Property Current Condition

One of the most important steps that is often overlooked by policyholders is to get their property inspected and take pictures before a hurricane hits. Doing so can provide solid evidence of the condition of their property before the hurricane and make it easier to assess the damage caused by the hurricane.

Here are a few reasons why it is essential to get your property inspected and take pictures before a hurricane:

The Good News

Our team provides free policy reviews and property inspections. If you have concerns over your current insurance policy, our team of legal experts will complete a thorough review and outline potential gaps in coverage or risks. Our inspection & adjusting team will gather the necessary documentation and pictures required prior to any hurricane damage. In addition, we will continue to monitor your property, and in the event you experience severe damage, we begin the claim process on your behalf immediately to get you paid faster. Contact us today to get your free policy review and inspection!


Let’s Talk Scopes

Ever wondered what goes into a scope inspection for hail damage?

Our latest video guide takes you behind the scenes of this critical process. Conducted by our team of seasoned experts, the scope is designed to identify all forms of hail damage on your property—from dented metal surfaces and cracked windows to damaged roofing materials. We’ll walk you through how the inspection is carried out, the types of hail damage we’re looking for, and the advanced tools we use to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Don’t leave your property’s health to chance; watch now to understand how a thorough scope can protect your investment.



For more articles related to hail damage, check out the following:

The Impact of Hail: Understanding Size, Formation, and Damage

Importance of Acting Promptly After a Date of Loss

How to Identify Hail Damage










Large Loss Agriculture Hail Claim Settled in 4 Months

RL Wilson Family Farms

Montgomery, Indiana
Hail Damage
May 2022

Before a claim was even filed, our team stepped in, effectively neutralizing any attempts by the insurance carrier to delay or underpay the claim. We carried out inspections of the property, both day and night, and assembled a comprehensive damage estimate for every asset involved. To speed up the process, we transparently shared all our findings with the insurance carrier, who initially estimated the claim at $1,892,000 based on our information. Not satisfied, we swiftly countered with precise costs for materials and labor, successfully elevating the settlement to an impressive $2,058,000—all in under 4 months.

Insurance Carrier Offer: $1,892,000

Premier Claims Settlement: $2,058,000 in 4 months



Unlocking Opportunities with the Premier Purchase Program

The real estate market is full of opportunities, particularly in commercial sectors, yet navigating it can be complex. If you are an investor looking to buy property, or a broker trying to close a deal swiftly on behalf of your client, the Premier Purchase Program offers a unique and advantageous solution.

What is the Premier Purchase Program?

The Premier Purchase Program is a strategy that involves the current property owner filing a claim on the property with their insurance carrier, then at the close of sale, assigning that claim over to the new property owner. This unique approach creates leverage in the transaction and opens up new possibilities for commercial real estate brokers and investors.

Benefits of the Premier Purchase Program

1. Flexibility in Transactions

The program introduces a level of flexibility that benefits both parties in the real estate deal, making transactions smoother and more attractive. Sellers and their asset team can avoid the complexity of a commercial claim, while offering their property at market value with claim opportunity, making the offering more attractive to buyers. On the other hand, investors considering the purchase of commercial property can request an insurance policy from the seller and an inspection from our team. With an inspection and a policy review from our team, we can advise if there is a claim opportunity that could be transferred to the buyer at close.

2. Leverage in Negotiations

Through this innovative method, leverage is created that can assist in selling a property more quickly. This can be especially valuable in competitive markets that are more prone to significant weather events, such as hail or wind, that can cause property damage. For commercial brokers providing an offering memorandum to the market, our team can provide a thorough inspection of the property, a full-review of the insurance policy and summarize a comprehensive damage estimate, the potential claim settlement and our recommendations to be included in the offering for potential buyers.

3. Smooth and Efficient Process

The Premier Purchase Program is distinguished by our team’s comprehensive claim management and guidance through each step. Offering the seller and brokers the ability to enhance the asset’s appeal through asset repair & restoration for the buyer without the significant financial obligation. For the buyer, this means acquiring a property that will be restored that improves the value of the asset. By providing expertise and fostering collaboration, our team simplifies and enhances the complex process of commercial real estate insurance claims for all parties involved prior to listing the asset, while under contract, and after the sale is finalized.

4. Avoiding Hassles with Claims

The Premier Purchase Program streamlines claims by handling all offering, inspection, and documentation needs for the seller and their broker. Our team ensures that every detail is attended to, removing potential obstacles from the process. For buyers, we don’t just facilitate the transaction; we provide expert guidance and meticulous coordination to restore and enhance the property’s value. In essence, we alleviate challenges, turning complexities into smooth, value-added experiences for both parties.

5. Enhanced Value through Claims 

Commercial investors often seek properties that align with their investment goals, focusing on factors such as location, growth potential, return on investment, occupancy rates, and the ability to enhance value through improvements or management strategies. With the Premier Purchase Program, our team provides essential insights and can serve as valuable selling points, adding to the property’s appeal and potentially increasing its market value after closing through restoration and repairs for minimal financial obligations.

6. Increased Opportunities for Investors and Sellers

The program opens up new avenues for both investors and sellers, providing unique ways to approach transactions and realize potential value. The Premier Purchase Program adds an additional parameter to determine an asset’s market value, and provides peace of mind with our expert guidance & representation throughout the process.

Navigating the Premier Purchase Program: Our Process Explained

The Premier Purchase Program is a meticulously designed solution for commercial real estate transactions involving properties with potential storm or other damage. Through this program, Premier Claims expertly navigates all stages of the process, providing full policy review, property inspection, and coordination between sellers and buyers. Our seamless approach contributes to a value-added, transparent, and smooth transition of the asset, all while aligning with the goals of both parties. Here’s how we make it happen:

1. Policy Review and Property Inspection

Premier Claims conducts a comprehensive review of the seller’s insurance policy for the asset and carries out an in-depth inspection to accurately assess the property’s condition.

2. Agreement Execution with Claim Covenant

Once damage is identified and a buyer is secured, claim covenant language is integrated into the purchase agreement, which both parties agree to execute.

3. Filing the Insurance Claim

Premier Claims initiates an insurance claim based on the detailed findings. This critical step is completed before the closing of the asset.

4. Assignment of Claim Benefits

During closing, the seller formally assigns the claim benefits to the buyer, facilitating a seamless transfer of claim benefits.

5. Joint Inspection with Insurance Carrier

Our skilled team collaborates with the seller’s insurance carrier, conducting a joint on-site inspection to present our findings, promoting alignment and validation.

6. Final Settlement and Fund Transfer

Upon reaching a final claim settlement, the funds are released and transferred to the buyer. They then have full discretion to use these funds for the restoration and repair of the asset, enhancing its value and potential.

The Premier Purchase Program is more than just a transaction method; it’s a comprehensive service where our team takes charge of handling every aspect of the process. We work closely with both the seller and the buyer, as well as the real estate agents involved, guiding them through each step.By fostering collaboration and providing expertise at every stage, our team turns the complex process of buying and selling commercial real estate into a smooth and rewarding experience for all parties involved. If you’d like to learn more about this program, we encourage you to reach out to our team today.